
After the college entrance examination

author:Lucky passerby A

Today, I read an article on the headlines, titled "The "Strange Phenomenon" After the College Entrance Examination, Female High School Students Pile Up in the Hospital for Surgery, and Parents Line Up to Go to the Civil Affairs Bureau".

In recent years, with the end of the college entrance examination, there have been three prominent phenomena in society.

First, the beauty salon set off a small climax. After taking the college entrance examination, girls go to beauty salons in groups. Among them, micro-plastic surgery such as "double eyelid cutting" and "rhinoplasty" have become mandatory items.

After the college entrance examination

The second is the explosion of various bars. It turned out to be boys after taking the college entrance examination, and they went to the bar in groups to party, drink heavily, and relax.

After the college entrance examination

Third, the Civil Affairs Bureau is very lively. Some couples choose their children to go through divorce procedures after taking the college entrance examination, which naturally leads to a situation of queuing up for divorce.

This article argues that things like getting together for beauty and going to bars and nightclubs to relax together are all educational problems. The article says that "education should guide young people to correctly view their appearance and their own inner value, how to cultivate their inner self-confidence, and let them understand that true beauty comes from inner kindness and sincerity, rather than superficial brilliance and perfection."

Our education has ruined people, and after the hard work in the concentration camps, the way to relax is to drink and sing, indulge in entertainment, and have no bottom line. The article said, "The anomaly of choosing to go to a bar party when you should have a good rest or to prepare for your future university life can't help but make people deeply reflect on the modern education and family education system."

Putting aside the article's analysis of the divorce tide, that is, the children's beauty and nightclubs after the college entrance examination are all blamed on education, so where can I, a teacher, shout injustice!

Let's start with this beauty thing.

Beauty, there is inner beauty, and outer beauty. But today's society seems to pay special attention to external beauty, especially women. Of course, there is the influence of traditional culture as well as mainstream values. It is compulsory for women to pay attention to external beauty.

However, if we focus too much on external beauty, we will definitely ignore the construction of inner beauty. Even, the extreme of external beauty is inversely proportional to a person's inner beauty.

After the college entrance examination

However, our current mainstream values do present the standard requirements for women's external beauty, which are getting higher and higher, and more and more "can only be understood".

As long as you take a look at the Internet a little, the female officials at all levels of Zheng Mansion, look at the photos they have publicized, not to mention that they are all as beautiful as immortals, which one is not Chu Chu moving? I really haven't seen a woman at any level of Zheng Mansion Administrator who can be described as "ordinary-looking".

After the college entrance examination

Not to mention, let's just say that Dr. Liu Xiuyun, the new dean of the School of Excellence of the Ministry of Education of Control Engineering of Beijing Forestry University, who served a few days ago, is 36 years old.

After the college entrance examination

Liu Xiuyun, the new dean of the School of Excellence in Control Engineering of the Ministry of Education of Beijing Forestry University

This is a photo published on the official website, what language do you think can be used to describe this appearance?

If you want to say that this is the new generation of the post-90s, then take a look at the following female official born in the 60s, has her image lost to the post-90s?

After the college entrance examination

General Manager of Hainan Radio, Film and Television Media Group Co., Ltd. (this is a person from the government)

If women want to grow, in addition to studying well, they must also have a good image. INTERVIEWER Does this phenomenon still need to be educated by school teachers? Not to mention the rise after entering the workplace. Which female Zheng government official have you ever seen who looks ordinary?

This will go wrong, and the account will be counted on education, which cannot afford it.

After the college entrance examination

I am not against the pursuit of external beauty and physical beauty. However, now society has reached a distorted level, and the beauty of women in the workplace has become the embodiment of the emotional value of male leaders. Looking at it, in the officialdom, as long as a woman looks sweet and has beautiful makeup, she is generally a cadre.

Looking deeper, all the kind of medical beauty lovers who pay special attention to the beauty of the image and have undergone many micro-plastic surgeries, dress exquisitely every day, have diamonds shining on their nails, flickering eyelashes, and bright makeup. Even if the previous tutor was better, it will become a consumer product for workplace leaders, and they will be promoted from it, so that they can show off their so-called "growth", and they will be in the circle everywhere to show off one word, show off. Why is this happening, the heart is empty, the values are distorted, in a word, there is no bottom line in life.

It is precisely such a person who is the goal pursued by many young people and girls. is even the direction of girls' growth locked by parents. It's a pity that such a boiled frog in warm water makes every woman involved in it slowly get used to it in such a process of "pursuing progress", and slowly become unconscious and have no bottom line.

It's not a question of education, it's a problem of society.

In this context, it is normal for girls after the college entrance examination to be led by their mothers to gather in the beauty salon.

In such an environment, isn't it more normal for boys after the college entrance examination to go to bars and nightclubs to indulge?