
9 Novels that have been derived from the Heavens Tomb Robbery Stream, looking for the secret and exploring the secrets, and pursuing power in the world

author:Otaku reads books

The first book "The Heavens Begin from Bottle Mountain" Author: Dongren Word count: 2.013 million

Introduction: With the revival of Reiki, countless film and television worlds have become a reality, and all beings have stepped into a new era of spiritual practice. "Angry Qing Xiangxi", "Uncle Zombie", "Heartless Mage", ...... These classic films and television have turned into pieces of spiritual realm and become a stage for cultivation. An ordinary young man accidentally broke into the spiritual realm of "Angry Qing Xiangxi", possessed a magical golden finger ability, and embarked on the road of cultivation.

He shuttled through various spiritual realms, explored the mysteries of cultivation, mastered the skills of beasts, puppets, and corpse refining, and finally walked out of his own left path. From "Angry Qing Xiangxi" to "Yunnan Worm Valley", from "Mr. Zombie" to "Kunlun Divine Palace", he has become a generation of grandmasters in reality and spiritual realm, unveiling the mystery of the world.

Disadvantage of the novel: Although a unified world view is constructed, some of the dungeon settings are slightly mediocre, lacking climaxes and highlights. The pace of the narrative can sometimes be a little sluggish, making it difficult to keep readers engaged.

Advantages of the novel: strong oriental elements, novel setting, and smooth writing. The descriptions of exotic beasts and magical powers are vivid and interesting, and the story level is clear. The protagonist has a unique personality, dares to boldly deduce and modify, and some copies are of high quality.

Summary: Although this novel is not perfect, as a derivative of the Heavens Tomb Robbery Genre, it provides a novel and interesting worldview, with a good story, suitable for reading in your spare time.

9 Novels that have been derived from the Heavens Tomb Robbery Stream, looking for the secret and exploring the secrets, and pursuing power in the world

The second book "The Strongest Iron Triangle of Tomb Robbery" Author: Soft Dynasty Cigarettes Word count: 1.061 million

Synopsis: When he woke up, Ming Carp found himself in the world of tomb robbery and became a Miao village boy. In this world, which synthesizes many classic tomb robbing works, he finds himself a background character, but he is not willing to be mediocre. With his wisdom and courage, he subdued the Angry Chicken, activated the "treasure chest system", and quickly rose to prominence. He relied on his foresight to change the plot, make contacts, establish power, and write a legend from the Republic of China all the way to modern times.

The shortcomings of the novel: The story framework is a little old-fashioned, and some of the details are not refined enough, giving people a sense of mediocrity.

Advantages of the novel: smooth writing, tight rhythm, and climax. It integrates the elements of many classic tomb robbery works, and the setting is interesting. The main character has a distinct personality, dares to take risks, and has a certain appeal.

Summary: Although this novel is somewhat mediocre, as a fast-food-style Celestial Tomb Robbery genre spin-off fanwork, it provides enough entertainment and reading pleasure to pass the time when there is a shortage of books.

9 Novels that have been derived from the Heavens Tomb Robbery Stream, looking for the secret and exploring the secrets, and pursuing power in the world

The third book "General of the Heavens" Author: Mochi Yongquan Word count: 1.777 million

Introduction: The system recognizes the Lord and shuttles through the heavens! Ning Chen, who has golden pupils, started from General Faqiu and explored mysterious ancient tombs one after another. Tomb of the Waste Emperor, Bottle Mountain Underground Palace, Genghis Khan Mausoleum...... He searches for the secrets of his burial and writes his own legend. How does he gain a foothold in the world of tomb robbers?

Disadvantages of the novel: The story framework is more routine, lacking depth and surprise. Some elements are a little stiff and the details are not refined enough.

Advantages of the novel: the entry point is unique, with a certain amount of creativity and conception. The story gradually transitions from works such as tomb robbery notes to other classics, and the writing is smooth and fast-paced. In the early and middle stages, the novel creates a certain suspenseful atmosphere that attracts the reader's interest.

Summary: Although this novel has both advantages and disadvantages, as a fast-food-style Heavens tomb robbery genre derivative fanwork, it provides enough entertainment and reading value. It is suitable for reading in your leisure time and feeling the mystery and charm of different worlds.

9 Novels that have been derived from the Heavens Tomb Robbery Stream, looking for the secret and exploring the secrets, and pursuing power in the world

The fourth book "People in Tomb Robbing: Fusion of Hydra Cypress at the Beginning" Author: Little Fried Chicken Word count: 2.0359 million

Synopsis: Ji Changsheng accidentally crossed into the world of tomb robbery and fusion, and turned out to be a bloody corpse. In the midst of desperation, the mysterious fusion system quietly awakens. He fused the ghost seal and obtained the ghost king's spirit book and the ghost emperor's breath; Fusion of hydra cypress and mastery of the power of nature; Then fuse the Qinling Divine Tree and copy the talent...... And when he fuses with the Absolute Queen, what kind of mysterious power will he get?

