
Remote control: XCMG Shenzhou's first digging "to ensure the safety of the mine!"

author:Don't let go of Douban

Remote control: XCMG Shenzhou's first digging "to ensure the safety of the mine!"

XCMG intelligent excavator: leading a new era of mining

In today's society, the mining industry is facing multiple challenges such as safety, efficiency and sustainability. However, with the rapid development of smart technology, this traditional industry is undergoing a seismic transformation. In this change, XCMG has launched an eye-catching intelligent excavator - XCMG XE7000 with its leading technical strength. Not only can it be remotely operated, but it also offers high performance, safety and comfort, opening up completely new possibilities for the mining industry.

Starting from a scene in the Heidaigou open-pit coal mine, we were able to get a glimpse of XCMG XE7000. Here, the largest tonnage hydraulic excavator in the country is carrying out rock stripping operations. But unlike traditional excavators, there are no personnel on site, and everything is remotely controlled by an intelligent dispatch center 3 kilometers away through the 5G network. The operator only needs to precisely control every movement of the machine to complete the efficient loading operation. More than 50 tons of coal can be dug up with one bucket, and only three shovels can be used to fill an unmanned mining truck, which is amazingly efficient.

Behind this remote control is XCMG's unremitting exploration and continuous innovation in intelligent technology. The excavator is equipped with advanced sensors such as high-precision positioning antennas, lidar, millimeter-wave radar and high-definition cameras to monitor the surrounding environment at all times and accurately identify and avoid potentially dangerous areas. In the event of an emergency, these devices can also notify the operator as soon as possible to ensure safe production. This not only greatly improves the safety of the operation, but also brings a new experience to the mining operation.

The operating environment of the mine has always been harsh, and noise, dust, sun exposure and high temperature will bring great discomfort to the staff. But with XCMG XE7000, these problems are solved. Operators no longer have to face these tough working environments, but can control equipment remotely from the comfort of their offices. This not only greatly improves the comfort of operation, but also creates a safer and healthier working atmosphere for mining enterprises.

Of course, the advantages of XCMG XE7000 go far beyond that. As the largest tonnage hydraulic excavator in China, it has a bucket capacity of 36 cubic meters, and a bucket can dig up more than 50 tons of coal. With unmanned mining trucks, the entire operation process can be completed efficiently in a short time. This undoubtedly greatly improves the overall production efficiency of the mine and brings considerable economic benefits to the enterprise.

With the continuous development of intelligent technology, XCMG is also constantly promoting the transformation and upgrading of the mining industry. Through the application of intelligent equipment, Zhunneng Group has "liberated" the operators from the production site and realized the perfect combination of safe production and efficient operation. This not only ensures operational safety, improves production efficiency, but also greatly reduces operating costs, injecting strong momentum into the high-quality development of the mine.

In the future, with the continuous upgrading and promotion of XCMG's intelligent technology, the mining industry will usher in a broader development prospect. Intelligent technologies such as unmanned driving, remote control, and safety early warning will surely become the standard configuration of this industry and contribute to the construction of global smart mines. As an industry leader, XCMG will continue to lead the mining industry to a more intelligent, safe and efficient direction, opening a new era.

XCMG intelligent excavator: leading a new era of mining

Remote control: XCMG Shenzhou's first digging "to ensure the safety of the mine!"

The outstanding performance of XCMG XE7000 has not only attracted wide attention in the industry, but also stimulated the enthusiasm of mining enterprises to further explore intelligent transformation. In recent years, more and more mining enterprises have begun to actively introduce intelligent equipment, hoping to improve operation efficiency, reduce costs and ensure safety through technological changes.

Taking Zhunneng Group as an example, through the application of XCMG's intelligent equipment, they have "liberated" the operators from the production line. This not only effectively ensures operational safety, improves production efficiency, but also significantly reduces operating costs. It can be said that intelligent technology has injected strong development momentum into this mining enterprise and helped it achieve high-quality development.

Thinking about it carefully, what are the highlights of XCMG's XE7000's intelligent technology? First of all, it is equipped with advanced sensor systems, such as high-precision positioning antennas, lidars, millimeter-wave radars and high-definition cameras, which provide reliable data support for remote operation. These "clairvoyant" monitoring equipment always pay attention to the surrounding environment, accurately identify and avoid potential risks, and build a security "firewall" for the operation site.

At the same time, this excavator also has real-time warning and other functions, in the event of an emergency, it can notify the remote operator as soon as possible to ensure safe production. This state-of-the-art technology not only greatly improves the safety of operations, but also greatly improves the reliability of mine operations.

It is worth mentioning that the remote control technology of XCMG XE7000 not only solves the problem of operation safety, but also greatly improves the working environment of miners. In the past, miners were often exposed to harsh conditions such as noise, dust, sun exposure and heat, which not only affected physical and mental health, but also reduced productivity. With XCMG's intelligent equipment, miners only need remote control to complete their work in a comfortable office environment, which greatly improves the work experience.

It can be said that the intelligent technology of XCMG XE7000 has brought unprecedented changes to the mining industry. It not only improves the efficiency and safety of operations, but also improves the working environment of miners, truly realizing human-machine collaboration and technology empowerment. This not only creates considerable economic benefits for mining enterprises, but also seeks better development space for miners.

Based on these unique advantages, XCMG XE7000 is gradually replacing traditional machinery and becoming a new favorite in the field of mining. More and more mining enterprises have begun to introduce this kind of intelligent equipment, in order to take the lead in the fierce market competition. In the future, with the continuous innovation of XCMG in intelligent technology, this trend will be further strengthened and deepened.

It is believed that in the near future, XCMG intelligent excavators will completely change the face of mining and make this traditional industry glow with new vitality. Advanced technologies such as unmanned driving, remote control, and safety early warning will surely become the standard configuration of this industry, helping mining enterprises to achieve intelligent, green, and efficient transformation and upgrading. XCMG will continue to play the role of an industry leader and contribute its unique strength to the construction of global smart mines.

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