
Watch the NBA | What is the number one free market center?

Watch the NBA | What is the number one free market center?

Quiet and easy to ink

2024-06-24 21:14Posted in Beijing Basketball Commentator, Tencent NBA Writer

After the book, let's continue to talk about the center in the market. I finished reading the substitute level in the last issue, and I will look at the starting level in this issue.

The first group, free agents entering the market.

Hartenstein, Claxton, Valanciunas, Drummond

This summer's battle for the No. 1 center in the free market should start between Harden and the fourth brother. Not disrespectful to Varan, but for a playoff team, Harden and Fourth look more likely to survive in the deep rounds, and Varan has been bitterly targeted in the first round of the playoffs in recent years.

Watch the NBA | What is the number one free market center?

Harden is the most compatible center on the free market. Unless it does not meet the requirements of the five externals, Hatten is functionally comprehensive. The size is enough to finish a good quality basket, and the maneuverability can complete the delay without dragging the defensive rotation. Although the effectiveness of defending Embiid alone is not as good as that of teammate Miro, the ability to defend Embiid alone for most of the series is an achievement in itself. It has a good finishing efficiency, explosive rebounds, a first-class feel near the basket, and a certain ability to handle the ball, which can handle 4 to 3, do hand-to-hand, and even some simple arc top deals. In addition to not shooting three-pointers, not playing the main offense, the functionality of the center, Harden is fully equipped.

For free-market buyers, Hatten's problem is a price war with the Knicks. If nothing else, Harden is the player the Knicks want to keep. The teams in the market that have space under the hat and need Harden are mainly the Thunder, and compared to the Knicks, who also need to keep OG, the Thunder's salary pressure will be less, but the Knicks also have the trick of cutting Bojan (the guaranteed part is only 2 million, however, the Knicks seem to prefer to execute Bojan's contract as a trade) to ease the pressure. Neither the Thunder nor the Knicks will have to do a single move in the summer, and their efforts in other directions may also affect the negotiation with Harden.

I'm inclined to think that the Thunder should have their main goal of pursuing Markkanen and O.G. Anunoby, and that a double kill of them could be a big deal.

Of course, the reality is often not as expected, even if it is not as dark as "attacking Marca and OG openly, and secretly entering Corinthian Boyan", the general manager with more resources may not be able to do whatever he wants. Strategically speaking, if you only chase OG, you won't get OG, and if you only chase Harten, you won't get Hateng, but if the two chase together, maybe you can force the Knicks to flaw. In fact, the Knicks are an important buyer in the trade market this summer, and they are also a potential seller, and the good players related to them include Paul George, Mikal Bridges, OG-Anunoby, Randle, Harden, Mitchell Robinson, Bojan, etc., the Knicks cannot have them at the same time, and in various permutations and combinations, there must be some plans that require the Knicks' existing players to spill over, and other teams have a chance.

Harden's finishing radius and ball-handling ability make it easier for him to work with the Thunder's developers than the average Cake Eater. However, Harden is a center with a salary of more than 20 million, and a center at this price means that the starting identity and stable time are equivalent to Chet playing the No. 4 position, so the Thunder gave up the direction of building a team in the five fields for a long time. It's a bit of a pity, because it's relatively appropriate for them to take this path.

The Thunder's three-point ability at the No. 1/2 position is not as good as the Knicks (which side of the No. 3 position is stronger depends on how you think of Hart's version switching ability), and Chet is a spatial type at the No. 5 position, and the three-point effect is on the same level as Caruso as the No. 4 position. If a team's starting lineup can't put up a 5-shooter, Dort is the best three-pointer, which is still somewhat abstract.

So, I can't take it for granted that Bronson can handle Harden and that SGA is in harmony with him. The two have different rhythms and ranges for their ball-holding shots, with Bronson's partner being stronger in three-pointers.

The Thunder can't be intimidated by the size of the first-round series, and it's true that they didn't defend the Mavericks, but their offense is obviously more of a problem than defense, and the shooting is just as important as the size. It's true that a center forward is missing, but what they need more is a backup center forward. If the Thunder were to buy Harden, I'd be inclined to think that Harden would be a good fit to play as a fake starter and a backup center for the 2/4 quarters.

In the critical stage, the Thunder still need to come up with a set of higher-quality five-outside lineups.

Watch the NBA | What is the number one free market center?

Claxton is in a similar situation to Harden in the market. The home team, the Nets, will try to keep people, and the team that is interested in the market is also the Thunder. The fourth brother is ranked after Hatten.

