
Chinese bloggers "urinated" the Yasukuni Shrine, and these are what they "deserve".

author:Idle egg yolk
Chinese bloggers "urinated" the Yasukuni Shrine, and these are what they "deserve".

On 13 August 2001, Junichiro Koizumi, the 87th Japanese prime minister who had been elected for less than half a year, insisted on paying homage at the Yasukuni Shrine in his capacity as prime minister despite the opposition of the people of neighboring countries. Feng Jinhua, who has successfully graduated from a Japanese university, worked, and married a wife, was very angry when he learned the news from the news, "After getting off work on the 14th, I went straight to the Yasukuni Shrine without returning home, and bought a bucket of spray paint on the way, I think I must express my protest and dissatisfaction." When I arrived at the Yasukuni Shrine, which was heavily guarded and there were no pedestrians on the road, I spotted an empty hole and drilled into it, spray-writing 'damn it' on a sculpture base at the Yasukuni Shrine. ”

Chinese bloggers "urinated" the Yasukuni Shrine, and these are what they "deserve".

Feng Jinhua, who originally thought that he should be released after being locked up for 10 days and half a month, was formally prosecuted by the Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office for the crime of "destroying public property", and after three court sessions, he was finally sentenced to 10 months in prison with a three-year suspension by the Japanese court for "the crime of damaging utensils." After returning to China, Feng Jinhua participated in many fishing operations and successfully landed on Diaoyu Island. In the eyes of many people, Feng Jinhua has become a banner of patriotism, but not everyone agrees with his actions. If more than 20 years ago, there were still people who had the slightest hesitation about undermining Sino-Japanese friendly relations. So today, when Japan is closely following the United States' accusations at China, and some people are standing up to "take the lead" against the Japanese government, what should you hold?

Chinese bloggers "urinated" the Yasukuni Shrine, and these are what they "deserve".

On June 1, a blogger shared a video. The well-known anti-counterfeiting iron head appeared in Tokyo, Japan, and did a very controversial thing (iron head's personal account has been banned, so he sent the video to this blogger to expose it on his behalf). In the video, Tietou, who is wearing short-sleeved shorts, stands in front of the stone monument of the Yasukuni Shrine and says to the camera: "In the face of the Japanese government's permission to discharge nuclear wastewater, can't we do anything?" No, I'll give them a little bit of color." After that, the iron head unbuttoned his pants and peed on the stone tablet. Seeing that there was no one around, Tietou then wrote the English word "toilet" in red lacquer on the stone tablet. After that, the iron head did not linger too long before leaving the stele. At around 6 o'clock in the morning, the Japanese police received a call from passers-by, and immediately covered the sprayed words with a blue cloth and fenced off the stone monument with an iron fence.

Chinese bloggers "urinated" the Yasukuni Shrine, and these are what they "deserve".
Chinese bloggers "urinated" the Yasukuni Shrine, and these are what they "deserve".
Chinese bloggers "urinated" the Yasukuni Shrine, and these are what they "deserve".

No one is perfect, but Japan has always been "unrepentant" about World War II

Every time you watch a movie or television, your child will always ask if the characters are good or bad. For adults, the world is by no means simply black and white, but if we don't know how to judge a person, we may fall into a situation where there is no distinction between right and wrong, good and evil.

First, people are judged on the basis of their interests. If the other party thinks it is a bad person, it may think that it is a good person. Today you may be the little sweetie who thinks about each other, and tomorrow you may be Mrs. Niu who dislikes each other. Because the interests are different, it is beneficial to oneself.

Second, judge based on values. It is that people see the world differently, which affects the judgment of whether a person is good or bad. If values emphasize selflessness, then selfishness is necessarily a bad person; If values emphasize individualism and the winner is king, then those who are dedicated to others will only be seen as stupid.

Finally, it is judged according to the right to speak, the historical pattern, and the world pattern. People can be divided into several categories: those who harm others and benefit themselves, those who harm others and benefit themselves, those who are indifferent to others, those who win-win and mutual benefit, those who selflessly help others, and those who make up for others with themselves. Moral standards have risen in turn, and selfless helpers are undoubtedly the embodiment of fearless morality.

