
Tomorrow on the summer solstice, the old man said, "Don't do the three summer solstices, and add joy if you are not rich", what is the importance of the summer solstice festival?

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, the old man said, "Don't do the three summer solstices, and add joy if you are not rich", what is the importance of the summer solstice festival?

Talk about food moments

2024-06-20 07:40Published in Jiangxi

There are poems: In the middle of the night, the flag is fluttering, and the crow is waking up. How many times did the tanuki steal the book, when did he hear the chirping?

In the blink of an eye, it came to the tenth of the twenty-four solar terms, the summer solstice. This solar term is the earliest of the 24 solar terms to be established, and it is also one of the four seasons and eight festivals in ancient times, and people attached great importance to it in ancient times. It belongs to the important festival of Chinese folk, the summer solstice before the Qing Dynasty had a national holiday, go home to reunite with relatives and drink, in order to avoid the summer heat, called Xixia.

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, the old man said, "Don't do the three summer solstices, and add joy if you are not rich", what is the importance of the summer solstice festival?

According to the Song Dynasty's "Wenchang Miscellaneous Records": "At the beginning of the summer solstice, hundreds of officials have a three-day holiday. It can be seen that its status can even be compared with the Dragon Boat Festival, but with the passage of time, the Summer Solstice Festival has gradually declined. Some people may not know that in fact, the Dragon Boat Festival is also separated from the Summer Solstice Festival, and many of the customs in it are the summer solstice, such as eating zongzi, which was only available on the Summer Solstice Festival at the earliest, and slowly became the appropriate food for the Dragon Boat Festival, and there are many more.

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, the old man said, "Don't do the three summer solstices, and add joy if you are not rich", what is the importance of the summer solstice festival?

What's so important about the Summer Solstice Festival?

The traditional customs of the summer solstice festival mainly have three aspects, on the one hand, it is to worship the gods and ancestors, people hope that through this way, they pray for a good year, and at the same time, they also thank their ancestors. Thanks to its blessing of good weather and abundant crops.

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, the old man said, "Don't do the three summer solstices, and add joy if you are not rich", what is the importance of the summer solstice festival?

Another aspect is to cool off the heat. On the summer solstice, the weather starts to get quite hot, and people give each other folding fans, fat powder, and other things. "Youyang Miscellaneous Tales • Etiquette": "On the summer solstice, there are words for entering the fan and powder fat sac. "Fan", by which the wind is generated;" powder fat", smeared with it, disperse the turbidity generated by body heat, and prevent prickly heat.

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, the old man said, "Don't do the three summer solstices, and add joy if you are not rich", what is the importance of the summer solstice festival?

The last aspect is diet, during the summer solstice, whether it is in the south or the north, you have to eat noodles, which means to try something new, and at the same time, eating some noodles is also easy to digest, which can well replenish the body's energy.

The old man said, "Don't do three summer solstices, and add joy if you are not rich", which three are not done?

1. Do not rain on the summer solstice

Summer solstice rain, as the name suggests, is around the summer solstice, the rain, it is best not to get contaminated, this is because this is also the rainy season. Han Yingshao's "Customs and Customs" cloud: "There is a plum wind in May, and Jianghuai thinks it is a trade wind." There is also a rainstorm, called the rainy season, and the clothes are stained, and they are all defeated."

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, the old man said, "Don't do the three summer solstices, and add joy if you are not rich", what is the importance of the summer solstice festival?

At this time, the air is very humid, and the cold and warm air masses meet here and form a trough of low pressure, resulting in continuous rainy weather. If the rain is contaminated with clothes or utensils, it is easy to cause mold, and people will also feel particularly uncomfortable, so at this time, pay attention to prepare for rain and do not go to the rain.

2. Do not miss the crops

In the summer solstice festival, the crops ushered in a crazy long time, and the weeds in the field must be cleaned up in time, otherwise, some weeds will grab fertilizer from the crops, resulting in the growth of crops being restricted, which is not conducive to its growth.

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, the old man said, "Don't do the three summer solstices, and add joy if you are not rich", what is the importance of the summer solstice festival?

In addition, there are many heavy rains at this time, which can easily cause drought and flood disasters. As the saying goes: "Summer planting is not allowed to take place", summer sowing work should be swept up quickly, and the management of those that have been sown should be strengthened, and all seedlings should be strived for. After the emergence of seedlings, the seedlings should be fixed in time, and transplanted to fill the gaps.

At this time, agricultural production in most areas of southern China entered the field management period due to the vigorous growth of crops, the rapid growth and spread of weeds, diseases and insects, and the golden season of grass and livestock prosperity began in the plateau pastoral areas. We must be careful not to miss the crops.

3. Don't eat your mother's dumplings

On the summer solstice, there is a custom of eating zongzi, to be precise, the earliest eating zongzi is derived from the summer solstice festival. During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, the "Jing Chu Years Chronicle" recorded: "Eat rice dumplings on the summer solstice festival. Zhou Feng is called horned millet. people and Hsinchu as a tube dumpling".

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, the old man said, "Don't do the three summer solstices, and add joy if you are not rich", what is the importance of the summer solstice festival?

But on this day of love, generally do not eat the mother's dumplings, the author thinks, mainly considering that this time is the time when the farm is busy, especially the weeds in the field, etc., must be cleaned up in time, so in order to avoid delaying farming, so there is a saying that the mother's rice dumplings are not eaten.

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, the old man said, "Don't do the three summer solstices, and add joy if you are not rich", what is the importance of the summer solstice festival?

Tomorrow is the summer solstice festival, in such days, we must pay attention to 3 things not to forget, one is not to go to the summer solstice rain, it is easy to bring mildew and contaminate with germs; The second is not to delay the farming, resulting in a decrease in crop grain, and the third is not to eat the mother's rice dumplings, and pay attention to labor. Friends, what are your local customs? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

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  • Tomorrow on the summer solstice, the old man said, "Don't do the three summer solstices, and add joy if you are not rich", what is the importance of the summer solstice festival?
  • Tomorrow on the summer solstice, the old man said, "Don't do the three summer solstices, and add joy if you are not rich", what is the importance of the summer solstice festival?
  • Tomorrow on the summer solstice, the old man said, "Don't do the three summer solstices, and add joy if you are not rich", what is the importance of the summer solstice festival?
  • Tomorrow on the summer solstice, the old man said, "Don't do the three summer solstices, and add joy if you are not rich", what is the importance of the summer solstice festival?
  • Tomorrow on the summer solstice, the old man said, "Don't do the three summer solstices, and add joy if you are not rich", what is the importance of the summer solstice festival?
  • Tomorrow on the summer solstice, the old man said, "Don't do the three summer solstices, and add joy if you are not rich", what is the importance of the summer solstice festival?
  • Tomorrow on the summer solstice, the old man said, "Don't do the three summer solstices, and add joy if you are not rich", what is the importance of the summer solstice festival?
  • Tomorrow on the summer solstice, the old man said, "Don't do the three summer solstices, and add joy if you are not rich", what is the importance of the summer solstice festival?

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