Compared to Harden, who can hold the ball in the high post and do hand-to-hand and transfer, the fourth brother is a pure finisher, and the compatibility with the Thunder on the offensive end is questionable, he will be more of a fake starter than Harden, and the reliability of the deep rounds of the playoffs needs to be questioned. The advantage of the fourth brother is to greatly improve the defensive dominance of the Thunder in the regular season, and completely build the Thunder into an impeccable small-ball defensive top team, and can kill a bunch of middle and lower teams by relying on defensive conversion.

In addition to the Thunder, will the Spurs be interested in the Spider-Man combination of Wenban + Fourth Brother? Personally, I don't think it makes much sense. As for the Pistons, it cannot be ruled out that they inexplicably triggered the habit of hoarding talent-type interior lines when they had a starting finishing center, and became an unexpected spoiler.

In addition, the Nets' attitude towards the fourth brother may be more open than the Knicks to Harden. The Nets are a transitional team that can advance and retreat, and the vast majority of players in their hands can give up when the chips are right. This means that it is feasible for some teams that do not have salary space to negotiate a signing. The Grizzlies are a bit tight on their salary and could be a potential next home if they can handle some contracts properly. Personally, however, I think the Grizzlies might as well target some trade partners with contracts (there are a few picks in the next draw) or trade draft picks upwards, however, Klingen did not go to the Grizzlies for a tryout.

Watch the NBA | What is the number one free market center?

Valanciunas is an interesting presence in the free market. Judging from the timeline, there is no need for the Spurs and Jazz to take him. For the Thunder, he must be a backward choice. The Magic actually need to upgrade the center, and Varan has a limited upgrade for them. In the case that the 76ers failed to get a star, the space is also more suitable for the vacuum of the front line and wing first. Therefore, most of the teams that have space are not the suitors of Valan's ideals. Will there be a team to play for Valan? Maybe, but I can't think of who they are just yet. If the Pelicans make a trade to bring in stars, the possibility of Valland being traded in a multi-party trade is a possibility.

If the Pelicans don't keep Wallan on their own, teams with full mid-range players will need to keep an eye out.

Watch the NBA | What is the number one free market center?

The reason for the underlining of Drummond's name is that he is actually better suited to appear in the previous issue. Even though he has had a very good season, I still think his level is closer to being a substitute than a starter. The reason why I didn't mention him in the last issue is because I forgot.

But objectively speaking, Zhuang Shen's sense of disobedience in this period is not great, he played a fake starter at the beginning of the first and third quarters, and a game was close to 20 minutes, which is at this level. His rebounding ball is very explosive, with long arms, shoulder width and rough hand work, he can conjure up 4 front boards out of thin air under the basket in a round, and his keen sense of interception has always been a signature, and he is considered an excellent defensive player in an average game. Of course, the high-end bureau says otherwise.

If you're looking for a backup center, he's still better than Eubanks, Plumlee, Jordan Jr.

But will Zhuang Shen ask for the mini middle class?

If so, then it may be really difficult to get the brothers who need him the most.

The second group, four centers that would not normally be traded.

Kessler, Naz Reed, Zubac, Adams

These four people would not enter the market by common sense. But if there is a small probability event, their cost performance is quite good, and it is worth fighting for.

Watch the NBA | What is the number one free market center?

Kessler. When I was in first grade, I didn't even think about Kessler's entry into the market. But this kind of news is really coming out now. Kessler's second year did not send amazing growth, and as a type with a high degree of completion, it is indeed not easy to rise significantly. Hardy is also questionable about how much he trusts him. However, the chances of the Jazz trading Kessler are still very low, and unless a core they value shows up to a high-pick rookie, or a core on a rookie contract period leaves the star, other types of trades don't look like they can impress the Jazz.

Watch the NBA | What is the number one free market center?

Naz Reed. If the wolves don't plan to move the Downs, then someone will have to leave when the wages can't afford it. Reed is on an expiring contract, and if the wolves feel they can't keep it, there will be a move. But this probability is very low, very low. And once Reed is moving, he's attractive as a center with a rare combination of shooting and excellence in the league.

Zubac. Unless George's potential departure trade is heavily involved and results in Zubac's sacrifice, keeping Azu is the Clippers' first choice.

Adams. Unless neither the Hawks nor the Wizards pick Klingen, and the Rockets pick Klingen, there's no reason for Adams to enter the market. I don't think it's very probable. Adams has a good contract, but the doubt is that he hasn't played in more than a year and his form is questionable.

The third group, the Seven Terminators.

To be continued.......

Watch the NBA | What is the number one free market center?

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  • Watch the NBA | What is the number one free market center?
  • Watch the NBA | What is the number one free market center?
  • Watch the NBA | What is the number one free market center?
  • Watch the NBA | What is the number one free market center?
  • Watch the NBA | What is the number one free market center?
  • Watch the NBA | What is the number one free market center?
  • Watch the NBA | What is the number one free market center?

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