
China Railway Construction Engineering Group held a special lecture on party discipline learning and education and the fourth study meeting of the theoretical center group of the party committee

author:China Railway Construction Engineering Group
China Railway Construction Engineering Group held a special lecture on party discipline learning and education and the fourth study meeting of the theoretical center group of the party committee
China Railway Construction Engineering Group held a special lecture on party discipline learning and education and the fourth study meeting of the theoretical center group of the party committee

IntroductionOn April 9, China Railway Construction Engineering Group held a joint meeting of the Party Committee Theoretical Learning Center. Wang Yusheng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Group Company, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech, and General Manager He Yeting and other members of the Party Committee Theoretical Learning Center Group and employees of the Party Committee attended the meeting at the main venue; More than 300 members of the Party Committee Theory Learning Center Group of the Party Committee, the Party Working Committee and the General Party Branch of the subordinate units participated in the video form.

China Railway Construction Engineering Group held a special lecture on party discipline learning and education and the fourth study meeting of the theoretical center group of the party committee

The meeting invited Professor Peng Lihong of the Research Center for Intelligent Social Governance of Renmin University of Chinese to make a special report on "Developing New Quality Productivity to Enhance the Core Competitiveness of Enterprises", from the background and significance of the new quality productivity, the basic connotation and important characteristics of the new quality productivity, the power source and core symbol of the new quality productivity, and the goals and strategies of the central enterprises to develop the new quality productivity, comprehensively interpret General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on the new quality productivity.

China Railway Construction Engineering Group held a special lecture on party discipline learning and education and the fourth study meeting of the theoretical center group of the party committee

Wang Yusheng pointed out that it is necessary to fully understand the background and importance of the new quality productivity, deeply understand its important characteristics and the connotation of the times, and accurately grasp the logical relationship between the new quality productivity and high-quality development. It is necessary to firmly grasp the first driving force of scientific and technological innovation, take the initiative to undertake major scientific and technological tasks, resolutely fight the battle of key core technologies, and create a number of original and practical scientific and technological innovation achievements at a high level. It is necessary to give full play to the advantages of talents as the first resource, fully stimulate the innovation and creativity of talents, implement a more active, flexible and efficient talent policy, create a good environment conducive to the growth and development of talents, and cultivate more young scientific and technological talents. It is necessary to strengthen investigation and research, strive to transform the results of study into excellent skills and abilities to solve practical problems and promote practical work, truly apply what has been learned, use it to promote learning, and learn from what it has learned, and further improve the quality of learning of the central group for theoretical study of party committees.

China Railway Construction Engineering Group held a special lecture on party discipline learning and education and the fourth study meeting of the theoretical center group of the party committee

The meeting conscientiously studied the important instructions and speeches made by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the 12th collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, the symposium on promoting the rise of the central region in the new era, the deliberations of the Jiangsu delegation, and the opening of the training class for young and middle-aged cadres at the Central Party School in the spring semester of 2024, the 2024 government work report, the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", "Patriotism Education Law of the People's Republic of China", "Regulations on the Online Behavior of Party Members of the Communist Party of China", "Regulations on the Inspection Work of the Communist Party of China", China Railway's 2024 Publicity, Ideological and Cultural Work Conference, and China Railway's Party Committee's Notice on Continuously Consolidating Safety Production Responsibilities and Promoting the Improvement of Safety and Quality Management System.

IntroductionOn June 3, China Railway Construction Engineering Group held a special lecture on party discipline learning and education and the fourth party committee theoretical learning center group study meeting. Wang Yusheng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Group Company, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech, and General Manager He Yeting and other members of the Party Committee Theoretical Learning Center Group and all Party members of the organ attended the meeting at the main venue; A total of more than 5,000 party members from the party organizations of the affiliated units participated in the video form.

China Railway Construction Engineering Group held a special lecture on party discipline learning and education and the fourth study meeting of the theoretical center group of the party committee

The meeting invited Han Xiao of the China Institute of Discipline Inspection and Supervision to give a special lecture on the interpretation of the "Disciplinary Regulations of the Communist Party of China", and interpreted the "Disciplinary Regulations of the Communist Party of China" from three aspects: historical evolution, the main characteristics of the revision, and the main content of the revision.

China Railway Construction Engineering Group held a special lecture on party discipline learning and education and the fourth study meeting of the theoretical center group of the party committee

In his concluding remarks, Wang Yusheng pointed out that party discipline is a code of conduct that must be observed by party organizations at all levels and by all party members. It is necessary to study discipline conscientiously. Pay close attention to the original study of the "Regulations", continue to make good use of special reading classes, "three meetings and one lesson" and other learning methods, adhere to the original, chapter by chapter, article by article, comprehensive systematics, prevent generalization, complexity, astigmatism and distraction, and consciously engrave compliance with rules and disciplines in mind. It is necessary to know the discipline comprehensively. Closely follow the party's "six disciplines", through the organization of expert interpretation, training and counseling, centralized discussions, etc., accurately understand and grasp the spiritual essence and rich connotation of party discipline, and always remind yourself to strictly abide by the bottom line of discipline. It is necessary to go deep into the Ming Dynasty. Always check the "risk points" of discipline violations within the scope of their own and job responsibilities according to the "Regulations", study and identify disciplinary violations, and delineate boundaries for their own behaviors; We must dare to fight against violations of law and discipline, resolutely draw a clear line with violations of discipline, set a good example and be a good pacesetter with the image of a guardian and enforcer of discipline, and always be loyal, clean and responsible. Be strict with discipline. Adhere to discipline before the law and discipline is strict with the law, strengthen warning education, truly know and respect, guard against fear, and abide by the bottom line, engrave the party's discipline in the heart, internalize it into the code of words and deeds, implement it to the letter, and always be innocent and do things cleanly.

During the period, the members of the theoretical learning center group of the party committee of the group company studied the important instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the closing ceremony of the sixth meeting of the Sino-French Entrepreneur Committee and his speech, the important instructions on the construction of ideological and political courses in schools and tourism work, the spirit of important instructions and instructions such as the inspection in Shandong, and the "Regulations on the Punishment of Managers of State-owned Enterprises".

Planning for this issue: Party Building Work Department Editor of this issue: Hou YuqiangReview of this issue: Fu Tao, Sun Wei, Li Zirui, Hou Jiabao

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