
Nanzhang: Ahhh Scream, Dragon King Gorge!

author:Nanzhang release

Entering June

Temperatures of 30°C+ have become the norm

Go out for 5 minutes and sweat for 2 hours

"Looking for coolness everywhere" has become a daily routine in summer

Air conditioning, watermelon, cold drinks


In addition to these cool off tools

It's also a good idea to go out and go rafting

For example, in the Grand Canyon of the Nanzhangzhang River

Longwang Gorge Scenic Area

Take a drifting boat down the mountain

At the bottom of the valley in the mountains, it collides head-on with the waves

Start your summer spree

Experience the thrill, joy and coolness

Longwang Gorge rafting is located in the Zhanghe Grand Canyon of Xiaoyan Town, Nanzhang County, with a total length of 8 kilometers and a full 3 hours of rafting. The cracks formed 70 million years ago make Longwang Gorge have a unique drifting terrain, and the drop of the three stepped rapids is as high as 117 meters, known as "the first drift in Jingshan".

Nanzhang: Ahhh Scream, Dragon King Gorge!

The canyon is sparsely populated, quiet and simple, the canyon is deep and meandering, the two banks are cliffs, ancient trees are towering, and the clear river water rushes down in the valley between the two banks, constituting a wonderful and moving natural landscape gallery.

Nanzhang: Ahhh Scream, Dragon King Gorge!

Take a small kayak to drift in it, the fresh mountain breeze is blowing in front of you, the clear and cool river water is below, there are both rapids and rapids, and there are deep pools of Pinghu Lake, you can not only experience the fun of the waves and flying boats, fighting the middle stream, but also enjoy the beautiful scenery on both sides of the river, screams and laughter echo in the valley for a long time.

Nanzhang: Ahhh Scream, Dragon King Gorge!

Tourist Bu Ziyan

We came from Xiangyang High-tech Zone, the rafting here is very exciting and pleasant, the environment is very good, and the air is very fresh.

Nanzhang: Ahhh Scream, Dragon King Gorge!

Tourist Fan Xiuxiu

It was the first time I brought my family to Longwang Gorge to experience rafting, and it felt very good to be here, surrounded by mountains on both sides, the river water was crystal clear, and in the process of rafting, not only did people have the thrill of flying down, but the cool river water also made people cool and relieve the heat. It is a great summer resort for children to play and adults to enjoy the scenery.

Nanzhang: Ahhh Scream, Dragon King Gorge!

In order to allow tourists to have a better rafting experience, safety facilities have been added to the scenic area, and barbecue areas have been opened on both sides of the river.

Nanzhang: Ahhh Scream, Dragon King Gorge!

Zhou Yan, reception manager of Nanzhang Longwangxia Tourism Development Center

There is monitoring throughout the process, not only with voice broadcast precautions, but also equipped with security officers to ensure the safety of every tourist. There are barbecue stalls and rest areas along the way, where visitors can calm down and feel the nature, take some beautiful photos, eat barbecue, fish and shrimp, as well as local fruits and vegetables, not only can feel the embrace of nature, but also can taste the food that nature has gifted.

Nanzhang: Ahhh Scream, Dragon King Gorge!

Nanzhang Longwang Gorge rafting has a history of 22 years, and it starts around June 1 every year, because of its unique mountain water resources and good play experience, it has become a good place for many tourists to enjoy the cool in summer.

Nanzhang: Ahhh Scream, Dragon King Gorge!
Nanzhang: Ahhh Scream, Dragon King Gorge!

Zhou Yan, reception manager of Nanzhang Longwangxia Tourism Development Center

On the first day of the Dragon Boat Festival, the passenger flow is about 600 people, and it can be open for about three months a year, with a total reception capacity of more than 20,000 people.

Nanzhang Longwang Gorge rafting


Bring your buddies with you

Let's experience it together!

Source: Hubei Daily client correspondent Nanrong Media Wang Wei Wang Chengbo Huang Yueqing