Ji Changsheng was born in the underground palace of King Lu, as the king of Lu, he used the fusion system to sacrifice the treasures in the underground palace one by one, successfully reborn as a human being, and embarked on the journey to become a ghost immortal. It just so happened that the trio of tomb robbers were working here, and they witnessed Ji Changsheng's transformation and were suppressed by his great strength. As a senior master, Ji Changsheng followed the trio to explore more treasures and write his own legend......

Disadvantages of the novel: Some plots are slightly brainless, lack depth, and there are some self-congratulatory content, which is difficult to resonate with readers.

Advantages of the novel: As a light-hearted and refreshing essay, the writing is smooth, the rhythm is bright, and the climax is repeated. The setting is novel, the fusion system adds endless possibilities to the story, and the protagonist's growth process is full of surprises.

Summary: This is a light-hearted text set in tomb robbing, suitable for reading at your leisure and feeling the fantasy adventure of the protagonist in the world of tomb robbing. Although there are some shortcomings, overall, it is still a work worth watching.

9 Novels that have been derived from the Heavens Tomb Robbery Stream, looking for the secret and exploring the secrets, and pursuing power in the world

The fifth book "Tomb Robbery: Signing in at the Beginning of the Wind and the Strange Gate" Author: Please Buddha give medicine Word count: 1.1132 million

Introduction: Su Jing traveled to the comprehensive world of tomb robbery, and obtained the inheritance of Wudang Wang Ye at the beginning, and mastered one of the eight wonder skills. Taijiquan is yin and yang, and boxing is invincible; After the wind, Qimen allowed him to control the direction and good luck, and the heaven and the earth were all under control. Su Jing signed in at the major ancient tombs, whether it was a female ghost or a zongzi, they couldn't stop him. As a commoner, he gradually rose through the world of tomb robbership...... Su Jing and Ah Ning's childhood sweetheart, he is determined to reverse the plot, explore the truth with his teammates, meet confidants, and write a legend. With the sign-in system and the inheritance of Wudang Wangye, he pushed all the way and finally became a generation of tomb robbers.

The shortcomings of the novel: some of the details are slightly rough, some of the plot is a little brainless, and there is a lack of in-depth emotional depiction.

Advantages of the novel: smooth writing, tight rhythm, and climax. The check-in system and the inheritance of Wudang Wang Ye add infinite possibilities to the story, and the growth process of the protagonist is also full of highlights.

Summary: This is a sign-in flow text with tomb robbery as the background, suitable for readers who like to read easily. Although there are some shortcomings, overall, it is still a work worth watching.

9 Novels that have been derived from the Heavens Tomb Robbery Stream, looking for the secret and exploring the secrets, and pursuing power in the world

The sixth book "Tomb Robbery Begins to Enter the Angry Sea and Diving Sand" Author: Lemon Mountain is more spicy Word count: 1.7 million

Synopsis: Zhou Fan traveled to the world of tomb robbing, and faced countless ancient tombs such as thousands of dry graves and lonely tombs for thousands of miles, he was determined to explore the hidden secrets. Starting from the sand of the angry sea, he peeled off the cocoon, traced the source, and explored the mystery and strangeness in the ancient tomb. He embarked on a journey to fill the pits with the little brother, the innocent, the fat man and others, and vowed to fill in those pits one by one.

The shortcomings of the novel: Some of the plots are flat and straightforward, lacking unexpected surprises, and the protagonist is sometimes a little virgin.

Advantages of the novel: the system is cool and cool, the style is relaxed and witty, and the stalk is used properly. The characters are distinctly portrayed, the interaction with each other is wonderful, and there is a certain brotherly feeling. At the same time, the writing is smooth, the rhythm of the story is natural, and the climax is repeated.

Summary: This is a systematic and cool text with tomb robbing as the background, which is suitable for reading at leisure. Although there are some shortcomings, overall, it is still a work worth watching.

9 Novels that have been derived from the Heavens Tomb Robbery Stream, looking for the secret and exploring the secrets, and pursuing power in the world

The seventh book "Tomb Robbery: A Sword Heavenly Gate Opens, Angrily Splitting the Bronze Gate" Author: Jiusan Waste Word count: 2.279 million words

Introduction: Wu Yu traveled to the world of tomb robbery and became the son of the old goblin of the Wu family, and his mother was still a mountain movers. At the beginning, he was hidden by Wu Laogou and Wu Erbai for twenty years, and he originally planned to eat and wait for death, but he had to come forward because of the family curse. With his sign-in system, he has a high level of strength and is biased towards invincibility. He angrily smashed the bronze gate, stepped into the rivers and lakes, and set off a bloody storm......

Wu Yu is not only involved in the world of tomb robbery, but also incorporates multiple elements such as under one person and Harry Potter. With the sign-in system, he gained a lot of mysterious powers, and gradually emerged in the rivers and lakes. He works with many characters to find the truth and write his own legend.

