
Dashuang and Li Ximei showed affection, pinched their feet for their wives, scratched their soles, and netizens said that the man could act

author:Xia Yuji

Li Ximei's nephew posted a video about his aunt and uncle, the two are showing affection, and the two in the picture are dressed in fashion that does not match the surrounding background at all.

The big pair wore a dark suit with a white T-shirt, and Li Ximei was dressed in a pair of short-sleeved shorts.

Netizens questioned why the two of them are very rich, why do they live here?

Dashuang and Li Ximei showed affection, pinched their feet for their wives, scratched their soles, and netizens said that the man could act

The house looks like an old house in the eighties and nineties, with black walls, packaging bags full of fertilizer, as well as awards, wooden boxes, old-fashioned electric fans, and full of life.

In fact, this is just a house in Li Ximei's hometown village, which is used for filming.

Pay attention to Dashuang's hands, keep touching Li Ximei's feet, and the two feet are touched alternately, and the nephew said that his uncle scratched the soles of his aunt's feet, but his aunt was not afraid of itching.

Dashuang and Li Ximei showed affection, pinched their feet for their wives, scratched their soles, and netizens said that the man could act

In the eyes of outsiders, Li Ximei is physically disabled, but Dashuang does not dislike it, and even dotes on her.

Li Ximei is worthy of being a strong woman, and it is rumored that a woman's fear of itching is the performance of being afraid of her husband, and after testing, Li Ximei won.

This year, Li Ximei funded and also starred, directed by Dashuang, to shoot the movie "Live Well", because Li Ximei was illiterate, Dashuang had to teach him to read the script on the spot, as well as figure out the psychology of the characters.

Dashuang and Li Ximei showed affection, pinched their feet for their wives, scratched their soles, and netizens said that the man could act

Unexpectedly, in addition to the princess hug, there is also scratching the heart of the feet, and Dashuang is really good at coaxing Li Ximei to be happy.

Since Li Ximei can only sit in a wheelchair and cannot walk, she needs to change scenes to shoot on the set. The task of holding her all falls on Dashuang's head, and sometimes Ximei's sister-in-law will also take a hand.

Li Ximei was very dedicated during filming, regardless of her image for the sake of the role. I only slept three or five hours at night and started working.

Dashuang and Li Ximei showed affection, pinched their feet for their wives, scratched their soles, and netizens said that the man could act

Before the two officially got married, Dashuang was very fond of Li Ximei, and once staged a sniffing of feet.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is a show and a show of affection, but in fact, the two get along quite well.

Dashuang once complained that although his girlfriend was beautiful, she didn't work, and she had to provide them with living expenses every month, enough time to spend with them, and provide emotional value.

These made him physically and mentally exhausted, and when he met Li Ximei, he was moved by her tenacious spirit.

Dashuang and Li Ximei showed affection, pinched their feet for their wives, scratched their soles, and netizens said that the man could act

Li Ximei once had a failed marriage, and when she married Dashuang, her old mother burst into tears and understood Ximei's mother very well.

After all, the gap between the two is relatively large, and they will definitely worry about their daughter's future, and now that the two have been married for almost a year, the old mother is also relieved, and she is very happy every day.

Dashuang and Li Ximei showed affection, pinched their feet for their wives, scratched their soles, and netizens said that the man could act

Dashuang was originally engaged in behind-the-scenes work as a director, and netizens said that he and Ximei were acting.

But the big double also said that he didn't want Li Ximei's money.

The two have been notarized for prenuptial property, and if they are separated one day, they will not take away a stitch or thread.

Li Ximei also recognized this marriage, and she felt that she had found the right person. At present, the two are preparing for pregnancy, and according to the nephew, they are not pregnant yet.

Dashuang and Li Ximei showed affection, pinched their feet for their wives, scratched their soles, and netizens said that the man could act

When marrying a wife, a good woman is prosperous for three generations.

Although Li Ximei is small, she has great strength. She is very filial to her mother-in-law, and her mother-in-law was full of rustic when she first came from her hometown in Guizhou, and now she has become a noblewoman.

For his wife's dedication, Dashuang was very moved. Husbands and wives also need to work together to be long-lasting.

Li Ximei is a smart woman who not only makes money, but also has high emotional intelligence, and deserves beautiful love.

Dashuang and Li Ximei showed affection, pinched their feet for their wives, scratched their soles, and netizens said that the man could act