
The kindergarten held a farewell ceremony for the goats they had raised for 14 years: to help children understand life more

The kindergarten held a farewell ceremony for the goats they had raised for 14 years: to help children understand life more

The Paper

2024-06-21 07:34Published on the official account of Shanghai The Paper

The kindergarten held a farewell ceremony for the goats they had raised for 14 years: to help children understand life more

"There used to be a sheep living here...... It's a pity that at noon on June 17, the sheep left us" - a plastic "obituary" was hung on the fence adjacent to Shenglong Street of Hangzhou Shenhua Road Kindergarten, informing the 14-year-old goat of the park to pass away "Dingding", thanking "the passers-by who have walked, passed, cared for and interacted with the sheep for their tolerance and love".

Bao Huilan, a teacher of life education in the kindergarten, told The Paper ( on the 20th that "Dingding" came to the kindergarten in the spring of 2010, when it was still a lamb, about the same size as a teddy dog, raised in the grove in the park near Shenglong Street, and only separated from the road by the fence, "At first, it was called 'brave', and later changed to this name because of the common use of sheep's horns top fence." ”

Each class of children in the kindergarten will be responsible for taking care of the "Dingding" together with the sheep raiser and the security guard, and the other classes will take turns, and it will be their turn to arrange meals. "The children began to not know what the sheep like to eat, after consulting the books, consulting the elders and the sheep uncle, in the long-term feeding found that the goats like to eat vegetables, radish, fruits, but also love to eat dried leaves, soaked beans, sliced sweet potatoes, etc." 

On April 24, 2018, the children also held a "wedding" for "Dingding" and "Quiet", making their "small bungalows", necklaces, bows, etc. "At that time, a boy said, 'We have a father, a mother and children, but Dingding's home is only himself', so the children came up with the idea of finding a 'good friend' for Dingding, and the director also agreed, bringing a ewe from Xiuyue Park to Shenhuayuan District, and the children held a 'wedding' for them." Bao Huilan said. 

The kindergarten held a farewell ceremony for the goats they had raised for 14 years: to help children understand life more

The children are feeding the top "couple".

Arrange recipes, feed food, help clean the sheepfold...... The children of the kindergarten will interact with "Dingding", and there will always be stories related to "Dingding" in the children's programs during the graduation performance every year.

witnessed the "Dingding", "marriage", and the children who gave birth to cubs gradually grow up and graduate, and "Dingding" gradually grew old.

The kindergarten held a farewell ceremony for the goats they had raised for 14 years: to help children understand life more

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"The 14-year-old 'Dingding' is equivalent to a human being in seventy or eighty years, and since last week, it has been a little sluggish." Bao Huilan said that on the 17th, he heard from the security guard that "Dingding" had not eaten for two days, and found that it had left during the noon inspection.

A pet funeral company was contacted to dispose of the remains, and a farewell ceremony was held. "The master of ceremonies said, 'Let's talk to Dingding, I'll never see you again', and in an instant, the children cried, and many boys who had never cried before also cried." "I think this is a good life education, and if we can face up to death, maybe we can help children understand life, love it, respect and cherish it more." ”

The "obituary" posted on the side of the road also reads: "You who come and go, every time you pass by here, you will smell an exclusive smell, thank you for never disliking its existence." On a breezy spring day, the smell of sheep wafted across the road to the school next door, and the children who had graduated from kindergarten proudly said, 'This must be the big goat in the kindergarten next door, I fed him'...... Every bit of it is a story that is exclusive to this road. ”

Bao Huilan said that the surrounding residents also know about Dingding, "but we have never received any complaints from residents for more than a decade, and parents and children passing by will take a look inside the fence." She said that the "obituary" was posted to let everyone know that "Dingding" was gone, and to thank them for their tolerance and love.

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  • The kindergarten held a farewell ceremony for the goats they had raised for 14 years: to help children understand life more
  • The kindergarten held a farewell ceremony for the goats they had raised for 14 years: to help children understand life more
  • The kindergarten held a farewell ceremony for the goats they had raised for 14 years: to help children understand life more

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