Disadvantages of the novel: Some of the details are slightly rough, there are contents such as reducing intelligence and self-esteem, and sometimes it is slightly ancient urban style.

Advantages of the novel: As an invincible and cool text, the writing is smooth and the storyline is full. The setting is novel and incorporates a variety of elements to bring freshness to readers. At the same time, the growth process of the protagonist is also full of highlights.

Summary: This is an invincible and cool text with tomb robbery as the background, which is suitable for readers who like to read easily.

9 Novels that have been derived from the Heavens Tomb Robbery Stream, looking for the secret and exploring the secrets, and pursuing power in the world

The eighth book "Warlock of the Nine Uncles' World" Author: Zhumeng Said Words: 1.177 million

Introduction: In the fantasy world of Uncle Nine, a cry, six wings cover the sky and the sun, and the divine ape looks up to the sky and roars, shocking the Quartet. The protagonist carries the inheritance of cultivation and travels to the Republic of China and begins his path as a warlock. His cultivation is unique, he can cultivate alien beasts, refine bloodlines, and achieve the true body of all spirits, just like the ancestor of the Wu clan.

This world is a melting pot of film and television, integrating the world of Uncle Jiu, the depth of tomb robbery notes, the mystery of night legends, and the horror of zombies. The protagonist relied on his foresight to subdue strange beasts such as the angry chicken and the hundred-legged flying centipede, but under the persecution of the famous faction, he left the country and set foot on the Western continent.

In the West, he met King Kong, turned his island into a private cave, created his own witch world, and raised countless strange beasts. With the help of the power of werewolves and bloods, he fused many bloodlines and created a new profession of bloodline warlock, known as the god of bloodline warlocks. When his strength was sufficient, he returned to the East, meddled in the stalemate plot, used the world as a chess game, and all spirits as chess pieces, devouring each other, and finally achieved the supreme position of warlock.

The shortcomings of the novel: The plot transition is a little stiff, and the integration of the early Eastern background and the later Western background is not natural enough, and it seems far-fetched in some places.

Advantages of the novel: The elements of the Royal Beast Flow and the Dark Flow are perfectly integrated, the setting is novel and unique, and the painting style is pure, bringing readers a new reading experience. The plot is compact, the climax is repeated, the sense of substitution is strong, the protagonist has a clear image, decisive killing, and strong personal charm.

Summary: This is a creative Heavens tomb robbery genre derivative fanfiction, although there are some shortcomings, but the overall quality is acceptable, suitable for readers who like novel settings.

9 Novels that have been derived from the Heavens Tomb Robbery Stream, looking for the secret and exploring the secrets, and pursuing power in the world

The ninth book "Starting from the World of Uncle Nine" Author: Bald Magician Word count: 1.5278 million

Introduction: In the world of Uncle Nine, the red rope ink fights the rooster's blood, and the yellow Fu Taomu is evil. A young man born with a black coffin birthmark, he traveled to the Republic of China, apprenticed to Maoshan Mountain, and became the successor of the Maoshan Witch Gu lineage.

His black coffin birthmark is a space of its own, capable of containing living creatures and communicating yin and yang. However, his parents were both killed due to the dispute between the Maoshan Witch Gu line, and he became an orphan because of this. Under the protection of Maoshan, he grew up safely, and inherited the legacy of his parents, determined to revitalize the Maoshan witch Gu lineage. As an adult, he defected to his uncle Jiu and found that this world still hides clues to plots such as "Notes on Tomb Robbery". He used the ability of prophetic foresight to obtain various resources, cultivated many Gu beast spirit pets, and obtained the inheritance of the Pan King from the Miao clan of his mother clan. As his strength grew, he discovered that the Black Coffin Mark was able to communicate with the Netherworld of the Ten Thousand Worlds. In order to pursue a higher realm, he risked using this ability to smuggle into other worlds, and experienced the baptism of plots such as "Under One Man" and "Soul Ferry". In the end, he turned the black coffin imprint space into a small netherworld, achieved the immortal path, and became a legendary figure in the Maoshan Witch Gu lineage.

Disadvantages of the novel: Some of the plot narration is slightly bland, lacking enough explosive points and climaxes. At the same time, the image of the protagonist is too perfect and lacks some real emotional outpouring.

Advantages of the novel: the setting is novel and unique, the plot is smooth and stable, and the structure is complete. In particular, the descriptions of exotic beasts and Gu magic are vivid and detailed, giving readers a rich space for imagination. The protagonist has a distinct image, three views are righteous but not the Virgin, decisive but not cruel, and has a strong personal charm.

Summary: This is a derivative fan fiction with a unique setting of the heavens tomb robbery stream, although there are some shortcomings, but the overall quality is acceptable, suitable for readers who like fantasy adventure themes.

9 Novels that have been derived from the Heavens Tomb Robbery Stream, looking for the secret and exploring the secrets, and pursuing power in the world


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