
The three caves of the cunning rabbit take stock of 9 countries in the world with two or more capitals.

author:Autumn of the Yuhong class

1. South Africa

Capitals: Tshwane, Cape Town, Bloemfontein

South Africa is located at the southernmost tip of the African continent, covering an area of 1.22 million square kilometers, and is one of the countries with the strongest comprehensive strength in Africa. In the 17th century, South Africa was first colonized by the Dutch, and left a large number of white descendants of the Boers in the local area, these Boers in South Africa successively established the Transvaal, Orange River, Natal and Cape four colonies, to the 19th century, the British also ran to South Africa to seize the territory, and occupied the Cape area, the two sides then broke out the famous Boer War, Britain has sent hundreds of thousands of troops to fight against the Boers, the result is more than the British suffered heavy losses, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who was still a war correspondent at the time, was captured in the Second Boer War, and of course the situation of the Boers was not much better, and the young people of their own tribe were almost lost, and after the war, the British took the Natal region as they wished; The protracted war of attrition exhausted everyone, and finally in 1908 the British and Burenos Aires began negotiations and decided to establish the Free State of South Africa, in order to balance the interests of the four colonies, they decided to set up the three cities of Pretoria (Tshwane) in the northeast, Cape Town on the southwest coast and Bloemfontein in the center as the capital, of which Pretoria is the administrative capital (government office), Cape Town is the legislative capital (parliament), and Bloemfontein is the judicial capital (judicial body). The capital of Durban, one of the four colonies, was not chosen; Although South Africa was later freed from colonial rule, this system of separation of the three capitals was retained and continues to this day, with the three capitals performing their own functions and not interfering with each other, but at the same time greatly reducing the efficiency of work and increasing the financial burden.

The three caves of the cunning rabbit take stock of 9 countries in the world with two or more capitals.
The three caves of the cunning rabbit take stock of 9 countries in the world with two or more capitals.

2. Saudi Arabia

Capitals: Riyadh, Mecca, Jeddah, Taif

Saudi Arabia is located on the Arabian Peninsula in western Asia, with an area of 2.25 million square kilometers, and is the largest country in West Asia and the world's largest oil power. Saudi Arabia's internationally recognized capital is Riyadh, a city located in the middle of the Saudi desert valley, the political center of Saudi Arabia and one of the most populous and developed cities in Western Asia. In addition to the administrative capital Riyadh, Saudi Arabia also has three capitals of Jeddah, Mecca and Ta'if, which are all located in the Hejaz region on the western coast of Saudi Arabia, of which Jeddah is the second largest city and the largest port in Saudi Arabia, and is also the economic and financial center of the country. Mecca, one of the central cities of the Hejaz region, the birthplace and holy city of Islam, the holy place in the hearts of Muslims all over the world, and the religious capital of Saudi Arabia; Taif is a summer resort on the Red Sea, located in the sedimentary plain, with sufficient groundwater, is a traditional agricultural area in Saudi Arabia, with all kinds of fruits, pears and peaches, and the temperature generally does not exceed 30 °C in summer, and the Saudi royal family and government will work here in summer, so Taif is also known as the "summer capital".

The three caves of the cunning rabbit take stock of 9 countries in the world with two or more capitals.
The three caves of the cunning rabbit take stock of 9 countries in the world with two or more capitals.

3. Bolivia

Capitals: Sucre, La Paz

Bolivia is located in the middle of South America, with an area of 110 square kilometers, is the largest landlocked country on the American continent, Bolivia is high in the west and low in the east, the towering Andes Mountains in the west, the low-lying Amazon plain and the Paraná Basin in the east, the average altitude of the country is about 3000 meters, it is a famous high-altitude country in the world, known as the "roof of South America"; There are two capitals in Bolivia, one is the legal constitutional capital that is, Sucre, Sucre is the first city built by the Spanish colonists in Bolivia, she is rich in silver in the valley of the Andes, in order to facilitate silver transportation and trade, the Spaniards used it as a transit point, and named Chuquisaca, after the independence of Bolivia, Chuquisaca was designated as the capital, in order to commemorate the national hero General Sucre who made a significant contribution to the independence movement, the Bolivians renamed Chuquisaca Sucre; In 1898, at the strong request of the tin oligarchs, the Bolivian government was forced to move the presidential palace and parliament to La Paz, and Sucre was left with only one Supreme Court, but Sucre is still the legal constitutional capital of the country, and La Paz, which became the new capital, also relied on unique resources. It quickly became the largest city and economic center in Bolivia.

The three caves of the cunning rabbit take stock of 9 countries in the world with two or more capitals.
The three caves of the cunning rabbit take stock of 9 countries in the world with two or more capitals.

4. Israel

Capitals: Tel Aviv, Jerusalem (not recognized by the international community)

Israel is located on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea in western Asia, with an area of about 24,600 square kilometers (actual control area), and is the only non-Muslim country in the Middle East; the capital of Israel is Tel Aviv, a city on the Mediterranean coast, which was founded in the mid-19th century, is the first settlement established by Jews in the Palestinian area, after 200 years of development, Tel Aviv has become the largest city and political and economic center of Israel, and Israeli government agencies and embassies are located here; And Jerusalem was not in the hands of Israel before 1967, when Israel was founded in 1948, the United Nations divided Jerusalem, the holy city of the three religions, into two parts, East Jerusalem, Israel was divided into West Jerusalem, and East Jerusalem was controlled by Jordan, in 1967, the third Middle East war ended and the Arab coalition was defeated again, Israel took the opportunity to seize East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, and in 1980 Israel declared Jerusalem its capital, but this proposal was directly vetoed by the United Nations, Countries have also refused to move their embassies to Jerusalem, and to this day the international community still does not recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

The three caves of the cunning rabbit take stock of 9 countries in the world with two or more capitals.