"Tietou", whose real name is Dong Guangming, is a native of Daishan County, Zhoushan, Zhejiang, and once applied for the Zhejiang Police Vocational College, but the score was not enough, and finally went to Zhejiang Yuexiu Foreign Chinese College, majoring in Korean. Before becoming the iron head in today's video, he said that he had done real estate sales, express delivery, and investment, and the big boss was a personal assistant. Traffic is like a black hole with a strong attraction, and after seeing how the big bosses who are worth a lot of money change the existing living habits of urban people, the iron head also has the motivation to change society. He believes that those who expose the bad social chaos are only exposing the problems, and do not take any strong countermeasures, which will encourage these businesses to be more arrogant. "I will do the work they can't do, and I want to completely subdue all the merchants (who deceive consumers), so that other businesses will be frightened and dare not deceive the people again." I'm fighting fraud, bad behavior. ”

In the early days, most of the video content of the iron head was to help passers-by realize their personal wishes and street goodwill tests. In May 2023, we will begin to release videos related to "anti-counterfeiting", among which the anti-counterfeiting incident at Sanya Seafood Plaza, the anti-counterfeiting incident at Hangzhou Beauty Salon, and the incident of reporting Hangzhou New Oriental illegal make-up classes will be released. Just three days after reporting Hangzhou New Oriental Education, Tietou began to live broadcast and bring goods. In the face of netizens' doubts and returns, the iron head live broadcast had to end early. Under the noise of the outside world, Tietou posted an invitation letter, saying that he was invited by a municipal bureau of commerce and promised to bring goods for local agricultural specialties. In an interview with reporters, the Commerce Bureau said that they only assisted local enterprises in carrying out activities, and did not have any substantive cooperation with the iron-headed team to punish evil and promote good.

Brother Dan has watched several anti-counterfeiting videos of Tietou, and in summary, Tietou has great wisdom. If the unscrupulous merchant is ruthless, he will first report the case to himself; The unscrupulous merchant was reasonable, so he took out the "Consumer Protection Law" to help the victim negotiate compensation. There is a classic line in Stephen Chow's comedy movie "Jiupin Sesame Official": Corrupt officials and rape! Qing officials want to be more treacherous! Otherwise, how can you beat him! While everyone laughed, I don't know how many people can deeply understand the meaning. In a fair and just place, it may only take a few words from the old lady to resolve the conflict, and in a complex and ridiculous place, it may take decades of lawsuits, or find a shortcut - let the iron head "burst out" in front of the battle!

Let's talk about the Yasukuni Shrine. The traditional religion of the Japanese people is Shintoism, which is an animistic polytheistic belief that was transformed from the worship of nature and all things in small villages. Flowers and trees, birds and animals, or foothills and rivers in nature, as long as there are spiritual things, can be spiritual. The Japanese believed that if someone was framed to death or died a miserable death, his evil spirits would remain in the world to cause chaos, and in order to appease these evil spirits, they must be worshiped as gods and sacrificed regularly, so there is a saying that there are 8 million gods. While the gods of the general religion were "materialized" by painting or carving statues, the Japanese god worship believed in the gods without specific images, and the later Shinto religion added veneration to the emperor.

The shrine is a Shinto shrine and worships Shinto deities such as Ikanoson, Ibanoson, Amaterasu, and Toyoshi. The shrine is not a monk or nunnery, but a shrine lord and a shrine maiden. Shrines are divided into Daijingu, Jingu, Shrine, Taisha, Shinja, and Shrine according to the status of the worship god and the status of the shrine. Shinto and Buddhism have coexisted for a long time in Japan, and generally wedding ceremonies are Shinto, while funerals are usually performed in Buddhist ceremonies. If you want to beg the gods, Japanese people usually go to the shrine, but now the boundary between the shrine and the temple is becoming more and more blurred, as long as you have a pious heart, it doesn't matter what you say, "Amitabha, God bless, Amen." ”

The Yasukuni Shrine is located in the center of Tokyo, not far from the "Imperial Palace" where the emperor lives. The word "Yasukuni" comes from the phrase "I take Yasukuni also" in the "Twenty-three Years of the Zuo Chuan Emperor," which means to make the country stable. In 1853, after Commodore Perry of the United States requested the opening of a port in Japan (known as the Black Ship Incident), two opposing factions were formed in Japan, namely the Imperial Court with the Japanese Emperor as the center and the Tokugawa shogunate. Ignoring the imperial court's orders and giving in to Brigadier Perry's request for the opening of the port, the Shogunate sent activists from the Choshu and Satsuma domains to overthrow the shogunate and seize imperial power. Many people died at the hands of the shogunate, and the Emperor sent the Choshu and Satsuma clans to establish spiritist shrines in various places, and worshiped the feudal troops who died at the hands of the shogunate as "martyrs of state affairs" (spiritualist shrines are not a long-standing tradition in Japan, but a custom that has only emerged in modern times).

