
The style of calligraphy - Wang Duo's "Xingshu Li He Poems" has a unique calligraphy pen form

author:Look at the past and know the present

The early Qing Dynasty was represented by Wang Duo and Fu Shan. Wang Duo's works are vigorous and handsome, magnificent, especially good at huge curtains, vertical and horizontal, and the shape is born with the potential, which seems to be extremely free. Today, I will share Wang Duo's "Xingshu Li He Poems".

The style of calligraphy - Wang Duo's "Xingshu Li He Poems" has a unique calligraphy pen form
The style of calligraphy - Wang Duo's "Xingshu Li He Poems" has a unique calligraphy pen form
The style of calligraphy - Wang Duo's "Xingshu Li He Poems" has a unique calligraphy pen form
The style of calligraphy - Wang Duo's "Xingshu Li He Poems" has a unique calligraphy pen form

"Xingshu Li He Poems" is smooth throughout the pen, forming a unique form of calligraphy and pen movement, and the dot painting is tenacious and tactful. In the glyph processing, it is even more ingenious, or tightly knotted, or open and longitudinal, or ups and downs, each with its own style.

The style of calligraphy - Wang Duo's "Xingshu Li He Poems" has a unique calligraphy pen form
The style of calligraphy - Wang Duo's "Xingshu Li He Poems" has a unique calligraphy pen form
The style of calligraphy - Wang Duo's "Xingshu Li He Poems" has a unique calligraphy pen form
The style of calligraphy - Wang Duo's "Xingshu Li He Poems" has a unique calligraphy pen form
The style of calligraphy - Wang Duo's "Xingshu Li He Poems" has a unique calligraphy pen form
The style of calligraphy - Wang Duo's "Xingshu Li He Poems" has a unique calligraphy pen form
The style of calligraphy - Wang Duo's "Xingshu Li He Poems" has a unique calligraphy pen form
The style of calligraphy - Wang Duo's "Xingshu Li He Poems" has a unique calligraphy pen form
The style of calligraphy - Wang Duo's "Xingshu Li He Poems" has a unique calligraphy pen form

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