
A beautiful meeting begins with the first meeting - the second kindergarten of Anju carries out the experience of new students entering the kindergarten

author:Sichuan Minsheng Network

It's a journey full of anticipation; This is a warm and happy growth participation. In order to allow parents to fully understand the concept of running a kindergarten and the characteristics of education and teaching, and dispel the children's strangeness to the kindergarten and teachers. On the morning of June 25th, the Anju Second Kindergarten Organization organized a half-day experience activity for new students.

A beautiful meeting begins with the first meeting - the second kindergarten of Anju carries out the experience of new students entering the kindergarten

Facing the summer breeze, the children, accompanied by their parents, walked into the second kindergarten with anticipation and started the experience journey.

A beautiful meeting begins with the first meeting - the second kindergarten of Anju carries out the experience of new students entering the kindergarten

In the art activity, after listening carefully to the teacher's explanation, the children and parents were immersed in the atmosphere of self-creation, and after a while, pieces of sweet and delicious watermelons made of ultra-light clay appeared in front of everyone. Each exquisite work is a close emotional connection between parents and children, and the cheerful atmosphere and the cute smiling faces of the children complement each other, which is really a beautiful picture.

A beautiful meeting begins with the first meeting - the second kindergarten of Anju carries out the experience of new students entering the kindergarten

In the class experience session, everyone tasted the fruits of the meal with the children in the kindergarten class and carried out outdoor activities. The most beautiful is the first sight, and the encounter is fate. Near noon, this experience activity returned to calm in the laughter of the children, the lively atmosphere and warm pictures were still played back in front of them, and the children and parents reluctantly said "goodbye" to the second child; All the teachers and staff of Anju Second Kindergarten are looking forward to the moment when they say "hello" to the children again...... (He Bingping Source: The Second Kindergarten of Anju District, Suining City)

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