
Congratulate! The Changjiang District Red Culture Research Association was established

author:Changjiang propaganda

After half a year of preparation, on June 19, the establishment of the Changjiang District Red Culture Research Association and the first general meeting of the first session were held in Hetang Township. Deputy District Mayor Zhang Bizhen attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Wu Jicai, Vice Chairman of the District CPPCC, Hao Haiwang, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Marxism of Jingdezhen University, Li Jingchun, second-level researcher of the Municipal History Office, Wang Guobao, former deputy director, experts and scholars of red culture research, and descendants of the revolution attended the meeting. All members of the Society attended the meeting.

Congratulate! The Changjiang District Red Culture Research Association was established

In the first stage of the meeting, the "Articles of Association of Red Culture Research Association of Changjiang District, Jingdezhen City" and "Election Measures of Red Culture Research Association of Changjiang District, Jingdezhen City" were reviewed and approved; reviewed and approved the list of directors and supervisors of the research society; The president, vice president, secretary-general and chief supervisor of the Changjiang District Red Culture Research Association were elected. Hong Dongliang, "a good man in China" and deputy director of the Culture and History Committee of the CPPCC District, was elected as the first president of the Red Culture Research Association of Changjiang District and made a speech.

Congratulate! The Changjiang District Red Culture Research Association was established
Congratulate! The Changjiang District Red Culture Research Association was established
Congratulate! The Changjiang District Red Culture Research Association was established
Congratulate! The Changjiang District Red Culture Research Association was established

The second phase of the meeting kicked off with the solemn and majestic national anthem of the People's Republic of China. At the meeting, Hao Haiwang, Wang Guobao, Li Jingchun, and Xiang Tianqi, the son of Fayi, the founder of the Jingdezhen Group of the Communist Party of China, successively addressed Tianqi. Zhang Bizhen, Wu Jicai, and Hong Dongliang unveiled the plaque for the Changjiang District Red Culture Research Association. The relevant person in charge of the District Civil Affairs Bureau read out the reply agreeing to the establishment of the Changjiang District Red Culture Research Association. The members of the preparatory group of the study group made a report on the preparatory work. The leaders of the meeting issued certificates to donors of red literature such as Tianqi, and issued letters of appointment as consultants to experts and scholars in red culture research.

Congratulate! The Changjiang District Red Culture Research Association was established

At the meeting, Zhang Bizhen said that in the decades from the establishment of the party organization in 1926 to the liberation, the local party organization in Jingdezhen of the Communist Party of China has played an important role, and many revolutionary stories have taken place. As one of the municipal districts, Changjiang District has abundant red cultural resources, the existing patriotic education base in the jurisdiction - Hetang Spirit Red Education Base (provincial level), Shuyuanwu Red Education Base (municipal level), cultivated the provincial red village Tongfang Village, Longtang Mountain Revolutionary Site, Liyang Town Shuangxiwu Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery has been built, in the red culture excavation, the protection of revolutionary relics, and the promotion of red culture and rural revitalization have achieved good results. It is hoped that the members of the research society will strengthen the contact with relevant units, conduct in-depth practical and active research, continue to make new achievements in the study of red culture and the protection and utilization of red cultural resources, and make due contributions to the high-quality economic and social development of the whole region.

Congratulate! The Changjiang District Red Culture Research Association was established

After the meeting, the participating leaders, guests and all members of the research association also went to the Lotus Pond Red Academy to visit the red culture exhibition.

The establishment of the research association marks a new starting point for Changjiang's red cultural undertakings and a new journey. It is reported that the Changjiang District Red Culture Research Association is an academic, local, non-profit social organization managed and registered by the District Civil Affairs Bureau, and the business supervisory unit is the District Federation of Social Sciences, aiming to carry out in-depth research on red culture in Changjiang District, carry forward the fine tradition, inherit the red gene, carry out patriotic education, form red culture research results, and make positive contributions to the prosperity and development of advanced socialist culture.

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