
How to eat healthily in summer to make your body healthier?

author:Doctor Sanqin

Content Sources:

1. Li Ming, Zhang Qiang. "Guidelines for Healthy Eating in the Summer." Chinese Journal of Nutrition, No. 4, 2018.

2. Wang Yali, Chen Xiaoming. "Ways to regulate appetite loss in summer." Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene, No. 9, 2019.

3. Chen Jing. "Research Progress on the Effect of Ambient Temperature on Human Appetite." Journal of Environment and Health, Issue 3, 2020.

In the hot summer, many people will feel that their appetite is reduced, and it has become the norm not to like to eat. However, the normal physiological activities of the human body are inseparable from the energy supply in food, and if we do not consume enough for a long time, it may lead to some health problems.

This is the case of Tingting, a 9-year-old girl from Guangxi, who can't eat every time the temperature rises. This can make Tingting's mother so anxious, thinking that the child is growing up, how can she not eat? At first, it was to coax the children to eat a little, but they ignored the fundamental changes.

Loss of appetite in summer is a common phenomenon that is closely related to the high temperatures of summer. As the temperature rises, the human body needs to adjust its internal environment to adapt to changes in the external environment, and in the process, a series of complex changes will occur in metabolism, water balance and appetite regulation.

How to eat healthily in summer to make your body healthier?

In order to cope with the stress caused by high temperatures, the regulatory mechanisms in the body reduce the burden in the form of reduced appetite and maintain the caloric balance in the body. This phenomenon is the embodiment of the wisdom of the human body and a strategy to adapt to changes in the natural environment. The reasons behind this are multifaceted and mainly include the influence of physiological and environmental factors.

First of all, the metabolic rate of the human body is closely related to the ambient temperature. In a high-temperature environment, in order to maintain the stability of the internal environment, the human body needs to consume more energy to dissipate heat, which will accelerate the metabolism in the body, making people feel more fatigued and relatively less demanding food.

The normal body temperature of the human body is between 36.5°C and 37°C, and in the hot summer, the ambient temperature often exceeds this value, and the human body needs to sweat and other ways to dissipate heat in order to maintain internal stability. The evaporation of sweat can take heat away from the body's surface, helping to lower body temperature.

How to eat healthily in summer to make your body healthier?

However, this process also means a significant loss of water and electrolytes, resulting in a decrease in the body's metabolic rate. A decrease in metabolic rate means that the body needs less energy, which directly leads to a decrease in appetite.

At the same time, high temperatures can also affect hormone levels in the body, for example, calories can reduce the sensitivity of the appetite control hormone insulin, leading to a decrease in satiety, which can affect appetite.

Secondly, the hot weather in summer makes people's bodies feel uncomfortable, and this discomfort will also reduce people's interest in food. In a high-temperature environment, people's taste and sense of smell will undergo certain changes, and their preferences and choices of food will also change accordingly, such as being more inclined to choose light and cool foods, while their preference for greasy and high-calorie foods will decrease.

How to eat healthily in summer to make your body healthier?

In addition, people's lifestyles will change in the summer. For example, people may choose to stay in an air-conditioned environment and reduce outdoor activities in order to escape the heat, which leads to fewer calories burned and a corresponding decrease in appetite. At the same time, people tend to increase their water intake in the summer, and drinking a lot of water will temporarily increase the feeling of fullness in the stomach and reduce food intake.

From a psychological point of view, temperature also has an impact on a person's psychological state. During the hot summer months, people may feel upset and anorexia may increase with it. In addition, people are more willing to choose outdoor activities in summer, and the frequency of social gatherings increases, which may affect eating habits, and irregular eating times and types may also lead to a decrease in appetite.

In general, in the hot summer, high temperatures often have a series of adverse effects on our physical health, including but not limited to accelerating water loss in the body, electrolyte imbalance, and decreased appetite.

Therefore, it is especially important to adjust our summer diet, which not only helps us fight the heat, but also maintains the normal function of the body, so that we can stay healthy and energetic in the heat.

First and foremost, increasing water and electrolyte intake is the first principle of dietary regulation during the summer months. In summer, due to the increase in sweat evaporation, the human body loses water quickly, and it is easy to dehydrate. Adults are advised to consume 2,000-3,000 ml of water per day.

How to eat healthily in summer to make your body healthier?

In addition to direct drinking water, you can also replenish water by ingesting foods with high water content such as watermelon, cucumber, strawberry, etc. At the same time, sweat contains not only water, but also electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, which should be replenished in time after heavy sweating. Electrolytes can be replenished by drinking moderate amounts of sports drinks, coconut water, or soft drinks with electrolytes to avoid electrolyte imbalances.

Secondly, it is also very important to increase protein intake in moderation. Protein is an important substance for the renewal and repair of cells in the body. During the summer months, high temperatures may accelerate the body's metabolism and increase protein consumption. Therefore, it is recommended to increase the intake of protein in the summer diet, especially high-quality proteins, such as lean meat, fish, eggs, milk and various soy products.

Third, we should pay attention to a light diet and reduce the intake of greasy and heavy foods. In a high temperature environment, the function of the digestive system may be relatively weakened, and too much greasy and heavy-tasting food will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, leading to indigestion and decreased appetite. A light diet based on vegetables, fruits, and whole grains is recommended. The vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber in vegetables and fruits can help improve intestinal function and promote good health.

How to eat healthily in summer to make your body healthier?

Fourth, the summer diet should be varied to ensure a balanced diet. Different foods contain different nutrients, and it is difficult for a single food to meet the needs of the human body. Diversify your food choices as much as possible during the summer months, including whole grains, fruits and vegetables, moderate sources of protein and healthy sources of fat, to ensure your body gets all the essential nutrients.

Finally, timing your meals is also an important aspect of staying healthy during the summer months. The high temperature in summer can affect people's appetite and sleep, so it is recommended to avoid eating during the hottest time of the day and choose to eat in the morning and evening when it is relatively cool, which helps to increase appetite and is more conducive to the digestion and absorption of food.

In conclusion, the key to coping with high summer temperatures is to adjust the dietary structure and habits, by increasing water and electrolyte intake, increasing protein in moderation, keeping a light diet, maintaining dietary diversity and reasonable dietary time, etc., can effectively help the body adapt to the summer high temperature, maintain the body's water balance and nutritional balance, so as to maintain health.

How to eat healthily in summer to make your body healthier?

In addition, special attention should be paid to food safety in summer to avoid health effects such as food poisoning. Through the above dietary adjustment methods, you can effectively avoid common health problems in summer and enjoy a cool and pleasant summer.

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