
In summer, this vegetable is the first choice, eat it every three or five times, and reduce the fire and relieve the heat!

author:Longnan Liangdang released

Source: Family Food

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There is a folk saying that "small summer and big heat, steaming and cooking", now is the beginning of the dog days, "Fu" means hidden, so people should go out less to escape the heat. At this time, the air humidity increases, and the weather turns from dry hot to sultry, so we should pay attention to cooling down and preventing heatstroke. In terms of diet, you can eat more vitamin-rich vegetables, and eat more foods that nourish and protect the heart. You should eat some bitter vegetables during the summer solar term, and bitter gourd should be eaten often at home in summer, which is the most suitable vegetable for the health of the summer season.

In summer, this vegetable is the first choice, eat it every three or five times, and reduce the fire and relieve the heat!

There are many ways to make bitter gourd, and the best way to eat bitter gourd is cold dressing. The cold salad can well retain the vitamins contained in bitter gourd. Eating is also light, the taste is crisp and tender, the practice of this cold dish shared today is mixed with yuba and peanuts, peanuts are mixed after boiling, eating is not on fire, yuba can supplement the protein and minerals required by the body, calcium, etc., after the dishes are mixed, the pepper fragrance is strong, cool, crisp and tender, it is a good health and heat-relieving dish in summer, let's take a look at how this dish is made:

In summer, this vegetable is the first choice, eat it every three or five times, and reduce the fire and relieve the heat!

【Yuba peanut mixed with bitter gourd】

Ingredients: 1 bitter gourd, 1 small bowl of peanuts, 200 grams of dried yuba, appropriate amount of oil and salt, 1 tablespoon of sesame oil, 3 cloves of garlic, 20-30 peppercorns, 2 large ingredients,


In summer, this vegetable is the first choice, eat it every three or five times, and reduce the fire and relieve the heat!

First of all, soak the yuba in advance, put the dried yuba in the pot, add warm water, add a little salt, and cover the yuba with a plate, so that the yuba will not float up, the time to soak the yuba in this method is short, and adding salt to the water can speed up the absorption of water by the yuba, soak it faster, and soak the yuba to no hard heart. Soak peanuts in clean water, soak until the skin is swollen, wash the bitter gourd, cut it in half, scrape off the bitter gourd with a spoon, the white part is more bitter, scrape it clean, and the bitter taste will be reduced.

In summer, this vegetable is the first choice, eat it every three or five times, and reduce the fire and relieve the heat!

Remove the water from the soaked yuba, cut it with an oblique knife, cut the bitter gourd in half along the length, and cut it into sections with an oblique knife.

In summer, this vegetable is the first choice, eat it every three or five times, and reduce the fire and relieve the heat!

Add water to the pot, add a few peppercorns, then add star anise, add peanuts, boil, boil for ten minutes, cook the peanuts, remove the peanuts to control the moisture, and let them cool for later use.

In summer, this vegetable is the first choice, eat it every three or five times, and reduce the fire and relieve the heat!

Add water to the pot and boil, blanch the yuba for 1-2 minutes, remove the yuba, put it in cold water to cool, drain the water and set aside.

In summer, this vegetable is the first choice, eat it every three or five times, and reduce the fire and relieve the heat!

Boil the water in the pot, add a little salt, blanch the bitter gourd, blanch the water until the color of the bitter gourd becomes darker, remove the bitter gourd, and add a little salt to the water when the bitter gourd is blanched, which will make the bitter gourd more green.

In summer, this vegetable is the first choice, eat it every three or five times, and reduce the fire and relieve the heat!

Put the bitter gourd into cold water to cool, drain the water and set aside, blanch the bitter gourd and put it in cold water to cool, which can maintain the crisp and tender taste of the bitter gourd.

In summer, this vegetable is the first choice, eat it every three or five times, and reduce the fire and relieve the heat!

Heat the pot with oil, fry the pepper over low heat, wait for the pepper to be fried until slightly burnt, take out the peppercorns, fry the pepper oil over low heat, so that the burnt aroma of the pepper can be fully fried.

In summer, this vegetable is the first choice, eat it every three or five times, and reduce the fire and relieve the heat!

Put the yuba, peanuts and bitter gourd in a large bowl, add the fried pepper oil, sesame oil, minced garlic and salt, stir evenly with chopsticks, and put it on a plate.

In summer, this vegetable is the first choice, eat it every three or five times, and reduce the fire and relieve the heat!


Add a little salt to the water when blanching bitter gourd, which will make the color of bitter gourd more emerald green, and put it in cold water to cool after blanching, which can maintain the crisp and tender taste of bitter gourd, and the pepper oil should be fried over low heat.

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