
41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

author:Foreign French

01. They are colorful and shimmer with a metallic luster.

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

02. Why is this fish named this? Because it has three long, specialized rays on its pelvic and caudal fins, it can anchor itself to the bottom of the sea, like a tripod.

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

03. Thresher shark with a huge tail.

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

04. The desert horned viper, which can bury its entire body in the sand, only shows its eyes and waits for the opportunity to hunt its prey.

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

05. Now, there are more and more people who have cats. Industry insiders are beginning to consider whether other wild small cats can be domesticated and raised as cats. Take, for example, this enlarged version of the Abyssinian cat, the Reed Cat.

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

06. A lion stands alone in the territory of the southern wildlife reserve in Johannesburg, South Africa, like a general and a king who has gone through a hundred battles.

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

07. Off the coast of the Netherlands, a longfin pilot whale died after a painful struggle on the surface of the sea

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

08, anecdotes - as we all know, the horns of the swordantelope should be straight upward, piercing the blue sky, like two sharp swords. But there is a special sword antelope, the horns are stretched downward, which is incomprehensible.

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

09. Can Red win this game first??!!!!!!

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

10. The crocodile rushed ashore and dragged the antelope into the water

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

11. It's obviously a spider, but it looks like a brooch in the Swarovski counter, and the name of this spider is called Jewel Spider, and the name is really appropriate.

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

12. This little squid is very dreamy, like a spirit in the deep sea.

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

13. Some Japanese soldiers also forced Chinese citizens to kneel in front of the wall, and then brutally assassinated them.

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

14. It became its gliding suit.

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

15. The Atitlan grebe is a rare bird that is endemic to Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

16, the real "panda", I still feel that it is not as cute as the black circles.

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

17. The hungry crocodile jumped out of the water to hunt the big bird that flew by, and I don't know if the bird can escape from the ascension to heaven and live and die in an instant.

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

18. I can't solve it after thinking about it for a long time, so I ask the great god for advice in the comment area????????

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

19, was provoked by the Japanese army and died in the stomach, with blood still dripping from the corners of his mouth

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

20. Don't bother me to think about the problem

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

21. After the eggs hatch, we will see an almost transparent "glass caterpillar" with a very strange appearance.

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

22. Which rat is different? ?!!

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

23. The Mexican salamander has tadpole-like spinal fins that are consistent with their length

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

24. Get up close and personal with wild turkeys!

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

25. What are they doing?

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

26. The kingfisher spreads its wings and plunges into the bottom of the river, stirring up a crystal splash. Sharp eyes scan the cracks in the stones, and the sharp beak quickly catches the swimming fish, and the movements are agile and graceful.

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

27, what a beautiful colorful python! Under the sun, the whole body shines with a metallic luster!

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

28, hehe, it's funny. I'm laughing to death!

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

29. I don't know if this is still attractive to the lioness, it doesn't seem to be.

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

30. Dementia prevention test questions, everyone will try it, and the answer in the comment area is ~!!!!!

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

31. Very rare "two-headed shark", which is likely to be the result of shark inbreeding.

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

32. A newborn rabbit has almost no hair on its whole body except around the nose, and it is bare.

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

33, red panda. herbivore

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

34. Do you dare to imagine? This turned out to be a close-up of our eyelashes~

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

35. The partially albino green peacock is particularly beautiful!

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

36. A Cuban crocodile leaps out of the water and jumps high to attack a water bird

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

37. This photograph was taken on October 3, 1862, showing Lincoln and Alan Pinkerton (left) and John A. Bush. Major General A. McLeanand (right), among them, Allen Pinkerton is a famous military intelligence officer, who essentially invented the Secret Service.

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

38. This little otter drinks milk (look at its cute little tail)

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

39. Forest fairy beetles, you must have never seen such creatures before, they are transparent all over their bodies, and they are dressed in white dresses full of fairy energy. They live in caves and have a 4 mm long body that lacks pigment. The male "fairy" has wings, while the true female "fairy" has no wings.

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

40. The kung fu of goats flying on the eaves and walking on the wall is really amazing, and there are thousands of cliffs, but they are tossing and turning in it, enjoying themselves.

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

41. Eat or store? It's a problem.

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

Only one in a thousand people can solve the endgame, do you know how to solve it? Hit the answer in the comments section

41 photos: The most beautiful beetle in the world, stunning and breathtaking

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