
Shanggang Township, Xinye County: Awakening "sleeping" resources to create a harmonious village

author:Throughout the news

June is colorful, and the wind is smooth. Nowadays, walking in Shanggang Township, Xinye County, everywhere is full of beautiful scenery. The junction of the Yunliang River and Orchard Road has been created, the old "dilapidated road" has been replaced by a new asphalt road, solar street lights illuminate the road, and the "pocket park" is full of tourists. Next to the farmhouse in Xiaowu Village, a uniform fence separates the road from the courtyard, and people either grow vegetables or plant greenery, neat and clean. In Zhaogang Village, small amusement parks, small gardens, and small orchards abound, and the villagers take a leisurely walk after tea and dinner......

Shanggang Township, Xinye County: Awakening "sleeping" resources to create a harmonious village

In recent years, Shanggang Township has firmly grasped the great opportunity of beautiful and livable rural construction, taking advantage of the east wind of the policy, adapting measures to local conditions, and combining with the actual situation of the village, re-planning and renovating the corner plots, idle land and abandoned houses, and actively creating a "micro-landscape" at the door of the house. Carry out careful planning and design of idle land, upgrade the vacant land and homestead land of the masses, and strive to build a civilized bookstore, "pocket park", Taoyuan "check-in place", etc., to provide villagers with a good place for leisure and entertainment.

Coincidentally. Wangbai Village of the township closely follows the actual situation of the village and actively plans the "common prosperity road". Adhere to the "branch leading, party members leading the way, and industry paving", broaden the channels for increasing the income of the village collective economy, and solidly promote the construction of "courtyard economy" through the development of the village's "onion production" characteristic industry and the revitalization of idle resources. According to local conditions, guide the villagers to integrate the idle "square inch land" in front of the house and behind the house, vigorously develop the planting industry, and do everything possible to increase the income of the village collective in a variety of ways, so as to successfully turn the "waste garden" in the village into a "rich garden" and promote the quality and development of the village collective economy. At present, the village has built a "day care center" with a construction area of 240 square meters and an assembly workshop of "Yao Aitang" with a high standard of idle courtyards, driving 18 farmers to find employment "at their doorstep".

Shanggang Township, Xinye County: Awakening "sleeping" resources to create a harmonious village

Drum up the "money bags" of farmers and nourish the "flowers for getting rich" in the countryside. Based on the combination of the development of "courtyard economy" and Hemei Village, Guoyuan Village of the township gives full play to the driving effect of "party building leading + courtyard economy", actively guides farmers to use idle courtyards, vacant land in front of and behind houses to build greenhouses, encourages farmers to develop "low-consumption, high-efficiency, and ecological" edible fungus planting industry, provides solid industrial support for farmers to continue to increase income, promotes the upgrading of oyster mushroom planting industry, and effectively empowers the construction of Hemei Village.

Shanggang Township, Xinye County: Awakening "sleeping" resources to create a harmonious village

"Activate" the cultural bloodline and "leverage" the beautiful countryside. Gangnan Village has a strong red cultural heritage, taking advantage of the east wind of Hemei rural construction, sewer construction and other projects have been implemented, rural development has entered the "fast lane", and the villagers have gained an increasingly abundant sense of gain and happiness in the changes that can be seen and touched. Gangnan Village is also the location of the former headquarters of the Third Army Division of Tongbai Military Region, where it worked from December 1947 to June 1948, leaving many historical facts of land reform, supporting the front line, and military struggles, and becoming a position for educating future generations and inheriting red genes, so that the red spirit can take root in the hearts of the masses.

Step by step, like an old tree adding new branches, gratifying changes are changing with each passing day. Shanggang Township is seizing the opportunity to fully tap the "sleeping" resources of each village, make use of the potential value of old residential foundations, develop industries to enrich the people according to local conditions, actively solve the problems of rural development, and radiate new vitality of rural revitalization. In the next step, Shanggang Township will continue to make efforts in revitalizing idle rural resources, expand the collective economic "cake" in multiple ways, stabilize the foundation of social and economic development, awaken "sleeping" resources, stimulate "a pool of spring water", and effectively inject new vitality into Hemei Village. (Liu Zhenwei, Cui Guoan, Cui Guo)

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