
Coco Li's statue was questioned when it was completed in the martyrs' cemetery? Official: The park is open, and the deceased can be buried

Coco Li's statue was questioned when it was completed in the martyrs' cemetery? Official: The park is open, and the deceased can be buried

Top News

2024-06-22 15:18Published on the official account of Henan Henan Daily Newspaper Group's "Top News".

Top news reporter Hu Rui

Recently, the statue of singer Coco Li was completed in Wuhan Shimenfeng Memorial Park, which has caused controversy. On June 22, Shimenfeng Memorial Park responded that the park is divided into a landscape area and a burial area, with the martyrs in the landscape area and the burial area for everyone, including ordinary citizens.

According to media reports, on June 15, the inauguration ceremony of the statue of singer Coco Li was held in Wuhan Shimenfeng Memorial Park. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Coco Lee's debut, Coco Lee's family and fans from all over the world gathered here to witness the unveiling of the statue and to commemorate Coco Lee's musical life.

Coco Li's statue was questioned when it was completed in the martyrs' cemetery? Official: The park is open, and the deceased can be buried

On June 15th, the inauguration ceremony of the statue of Coco Li was held Photo source "Shimenfeng" public account

However, the Internet then raised questions about the completion of the statue of Coco Li, and the Shimenfeng Memorial Park as a martyr's cemetery. Top news reporters combed through and found that the main focus of the controversy was: Is Coco Li, as a singer, qualified to erect a statue in the martyrs' cemetery? How did the statue of Coco Lee succeed in becoming a martyr's cemetery?

On June 22, the top news reporter called Shimenfeng Memorial Park to learn about the above matters. According to a staff member, Shimenfeng Memorial Park is divided into a landscape area and a burial area, "In the landscape area, there are statues of the ten marshals in the Founding Fathers Sculpture Park, and the martyrs that everyone says are also in the landscape area." ”

The staff member said that the burial area is open to everyone, including ordinary citizens, "Coco Li is buried in the burial area of our park, first of all, our customers, as a business funeral service unit, we must do a good job in reception services, like her (family and fans) have this (statue) needs, we are all accepting." ”

In addition, the staff member said that in the burial area of Shimenfeng Memorial Park, the people who buried the body and erected the statue were not only Li Wen, who is an international superstar, but also academicians and famous professors and teachers from some local universities in Wuhan.

"If all the martyrs buried in our park are martyrs, and then a Coco Li is buried, then others may have this doubt (right), but our park is open, and the deceased can be buried here." The staff member said that he hoped that everyone would have a deep understanding of Shimenfeng Memorial Park before going to see the above problems.

It is understood that the operating body behind Shimenfeng Memorial Park is Wuhan Shimenfeng Memorial Park Co., Ltd. Tianyancha shows that the company is a private enterprise.

According to the official account of the memorial park, after 30 years of public welfare impact investment, Shimenfeng Memorial Park has been built into a "Hubei Province National Defense Education Base", "Wuhan Patriotism Education Base" and "Wuhan City Caring for the Next Generation of Party History and National History Education Base".

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  • Coco Li's statue was questioned when it was completed in the martyrs' cemetery? Official: The park is open, and the deceased can be buried

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