In 1869, Emperor Meiji ordered the creation of the Tokyo Spiritualist Society to commemorate the soldiers who died in the Boshin War to restore the emperor's power. In 1879, the Tokyo Spiritualist Society was renamed Yasukuni Shrine, and since then it has been exclusively managed by the Japanese military. In World War II, due to the expansion of the scale of the war and the sharp increase in the number of casualties, the Japanese Government needed to conscript a large number of Japanese into the army, and in order to deceive and fool public opinion, it vigorously propagated the "Yasukuni spirit" of sacrificing sacrifices for the emperor and demanded that the whole society, regardless of religious belief, pay respects at the Yasukuni Shrine. The Yasukuni Shrine has become an important part of militarist education, and has even been used as a place for the departure ceremony of kamikaze special attack teams.

Chinese bloggers "urinated" the Yasukuni Shrine, and these are what they "deserve".

After Japan's surrender, MacArthur, the Supreme Commander of the Allied forces occupying Japan, also took note of the inglorious role played by the Yasukuni Shrine during the war. In order to prevent the resurgence of militarism and fascism, the Allies decided to abolish the status of Shinto as a national Shinto. State-run shrines, including the Yasukuni Shrine, have lost their original special status, and the priests in the shrines have lost their positions in the government. The Yasukuni Shrine still exists, but it can only be used as a religious legal person, and is no longer a national ancestral hall. Japan's constitution, which came into force on May 3, 1947, legally enshrined the principle of separation between religion and politics, and the "national Shinto" system was completely dismantled.

It is true that Japan was established as a modern state through the Meiji Restoration, but it has followed the path of "enriching the country and strengthening the army" by brutally suppressing progressive forces at home and carrying out militarist aggression abroad. Modern Japanese fascist militarism did not cover the sky in a day, its seeds were sown in the Meiji Restoration's policy of "enriching the country and strengthening the army", germinated in the Sino-Japanese War, grew and grew in the Russo-Japanese War, flourished and declined in the full-scale war of aggression against China and the Pacific War.

As both defeated countries in World War II, the attitude of the German government and the Japanese government was very different. After the war, successive German governments adopted a responsible attitude toward the history of their own nation, did not renounce their responsibility for the consequences of Germany's war of aggression because of the collapse of the Nazi clique, and expressed their sincere apologies to the war-victimized countries and victims in various forms. German education law stipulates that history textbooks must contain sufficient content about the history of the Nazi period, and school teachers must give an in-depth account of the history of the Nazi dictatorship, especially about the concentration camps and the Holocaust.

It cannot be said that there are no far-right forces in Germany, but they have always been suppressed and have not entered the mainstream. However, Japan does not shoulder the historical responsibility of causing extremely heavy harm to the people of the world, Asia, and especially East Asia in launching a war of aggression (denying the nature of the war of aggression), and it has also tried to downplay and erase its historical crimes by constantly revising its history textbooks and avoiding the important and ignoring the real and making the false. Due to the "protection" and acquiescence of the United States, the militarist forces and ultra-right-wing ideas in Japan have never been completely eliminated, and after decades of dormancy, the ultra-right-wing forces in Japan have re-emerged to a great extent.

Chinese bloggers "urinated" the Yasukuni Shrine, and these are what they "deserve".

Although the state Shinto system was dismantled, it was unlikely that the national doctrine and the centralized organization of shrines in Japan, which had long influenced Japanese society with the emperor at the center, would collapse immediately. There is a monument on both sides of the gate of the Yasukuni Shrine, and there is a relief on the base of the monument, which depicts the Sino-Japanese First Sino-Japanese Naval Battle on one side, and the Japanese invasion of Shanghai during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression on the other side. They all depict how the Japanese army fought "heroically" at that time from the front, and beautify the war of aggression to the letter.

Chinese bloggers "urinated" the Yasukuni Shrine, and these are what they "deserve".
Chinese bloggers "urinated" the Yasukuni Shrine, and these are what they "deserve".

The "Act on State Management of the Yasukuni Shrine," which was put forward by the conservative political parties to restore the Yasukuni Shrine to be managed and maintained by the state (supported by the state), has been rejected by the Japanese Diet for six consecutive years. As a result, in 1975, a member of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and then chairman of the House of Representatives Cabinet Chairman Masayuki Fujio proposed a "roundabout plan" to "induce the emperor and heads of government to pay respects to the Yasukuni Shrine," that is, to "pay an official visit to the shrine." "Formal visit" refers to: writing one's political identity when visiting the shrine; Carry an attaché and take the bus; Use public funds to purchase ritual items for worship. Once this goal is achieved, it will not be far from the requirements of the "Yasukuni Shrine Act." Since then, the Liberal Democratic Party and Japan's right-wing and conservative forces have begun to do their utmost to encourage Japanese politicians to pay respects at the Yasukuni Shrine.

