
It's going viral! The Chinese women's basketball team's 2.28-meter genius debut 19+7 detonated high praise, American media: Who can prevent it

It's going viral! The Chinese women's basketball team's 2.28-meter genius debut 19+7 detonated high praise, American media: Who can prevent it

Li Xilin's basketball lore

2024-06-25 10:29Posted in Beijing Sports Creators

Zhang Ziyu's debut in the international competition of the national team sparked heated discussions. She played 13 minutes off the bench and finished with 19 points, 7 rebounds, 2 assists, 2 steals and 3 blocks on 9-of-9 shooting. At 2.28 meters, she is a dimensionality reduction on the court to hit her opponent. Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance has aroused praise, and even the American media have noticed her.

It's going viral! The Chinese women's basketball team's 2.28-meter genius debut 19+7 detonated high praise, American media: Who can prevent it

Zhang Ziyu did not start in this game, and the Chinese U18 women's basketball team did not start very well and did not open the score. After Zhang Ziyu came on the court, the offense and defense of the Chinese U18 women's basketball team immediately upgraded, thus opening the score. In the whole game, Zhang Ziyu's efficiency value of 31 was the highest in the game.

Chen Nan, assistant coach of the Chinese U18 women's basketball team, praised Zhang Ziyu after the game, and she smiled and said: "Her height advantage is unique, including the inside advantage that the other party can't solve." We did play well at the beginning, that is, the players were tight, and the score was not opened. After Zhang Ziyu came on the court, in general, he was involved in defense. Her scoring was relatively easy and very dominant, and from this game, her performance was quite satisfactory. ”

It's going viral! The Chinese women's basketball team's 2.28-meter genius debut 19+7 detonated high praise, American media: Who can prevent it

Chen Nan also encouraged Zhang Ziyu to make persistent efforts to play well in the following games: "It's just for this game, because as I just said, she is also the first time to stand on this stage, the first time to play an international competition, and there are still many tough battles waiting for her in the future." ”

It's going viral! The Chinese women's basketball team's 2.28-meter genius debut 19+7 detonated high praise, American media: Who can prevent it

The next two opponents in the group stage are New Zealand and Japan, these two opponents are much stronger than Indonesia, and I believe that in these two games, Zhang Ziyu's playing time will increase a lot.

The well-known American media NBACentral reposted the video of Zhang Ziyu fighting on the field, and wrote: "Zhang Ziyu, who can prevent it." ”

It's going viral! The Chinese women's basketball team's 2.28-meter genius debut 19+7 detonated high praise, American media: Who can prevent it

Zhang Ziyu has a height of 2.28 meters, under the polishing of Wang Guizhi and Chen Nan, her various abilities have been greatly improved, and there is no problem in coping with the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Championship, of course, she still has shortcomings to make up, which is what she has to do in the next stage.

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  • It's going viral! The Chinese women's basketball team's 2.28-meter genius debut 19+7 detonated high praise, American media: Who can prevent it
  • It's going viral! The Chinese women's basketball team's 2.28-meter genius debut 19+7 detonated high praise, American media: Who can prevent it
  • It's going viral! The Chinese women's basketball team's 2.28-meter genius debut 19+7 detonated high praise, American media: Who can prevent it
  • It's going viral! The Chinese women's basketball team's 2.28-meter genius debut 19+7 detonated high praise, American media: Who can prevent it

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