
Come to "Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" and immerse yourself in this vivid martial arts world!

author:Little Momo's game channel

From the first appearance of the Ruibin test to the fine grinding of the Huang Zhong test, now, every step of the growth of "Sixteen Voices of Yanyun", which is being tested by Zhonglu, is clearly visible, and its high degree of completion is remarkable!

After building a vast and boundless martial arts open world, "Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" has put a lot of effort into the exploration experience, and for many long-awaited fans of single-player games, what they are most concerned about is the depth and breadth of free exploration of this world.

Come to "Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" and immerse yourself in this vivid martial arts world!

Compared with the fast-paced nature of traditional martial arts games, Yanyun brings players a "slow" experience that is not hurried. This "slowness" does not refer to the procrastination of the story, but a deep exploration and immersion in the vast open world - players will be guided to experience every corner of the world in detail, from the bustling market to the secluded valley, from the lively rivers and lakes to the quiet villages, each scene is full of life and rich in details.

Come to "Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" and immerse yourself in this vivid martial arts world!

"Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes", this sentence has been vividly interpreted in "Sixteen Voices of Yanyun". Here, you will meet all kinds of characters: passers-by stuck in the cracks of the rocks asking for help, gentlemen playing the piano by the roadside, old men fishing by the river, and thieves who steal horses...... Each NPC has its own unique style and story, and its carefully constructed social ecology makes the interaction between players and NPCs extremely natural and realistic, ensuring a deep sense of immersion and personalized gameplay.

Come to "Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" and immerse yourself in this vivid martial arts world!

Players can choose to turn a blind eye to passers-by who are calling for help on the side of the road, or they can lend a helping hand or even have an in-depth conversation with them to understand the story behind them. If you want, you can also choose to snatch the horses of passers-by and experience the life of happy revenge. Who said that heroes must help others? Perhaps, being happy and chic and free is the way of martial arts in your heart! This highly free way of interaction also makes the rivers and lakes of "Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" more real and three-dimensional.

Come to "Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" and immerse yourself in this vivid martial arts world!

At the same time, "Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" cleverly solves the difficult problem of how to stimulate players' desire to explore in open-world games. In the game design, rewards such as exercises, thaumaturgy, and equipment are carefully distributed in all corners of the world, forming a unique incentive mechanism. When exploring this vibrant martial arts open world, players are no longer just fighting for upgrades, but like the heroes in martial arts novels, looking for those "adventures" hidden in secret places, monuments, and even daily life scenes, and then they can practice the world's magic skills!

Come to "Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" and immerse yourself in this vivid martial arts world!

The rivers and lakes are not limited to swords and swords, but also have scenery and human feelings, exploring the vast world. On July 26th, come to "Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" to immerse yourself in the vivid world of martial arts, and the open beta is waiting for you!

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