
It's time to wake up! Hu Xijin has been speculating in stocks for 1 year, investing 700,000 and losing 70,000! After 1 year of worrying and tossing, he was defeated by a lying flat policy, and the principal of 180,000 earned back 410,000! Recently, the old Hu fried

author:Lao Zhang said finance

It's time to wake up! Hu Xijin has been speculating in stocks for 1 year, investing 700,000 and losing 70,000! After 1 year of worrying and tossing, he was defeated by a lying flat policy, and the principal of 180,000 earned back 410,000!

Recently, Lao Hu has lost money in stock trading, and he was on the hot search two days ago! #胡锡进炒股一年赔了7 4000#. However, an insurance policy from 20 years ago allowed Lao Hu to save "face". 20 years ago, I was "fooled" by a friend and pulled down the water to buy insurance, and in 15 years, I invested a total of 180,000 yuan, and some time ago I took out 410,000 yuan at one time! Earn 230,000!

Lao Hu's incident also confirms a point of view: investment and financial management should be selected first, and the channel should not be the right one, and the principal will not be lost. It is not easy for young people to save money, so it is better to learn from Lao Hu's idea of diversifying investment, and leave some money to buy savings insurance for safe value-added, which will be more reliable.

Pick up the insurance that Lao Hu bought, invested it for 15 years in a row, a total of 20 years, and then the income more than doubled. The advantage of increasing life is that you can lock in the predetermined interest rate in advance, and it is a lifelong lock-in, which is not affected by future market fluctuations, and the longer you save it, the more the income will be doubled.

However, the increase in life pays attention to the timing of getting on the car, such as last year, you can lock in the 3.5% reservation interest rate, this year there is only a 3.0% reservation interest rate, and there is a high probability that there will be fewer and fewer products with a 3.0% reservation interest rate this year.

The Financial Associated Press recently sent news that the #部分险企将于6月底停售3% increase in life # was changed to a product with a predetermined interest rate of 2.75%, and the new product has been successfully reported. Come to think of it, that's less than 24 hours left! If you want to buy it, try to seize this opportunity to get on the bus.

I don't know where to buy it, you can take a look at the 2.0 version of my car, it is also a popular model on Alipay, and you can find it by searching for increased life on Alipay. Its cash value and income are in the first echelon of similar products in the market, and its core advantage is that it can lock in the predetermined interest rate for the next few decades in advance, and write the predetermined interest rate of 3.0% into the contract in black and white, which can be rigidly paid to avoid capital losses caused by market fluctuations.

Like a 30-year-old young man, if he invests 500,000 yuan at one time to buy an stable profit, when he retires at the age of 55, he can take out more than 1 million yuan at one time with interest, and this money is really sufficient as his own pension security. If you want to double more, you can save it for a longer time. Of course, if you use it in a hurry, you can also take it flexibly, and just continue to put the money in it to make money.

Financial management should not be blind, diversify risks through multiple channels, and have one more choice when you need money urgently. You tell me?


It's time to wake up! Hu Xijin has been speculating in stocks for 1 year, investing 700,000 and losing 70,000! After 1 year of worrying and tossing, he was defeated by a lying flat policy, and the principal of 180,000 earned back 410,000! Recently, the old Hu fried
It's time to wake up! Hu Xijin has been speculating in stocks for 1 year, investing 700,000 and losing 70,000! After 1 year of worrying and tossing, he was defeated by a lying flat policy, and the principal of 180,000 earned back 410,000! Recently, the old Hu fried
It's time to wake up! Hu Xijin has been speculating in stocks for 1 year, investing 700,000 and losing 70,000! After 1 year of worrying and tossing, he was defeated by a lying flat policy, and the principal of 180,000 earned back 410,000! Recently, the old Hu fried

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