
A Woman Who Gave Up Her Marriage For Her First Love (Novel)

author:Time cooks rain
A Woman Who Gave Up Her Marriage For Her First Love (Novel)

The woman's surname is white, and her single name is a snow character! originally had a happy little family, healthy in-laws, a husband who loved her, and a pair of smart and clever children.

Usually she is responsible for picking up and dropping off her children to school at home, coming back to help the children complete their homework, and the trivial tasks of laundry and cooking at home are all handled by her mother-in-law, and it is not her turn to bother at all. My father-in-law moves bricks at the construction site every day, and he can earn one or two hundred yuan a day to supplement the family. My husband works in other places and has a salary of more than 8,000 a month, neither smokes, drinks nor plays cards, and every time he pays his salary, except for the basic living expenses, everything else is transferred to Bai Xue.

If life goes on like this, Bai Xue is undoubtedly a proper winner in life, there is no shortage of money, there is no lack of love, and there is no reservation in the in-laws' contributions, so anyone will wake up laughing when they dream.

Bai Xue, who is full of lust and lust and has nothing to do all day long, relies on swiping his mobile phone every day to pass the boring days.

Maybe some fate is destined to be a bad fate, when Bai Xue brushed the video, she swiped a person - her first love.

A Woman Who Gave Up Her Marriage For Her First Love (Novel)

The first love thing is a woman, and the most unforgettable warm time in her memory.

So the two of them crossed paths again, and started the previous romantic tenderness again.

With the development of the relationship, Bai Xue has the urge to divorce, and he wants to stay with his first love for a long time.

It's easy to say about first love, because he has already divorced, but Bai Xue is easy to say about divorce, but difficult to do, because her husband is a good husband and her in-laws are good in-laws, so what kind of reason should she use to mention divorce?

Just when he was hesitating, something happened to his husband! He was hit in the lower part by the goods that fell from the warehouse, and since then he has never had the majesty of a man again.

This incident hit Bai Xue's husband very hard, a man loses his sexual function and loses his dignity at the same time.

A Woman Who Gave Up Her Marriage For Her First Love (Novel)

"Bai Xue, don't leave me, don't leave the child and this family, okay? From now on, I will be doubly good to you, and you will have what others have, except for sex. It's really not good, you just go outside to find a man, I'm not afraid that you will cuckold me, as long as I don't bring it to the house, I can accept it! He loved Bai Xue so much that he was afraid that Bai Xue would abandon him because of this. So whenever I get drunk, I will hold Shirayuki and cry.

"What do you want? Don't worry, I won't divorce you, we'll be together forever! Bai Xue always comforted her husband at first.

Comfort is comfort, but when you turn your head and are passionate with your first love, the idea of divorce will pop up all the time, stabbing the snow. The heart that pierced Bai Xue began to be impetuous again! As for the reason for divorce, the husband's physical disability is the best opportunity.

The marriage ended up divorced! For the sake of her first love, Bai Xue didn't even fight for the custody of her two children! As a normal woman, where can you not have children?

Sometimes a woman's ruthlessness is incredible, and the IQ is basically zero when she is in love, everything Bai Xue does is just to renew her relationship with her first love, and she stays and flies!

Bai Xue and her husband came out of the divorce procedures from the Civil Affairs Bureau, and went directly to the car of their first love, without even looking at the child who was crying and making trouble for his mother.

A Woman Who Gave Up Her Marriage For Her First Love (Novel)
A Woman Who Gave Up Her Marriage For Her First Love (Novel)

"Xue, although you are divorced, if you have a bad life in the future, or if you have difficulties, you must go home to find me, and I will always wait for you in a place where you can't see. This is also how I love you in the end. Looking at Bai Xue, who was determined to leave, his husband swallowed this sentence. Just after the divorce, a man came to pick it up, it seems that the divorce has been planned for Bai Xue for a long time, and there is no point in saying those amorous words at this time.

"Here, wash my clothes! Last night I drank too much and threw up, as well as socks and panties for the bathroom. Remember to wash it by hand, the washing machine is not clean. Xue's current husband, that is, Xue's first love, threw over a bunch of clothes with a vomit smell. The whole process is full of snow-white cracked hands.

"You go to drink again, you know how to play every day, and you don't know how to find a job to earn some oil and salt, and the family will soon be unable to open the pot!" Snow muttered to her first love.

"You won't lose anything by starving! What am I looking for? The salary close to home is low, and those who are too far away from home can't go home once for a year and a half. ”

"Can't you sit and eat empty? Am I still pregnant? In the future, if you have a child, your child's diapers, milk powder, which of these will not cost money? Bai Xue reminded her first love husband.

"Again? Are you a daughter? You're not going to do odd jobs, do a little machining or something? If you are pregnant day by day, who is a woman who does not suspect not having children, and who is as hypocritical as you. "A series of outputs from her first love husband made Bai Xue's jaw drop!

"What woman have you ever seen go to work with a big belly? You're still not a man? ”

A Woman Who Gave Up Her Marriage For Her First Love (Novel)

"I'm not a man to know! If I weren't a man, would you dare to marry me if you abandoned your husband and children? One sentence made Bai Xue speechless.

"That's right! I remember, you just want to kick me out to work, hello hook up with wild men at home? "My first love husband has a face again in a blink of an eye.

"You're spewing blood......"

"I'm spewing blood, don't forget how you and I hooked up in the first place? If you can betray your ex-husband, you can betray me! There is only one and countless betrayals, don't pretend to be high in front of me! The first love husband looked disdainful.

"Are you still human? Saying this kind of thing, a slap doesn't make a sound, did your original oath be a fart? The words of her first love husband directly stabbed Bai Xue's heart.

"Clean your mouth, or I'll beat you! Sharpens your teeth. The husband of the first love raised his hand and raised his bruised fist to shake at Bai Xue, and then slammed the door away, leaving a heartbroken Bai Xue.

At this time, Bai Xue remembered all the warmth and happiness in the past, crawled on the bed and cried, after all, she paid for her desires and lost the comfortable life that originally belonged to her.

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