
Drove around and stole 21 goats! The two thieves were arrested by the Wenchang police when they were committing the crime

author:Ping An Jilin

The reporter learned on June 28

Hainan Provincial Public Security Department

Second Detachment of the Coast Police Corps

United Wenchang Municipal Public Security Bureau

Recently, one was successfully detected

The case of theft of raw sheep in many places

A total of 2 suspects were arrested

7 cases were solved

A number of stolen black goats were seized at the scene

A vehicle was seized

Drove around and stole 21 goats! The two thieves were arrested by the Wenchang police when they were committing the crime

The suspect was arrested and provided by the police

"The thieves were so ruthless that they stole the sheep that my family had worked so hard to raise." Recently, the Chishui Coast Police Station of the Wenchang Municipal Public Security Bureau received a report from the people in Changsa Town, the jurisdiction, that their black goats had been stolen.

Because it was not an isolated case, this theft incident immediately attracted the attention of the police at the police station. It is understood that since March 2024, there have been a number of cases of theft of free-range black goats in various coastal towns and towns in Wenchang City. The frequent occurrence of cases has seriously affected the sense of security of the people in the jurisdiction and caused a lot of property losses to local farmers.

In order to quickly crack the case and recover the economic losses of the masses in a timely manner, the detachment quickly set up a special case squad and went all out to devote itself to the investigation and handling of the case.

Drove around and stole 21 goats! The two thieves were arrested by the Wenchang police when they were committing the crime

The suspect was arrested and provided by the police

In the process of case investigation, the special police conducted a detailed analysis of the modus operandi, timing, and location of many cases of theft of goats, and conducted a comprehensive survey of the suspicious vehicles around the crime scene. Finally, a suspicious piece of information was verified in the area of Changsa Town. After screening, a suspect vehicle and the suspect were successfully locked.

Drove around and stole 21 goats! The two thieves were arrested by the Wenchang police when they were committing the crime

The suspect was arrested and provided by the police

Recently, the police received information from the Wenchang Municipal Public Security Bureau that the suspect vehicle appeared on the tourist road around the coastal island of Wenchang City and may be waiting for an opportunity to commit a crime. After receiving the news, the task force immediately organized and reported the situation, and jointly with the Wenchang City Public Security Bureau to dispatch police forces to control the tourist highway, and prepared to organize and implement the arrest.

In the evening of the same day, at a traffic light intersection in Dongjiao Town, the suspects Yang and Wang were arrested after another theft, and many stolen black goats were seized at the scene, and a vehicle was seized, and the stolen goods were seized.

Drove around and stole 21 goats! The two thieves were arrested by the Wenchang police when they were committing the crime

Stolen goats courtesy of the police

It is reported that the suspects Yang and Wang have nothing to do on weekdays and have no normal source of income, and when they learned that the theft changed hands on the sheep cubs with a large profit margin, they had the intention of stealing and committed the crime together. In the past year, they have repeatedly driven to Longlou Town, Dongjiao Town, Puqian Town, Changsa Town and other coastal towns in Wenchang City to commit crazy crimes, and have stolen a total of 21 goats. The two suspects confessed to the crime of stealing goats continuously. At present, the case is under further investigation.

Police remind

In rural areas, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks, and other livestock have a large number and a wide range of activities, and they are very easy to become the targets of some lawbreakers. The majority of rural households shall enhance their awareness of prevention, strengthen the safety protection of domestic livestock and livestock, and where conditions permit, they may install monitoring or alarm devices to prevent the occurrence of such incidents.

Source: Nanhai Net, Nanguo Metropolis Daily

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