5. South Korea

Capitals: Seoul, Sejong

South Korea is located on the Korean Peninsula in northeastern Asia, covering an area of 90,000 square kilometers, and is one of the most economically developed countries in Asia. South Korea is a country established after the Second World War, the capital is set in Seoul, formerly known as Nanjing, Seoul, etc., in the 60s of the last century, the military government headed by Park Zhengxuan came to power, the military government used iron-fisted means to control the country, South Korea's economy has achieved rapid development during this period of time, known as the "Han River Miracle", in 1988, South Korea also hosted the Summer Olympics for the first time, and Seoul has gradually developed into one of the largest cities in East Asia; First of all, Seoul is only 40 kilometers away from the "38th parallel", once a war breaks out, Seoul will be the first to be attacked, you must know that 70% of South Korea's economic output is here, and secondly, Seoul is too populated and too crowded, Seoul has a total area of only 600 square kilometers, but it has a population of more than 10 million, about 16,000 people per square kilometer, and the population density is more than twice that of Shenzhen City in the mainland. Therefore, in 2005, the South Korean government decided to set up Sejong Special City in Chungcheongnam-do, more than 100 kilometers south of Seoul, as the new capital of South Korea in the future, the construction of Sejong City started in 2007 and was officially opened in 2012, but the main government agencies of South Korea are still in Seoul, and Sejong City is only an administrative capital in the name of nothing.

The three caves of the cunning rabbit take stock of 9 countries in the world with two or more capitals.
The three caves of the cunning rabbit take stock of 9 countries in the world with two or more capitals.

6. Netherlands

Capital: Amsterdam, The Hague

The Netherlands is located in northwest Europe, covering an area of 41,000 square kilometers, and is the world's famous "country of windmills" and "country of tulips"; The Netherlands is a United Kingdom, and it is precisely because of the balance of the interests of various forces that the Netherlands has its current dual capitals; Amsterdam is the largest city and financial and cultural center in the Netherlands, and it is also the third largest city and transportation hub city in Europe, almost all large enterprises in the Netherlands are headquartered here, but Amsterdam's political status is far inferior to The Hague, The Hague is the third largest city and administrative capital of the Netherlands, the royal family, government agencies, embassies of various countries are stationed here, and The Hague is also the headquarters of many international organizations, compared to Amsterdam's nameless, The Hague is really the big man behind the scenes.

The three caves of the cunning rabbit take stock of 9 countries in the world with two or more capitals.
The three caves of the cunning rabbit take stock of 9 countries in the world with two or more capitals.

7. Côte d'Ivoire

Capitals: Yamoussoukro, Abidjan

Côte d'Ivoire is located on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea in West Africa, covering an area of 322,000 square kilometers, is the world's largest cocoa producer; Côte d'Ivoire was once a French colony in history, because it was the base camp of the African slave trade and ivory trade, so it was formerly known as the Ivory Coast, the capital was once Abidjan, Abidjan has a population of more than 6 million, is the second largest port and the sixth largest city in Africa, known as the "Little Paris of West Africa", and is also the gathering place of African oil tycoons, Abidjan was the first low-lying marshland by the sea, In 1983, Côte d'Ivoire decided to move the capital to the central city of Yamoussoukro in order to solve the problem of Abidjan's big city, and at the same time balance and solve the interests of Christians in the south and Muslims in the north. Decades later, Yamoussoukro is still undeveloped, with a total population of only 200,000 and only two highways and an airport, leaving only an empty title of political capital; On the side of Abidjan, although the Ivorian government has repeatedly resigned, the major departments are still reluctant to relocate, and finally the Ivorian government has reluctantly announced the implementation of a dual-capital system and designated Abidjan as the economic capital.

The three caves of the cunning rabbit take stock of 9 countries in the world with two or more capitals.
The three caves of the cunning rabbit take stock of 9 countries in the world with two or more capitals.

8. Eswatini

Capitals: Mbabaane, Lobamba

Eswatini is located in southern Africa, with an area of 17,000 square kilometers, is the only remaining royal autocracy in Africa; Eswatini is small and narrow, surrounded by South Africa and Mozambique, historically a British "protectorate", its largest city is the central city of Mancini, but after Eswatini independence, the capital is located in the border city of Mbabane, near South Africa, Mbabane is an important industrial and mining city in Eswatini, mineral resources are very rich, is the legal capital of the country, but there is no king in this city, Because the king and his royal palace are located in Lobamba, 18 kilometres from Mbabane, along with Parliament and Parliament, Lobamba is the legislative capital of Eswatini's twin capitals.

The three caves of the cunning rabbit take stock of 9 countries in the world with two or more capitals.

9. Benin

Capitals: Portonovo, Cotonou

Benin is located in the Gulf of Guinea coast in West Africa, with an area of 112,000 square kilometers, is one of the least developed countries in the world; Benin has been ruled by the Portuguese and the French in history, because of the prosperity of the slave trade, it is called the "slave coast", after the independence of Benin, in order to balance the interests of various factions in the country, the two capitals are located on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea in the south, the economy is relatively developed, of which the legal capital Porto-Novo is the seat of the National Assembly, In the mid-18th century, the Portuguese came to establish it as a colonial stronghold and named the town Porto-Novo, which means "new Porto"; The other capital is Cotonou, more than 30 kilometers away from Porto-Novo, which was once the capital of the Kingdom of Gudahomey and the capital of the French colony in West Africa, and is currently the most populous city in Benin and the largest port in the country, and is the economic center of the country, where the central government and embassies of Benin are located.

The three caves of the cunning rabbit take stock of 9 countries in the world with two or more capitals.


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