
@各位家长: The hot weather is coming, please check the letter of safety precautions

author:Heze Luxi New District

Dear Parents and Friends,

Hello! At present, there is a continuous high temperature weather, in order to further do a good job in the safety precautions of high temperature weather, to ensure the health and life safety of teachers and students, we hereby issue a unanimous letter to parents in response to high temperature weather, I hope that all parents will do a good job of prevention and response!

1. Do a good job of heat stroke prevention

Heat stroke is a common condition that can be easily caused by hot weather. Parents are reminded to pass: let children wear loose clothing; Turn on air conditioners, fans, etc. to do a good job of indoor cooling; Don't run wildly in the sun; Let your child eat more fresh fruits and vegetables to prevent heat stroke; Drink some herbal tea, mung bean soup, etc., to cool off the heat and dispel dampness; Get enough sleep; Pay attention to food hygiene on hot days, and do a good job of sun protection and heatstroke prevention for children.

@各位家长: The hot weather is coming, please check the letter of safety precautions
@各位家长: The hot weather is coming, please check the letter of safety precautions

Second, pay attention to the prevention of drowning

In hot weather, children are more likely to swim in the water, and I hope that parents must increase their awareness of safety and supervision, take responsibility for the guardianship of their children, and always pay attention to their children's movements (whether they arrive at school on time and go home on time during school; Who to play with and where to play during the holidays) to strengthen the education and management of children, help them effectively enhance their safety awareness, learn the knowledge of drowning prevention, and avoid accidents. It is necessary to focus on educating and supervising children to achieve the "six nos":

Do not swim in the water without permission;

Do not swim with others without permission;

Do not swim without a parent or teacher;

Do not swim in waters without safety facilities and rescue personnel;

Do not swim in unfamiliar waters;

Children who are not familiar with water should not go into the water to rescue them.

In particular, children should be taught to avoid blind rescue hand in hand when they encounter a drowning companion, to rescue intelligently, and to seek adult help immediately. Parents should know their children's whereabouts, when they return, their peers, and the content of their activities. Strict supervision to prevent drowning accidents. Teachers and parents assist the school in the investigation of potential water hazards, safety education and water area inspections.

@各位家长: The hot weather is coming, please check the letter of safety precautions

3. Prevent fire safety accidents

In hot weather, it is easy to catch fire. Parents and friends are requested to carry out self-inspection of family fire safety, and inspect and rectify issues such as the safety of fire and electricity use at home, illegal parking and charging of electric bicycles, etc. Carry out fire safety education such as safe electricity use in hot weather, remind students not to mess with wires, and not to use high-power electrical appliances, inferior sockets and inferior chargers in violation of regulations.

@各位家长: The hot weather is coming, please check the letter of safety precautions

4. Prevent road safety accidents to and from school

In hot weather, road traffic is easy to cause fatigue, and strong sunlight exposure is also easy to cause great safety hazards to travel. Therefore, parents and friends have recently been warned that it is strictly forbidden to take black cars or overcrowded cars, and to pick up and drop off their children to and from school in person. Special notice: Motor vehicles are not allowed to enter the corridors outside the school!

@各位家长: The hot weather is coming, please check the letter of safety precautions

Dear parents, it is our common responsibility to do a good job in the safety of children in hot weather. Let's work together to take practical measures and do a good job in education to ensure the health and safety of children in the heat.

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