
Boom 40+8+9! Can't beat it when you're old? 3 years and 164 million top salary contract renewal, James still has to rush to the championship

Boom 40+8+9! Can't beat it when you're old? 3 years and 164 million top salary contract renewal, James still has to rush to the championship

The data says sports

2024-06-12 13:29Posted in Shandong Sports Creators

The NBA Finals continue, and the Celtics have a 2-0 lead over the Mavericks, and after returning to the home court, if the Mavericks can't pull back a game, then they will be sentenced to death, and it is impossible to turn the tables after falling behind 0-3, and there has never been such a precedent in history. In addition, according to statistics, the Mavericks have suffered 6 consecutive defeats in the face of the Green Army, while Owen has 12 consecutive defeats, which is like a restraint relationship, no matter how he fights, he can't beat it, especially Owen has a psychological shadow, as long as he encounters the Green Army, he will be sluggish. Speaking of which, you have to admire the strength of the Lakers, looking back at the regular season they played against the Green Army twice and achieved 1 win and 1 loss.

Boom 40+8+9! Can't beat it when you're old? 3 years and 164 million top salary contract renewal, James still has to rush to the championship

The first meeting between the two sides, the Lakers lost by 11 points at the time, but the Lakers had a lot of injuries in that game, and the most exciting thing was the second meeting, in the case of James and Brother Thick Eyebrows not playing, the Lakers still defeated the Green Army 114-105, this game The Green Army is a full lineup, Holiday , White, Brown, Tatum, Pozin and Horford all played, I didn't expect the Lakers to still win, Reaves played well, 10 of 18 got 32 points, 2 rebounds and 3 assists, Russell also contributed 16 points, 8 rebounds and 14 assists, and Hayes finished with 16 points and 10 rebounds. Not only can they beat the Green Army, but the Lakers also won the Bucks in the regular season, when James did not play, the Bucks were the full lineup, Russell scored 44 points, 6 rebounds and 9 assists, and thick eyebrows 22 points, 13 rebounds, 5 assists and 3 blocks.

Boom 40+8+9! Can't beat it when you're old? 3 years and 164 million top salary contract renewal, James still has to rush to the championship

To sum up, we find that the strength of the Lakers is underestimated, although the first round of the playoffs lost 1-4 to the Nuggets, in fact, the gap between the two sides is a millimeter, the Lakers can press the Nuggets in the first half, from the third quarter, taking advantage of James's physical decline, the Nuggets can seize the opportunity to overtake, in other words, the Lakers in the first half are definitely a championship-level team. According to the latest reports, James has no plans to retire, he hopes to renew his contract with the Lakers, and the goal of next season is still to lead the team to the championship, in other words, James will continue to compete for the 5th crown, so the only question now is how James will renew his contract with the Lakers and what kind of contract he can get.

Boom 40+8+9! Can't beat it when you're old? 3 years and 164 million top salary contract renewal, James still has to rush to the championship

ESPN gave an analysis of this, there are three options, because James has a player option next season, so the first plan, James jumped out of the contract, directly renewed with the Lakers this offseason, and signed a super cap salary of up to $164 million for 3 years. In the second option, James still jumps out of the contract, but will join other teams, then he can get a contract of up to 3 years and $157 million. The last option, James implements next season's player option, whether it is to renew the Lakers next offseason, or to join other teams, the maximum is to sign a two-year $112 million contract, these three plans, ESPN believes that James and the Lakers will eventually choose the first option, the reason is very simple, James can still play at the peak, and Lao Zhan is a money-absorbing weapon, worthy of the Lakers' investment.

Boom 40+8+9! Can't beat it when you're old? 3 years and 164 million top salary contract renewal, James still has to rush to the championship

As an evergreen tree in the NBA, looking back on the regular season this season, James who is close to 40 years old can be called a treasure knife, still averaging 25.7 points, 7.3 rebounds, 8.3 assists, 1.3 steals and 0.5 blocks per game, with a shooting rate of 53%, which is basically no different from a few years ago, there are many games, James can cut high scores, such as 40 points, 8 rebounds and 9 assists against the Warriors, 40 points, 7 rebounds and 5 assists against the Nets, and 40 points, 7 rebounds, 7 assists, 2 steals and 2 blocks against the Thunder, 40+ 3 times in a single season, no one in the same age group in the history of the NBA has done it in the past, and no one has done it in the 21st season, not only that, James has also achieved the feat of averaging 25+ per game for 20 consecutive seasons, which is unprecedented and unprecedented.

Boom 40+8+9! Can't beat it when you're old? 3 years and 164 million top salary contract renewal, James still has to rush to the championship

Since the past few seasons, the whole league has been questioning that James is old and can't play, but he is still continuing to create NBA miracles, 40,000 points, 10,000 rebounds and 10,000 assists, and future generations will also not be able to surpass, if Lao Zhan plays for another 3 years, then I am afraid he will have to score 45,000 points. As a comparison, Curry's decline this season is quite obvious, the average three-point shooting rate per game is not even 40%, not as high as James, the 36-year-old Curry's condition is not as good as the 40-year-old James, and the 35-year-old Durant is in a similar situation, although the Grim Reaper's offense is still efficient, but physical strength has become a big problem, and he often can't play in the final quarter, which is very similar to James, but you must know that Durant is 5 years younger, and whether he can play until he is 40 years old is a problem.

Boom 40+8+9! Can't beat it when you're old? 3 years and 164 million top salary contract renewal, James still has to rush to the championship

The same is true for Harden, this season has declined too fast, whether it is speed, shooting, or physical strength, it is far from the peak, through the above comparison, we will find the strength of James, it is difficult to imagine that this is a player who is close to 40 years old, according to the NBA's big data statistics, in the 21st season of his career, the previous scoring champion was the dunk king Carter, But the average is only 7.4 points per game, and James is 25.7 points, leading the way, the difficulty of the record is no lower than 40,000 points, so what kind of data will James get next season? The American media had previously given a prediction, and the result was 24.6 points, 7.0 rebounds and 8.8 assists. James doesn't want to give up and continue to win the championship, and hopes that the Lakers can actively strengthen it in the offseason, and don't waste the last three years of Lao Zhan's career.

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  • Boom 40+8+9! Can't beat it when you're old? 3 years and 164 million top salary contract renewal, James still has to rush to the championship
  • Boom 40+8+9! Can't beat it when you're old? 3 years and 164 million top salary contract renewal, James still has to rush to the championship
  • Boom 40+8+9! Can't beat it when you're old? 3 years and 164 million top salary contract renewal, James still has to rush to the championship
  • Boom 40+8+9! Can't beat it when you're old? 3 years and 164 million top salary contract renewal, James still has to rush to the championship
  • Boom 40+8+9! Can't beat it when you're old? 3 years and 164 million top salary contract renewal, James still has to rush to the championship
  • Boom 40+8+9! Can't beat it when you're old? 3 years and 164 million top salary contract renewal, James still has to rush to the championship

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