
The summer vacation is approaching, and parent-child tours and high-temperature summer vacations are on fire

The summer vacation is approaching, and parent-child tours and high-temperature summer vacations are on fire


2024-06-23 09:44Posted on the official account of Beijing Central Broadcasting Network

CCTV Beijing, June 23 (Reporter Qin Liling) The summer solstice has passed, and the summer vacation has begun to enter the countdown, which also means that the tourism industry is about to usher in the annual "longest peak season". The monitoring and analysis of holiday travel by the tourism platform shows that summer vacations, wilderness tours, parent-child tours, and outbound chartered tours have become the highlight trends of this year's summer travel.

High temperature summer vacation is popular

Tourists like to go where "cool" they like

"Coolness" has become one of the primary considerations for summer travel. Since June, the north has been high temperature for many days, Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Liaoning and other provinces have issued high temperature warnings for many days, the highest temperature in some areas can reach 37~39 °C, local more than 40 °C, the temperature is catching up with the southern Xinjiang basin area. On the contrary, due to the influence of precipitation, the temperature in early summer in the southern region with lower latitude is not high, and the daily maximum temperature in cities between 23° and 32°N, such as Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Wuhan, Chongqing, Chengdu and other cities, is mostly below 30°C.

Avoiding high temperatures and heavy rains, the Northeast and Northwest are true "summer resorts". According to Qunar data, the most popular destinations in Northwest China are Yili, Urumqi, Lanzhou, Kashgar, Xining, Altay, Jiuquan, Aksu, Haixi and Zhangye; Popular destinations in Northeast China are Harbin, Changchun, Yanbian, Hulunbuir, etc. Most of the daily maximum temperatures in these cities in the past week are around 20 degrees, and the weather is sunny and rainless.

The summer vacation is approaching, and parent-child tours and high-temperature summer vacations are on fire

Kanas Scenic Grassland Ranch (Source: CFP)

Following the "Erbin" in January, the Tohoku region is once again in the field of vision of tourists. In summer, the Northeast is like a "natural air conditioner", and the Hulunbuir grassland also ushers in the season of abundant water and grass throughout the year. Qunar data shows that in late June, from Zhengzhou, Shijiazhuang, Shenyang, Beijing and other cities to Hailar, the price of naked tickets (excluding the cost of machine construction fuel) is less than 500 yuan. Travelers can grasp the last price depression on the eve of summer according to factors such as climate, price, and length of play.

In addition, the high temperature and high humidity weather is on fire. Qunar big data shows that in the past week, the number of tickets for water parks and rafting attractions across the country has increased by 80% compared with the previous week. Popular scenic spots include Beijing Water Cube Water Park, Sanya Atlantis Water World, Wuhan Maya Beach Water Park, etc.

Summer parent-child orders accounted for more than 80%

The chartered bus tour is preferred as a "lying flat walking baby".

With the end of the college entrance examination and high school entrance examination in various places, the parent-child army has gradually begun to "emerge", becoming another "backbone" in the tourism market after the young group, with the orders of family parent-child travel accounting for nearly 35% in the past week, and showing a rising trend. Go to Weizhou Island in the North Sea to take a boat to go whale watching, take a submarine to explore the underwater scenery on Hainan Boundary Island, and enjoy yourself on the lawn of Nanji Island in Wenzhou and the only shell beach in China.

The summer vacation is approaching, and parent-child tours and high-temperature summer vacations are on fire

Family tour (Source: CFP)

According to Ctrip's recently released "2024 Summer Charter Tour Trend Insights" report, more than 80% of the chartered bus tours that "take care of both adults and children" in the summer are parent-child family trips, with medium and long-term 5-10 day tours being the most popular. Compared with taking a bus with a group, taking a taxi between multiple scenic spots, or transferring to public transportation, chartered tours can achieve "one car without transferring", which can provide a more spacious and comfortable interior space and a relaxed and convenient travel experience. Therefore, chartered travel has become the preferred way for many parents to walk their babies in the summer.

In addition to popular destinations such as Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang, many parents choose to roam the countryside with their babies. Treasure villages and towns hidden in the city are also becoming more and more popular with parents, and popular destinations for rural family travel include Xizhou Ancient Town, Hongcun, Pupu Village, Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village, Yaoli Ancient Town, etc. Comfortable and convenient chartered travel, with the rural idyllic natural ecology and slow-paced life experience, parents can experience the "immersive and relaxed" "walking baby" trip.

Outbound travel welcomes the peak

Sporting events are driving up European tours

As the summer travel season approaches, outbound travel products have also entered the peak booking period. According to Ctrip, the number of bookings for summer outbound vacation products has nearly doubled year-on-year. The post-80s and post-90s generations are the "backbone" of domestic travel in the summer, of which the post-80s account for half, the post-90s account for 18%, and the post-00s account for 12%. The post-00s generation has covered the graduate and other student groups, becoming the fastest-growing group this summer, with a 78% increase in bookings compared to last year. Popular destinations for summer outbound travel include Tokyo, Osaka, London, Jeju and Sapporo.

According to data from Meituan and Dianping, since May, the search popularity of "outbound travel" has increased nearly 5 times year-on-year, with Thailand, South Korea, Japan and other countries, as well as Hong Kong and Macau, China all popular search destinations; In terms of departure destinations, in addition to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, tourists from Chengdu, Xi'an and Nanjing are also keen to plan their outbound travel itinerary in advance.

In addition, with the blessing of popular sports events such as the Paris Olympics and the European Cup, European tourism has ushered in a tourism boom. Despite the rising prices of hotels and airfares in European destinations such as Germany and France, the market response is still enthusiastic. Li Jiang, director of Ctrip's chartered tour in Europe, said that due to the impact of the Olympic Games, the number of inquiries for chartered tours in France and neighboring countries has soared, and "France, Italy, Switzerland" and "Benelux" are popular consultation routes.

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  • The summer vacation is approaching, and parent-child tours and high-temperature summer vacations are on fire
  • The summer vacation is approaching, and parent-child tours and high-temperature summer vacations are on fire

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