The shrine is dedicated to the shrines of 2.5 million soldiers since the Meiji Restoration, including those who died in Japan's wars of aggression. Among them, there were soldiers who died in the Boshin War, those who died in the Saga Rebellion and the Southwest War, and other Japanese soldiers who died in the Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895), the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905), the War of Aggression against China (1931-1945), and the Pacific War (1941-1945), as well as 30,000 Japanese soldiers such as the Taiwanese Takasago Volunteers. In 1978, three years after the above-mentioned "roundabout plan" was proposed, the Yasukuni Shrine took the opportunity of holding the autumn festival to secretly enshrine 14 Class A war criminals headed by Hideki Tojo and more than 2,000 Class B and C war criminals who had been sentenced to death in the Tokyo Trial. In 1979, it was revealed by the media that the Yasukuni Shrine defended itself, saying, "The martyrs of Showa, who are loyal to the country, cannot even find a place to rest."

In accordance with the constitutional principle of separation of church and state, it is unconstitutional for the head of government to pay respects at the Yasukuni Shrine, but for a long time the conservative forces have been deliberately trying to break through the forbidden zone. In October 1951, after the signing of the San Francisco Treaty, Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida led his cabinet and the speakers of the House of Representatives and the House of Representatives to pay an official visit to the Yasukuni Shrine. Since then, almost every prime minister has visited the Yasukuni Shrine. Paying respects at the Yasukuni Shrine has become a "personal show" for some Japanese politicians to win over voters and display their right-wing ideas, and they don't care what kind of visit to the shrine destroys Japan's relations with China, South Korea, and other Asian countries.

Chinese bloggers "urinated" the Yasukuni Shrine, and these are what they "deserve".
Chinese bloggers "urinated" the Yasukuni Shrine, and these are what they "deserve".

The destruction of public facilities should be stopped, but the Chinese will not object, hold accountable, or apologize for the destruction of the Yasukuni Shrine. Some people were worried that Tietou was in a cage, and Japanese director Katsuya Takasu offered a reward of 10 million yen for the capture of "Tietou", but Tietou returned to his homeland on a red-eye flight and drank celebration wine. Japanese friends should be united, and we should express goodwill; It's not a big deal if the wicked people in Japan are offended. When asked by a foreign media reporter, a Chinese blogger posted on social media about his graffiti on a stone pillar at the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo, Japan. What is the position of the Foreign Ministry on this? Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning responded: "I have taken note of relevant reports, and I want to stress that the Yasukuni Shrine is a spiritual tool and symbol of Japanese militarism in waging a war of aggression against foreign countries, and that the Japanese side should earnestly abide by its statement and commitment to face up to and reflect on its history of aggression, and win the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community with concrete actions." At the same time, I would like to remind Chinese citizens in foreign countries once again to abide by local laws and regulations and express their demands rationally. ”

Chinese bloggers "urinated" the Yasukuni Shrine, and these are what they "deserve".
Chinese bloggers "urinated" the Yasukuni Shrine, and these are what they "deserve".
Chinese bloggers "urinated" the Yasukuni Shrine, and these are what they "deserve".
Chinese bloggers "urinated" the Yasukuni Shrine, and these are what they "deserve".

There are also concerns that the resumption of the China-Japan-ROK summit on May 28 after a four-year hiatus will disturb the atmosphere of the meeting. Both China and Japan are facing tremendous external pressure, and cooperation is an inevitable choice to jointly resist pressure and strive for space. Japan gradually broke away from the post-war psychological state and re-established the strategic concept of "political power", and nationalist ideology and social sentiment reared. In addition, with the changes in the relationship between China and Japan in the balance of power, Japan has become more and more focused on China in realizing the goal of the concept of a "political power." In addition, due to the international characteristics brought about by the United States, Sino-Japanese relations have come to a crossroads of historic choice. China and Japan have been "politically cold and economic hot" for many years, what is this little wave?

Chinese bloggers "urinated" the Yasukuni Shrine, and these are what they "deserve".

There are many types of traffic stars. There are live broadcasts with goods, and there are dancing and funny, why can't they tolerate punishing evil and promoting good? The Yasukuni Shrine is held up to heaven in Japan, and in China it is the existence of a shrine. The Daigo empowerment that wakes up the person in the dream may be a pot of water or a soak of urine.

Chinese bloggers "urinated" the Yasukuni Shrine, and these are what they "deserve".

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