
I've never seen so many games to celebrate anniversaries, is this the strength of the second open beta?

author:Nightfall Esports

I believe that the gold content of the game's anniversary celebration can be understood by all the players here. As a game's "birthday party", it will naturally give away a lot of benefits. From the player's point of view, the benefits more or less represent the level of the game's popularity and quality, which is the same as the year-end bonus, we can receive more than last year, which means that the company is thriving! There are more prostitutes in the game this year than last year, which means that the game is also going higher! So, if you encounter a game anniversary and pick and search, it might as well ............

I've never seen so many games to celebrate anniversaries, is this the strength of the second open beta?

Recently, the first anniversary of the mobile game "Against the Cold" has been in an uproar. One of the main reasons is that the benefits are full. Others are still testing the "bottom line" of players, but the mobile game "Against the Cold" chooses to directly and discuss, giving countless players an unusually different "birthday party"! All kinds of white prostitution rewards with no threshold, as long as everyone goes online, you can receive them coolly! In addition to all kinds of free gifts, there are also some customs clearance dungeons, one back and forth, which is equivalent to the game giving away more than a dozen sets in one go! It's really too exaggerated, and the reverse water cold is really going to "completely break the welfare ceiling"!

I've never seen so many games to celebrate anniversaries, is this the strength of the second open beta?

The first "hard dish" served is the 288 fashion optional! On June 28th, players who log in to the game will be able to choose any of the 15 sets of 288 and 2 sets of 268! These fashions are the best of the best, and countless players are struggling with which one to choose! It's really too beautiful to choose at all!

(I recommend a little hand, Bai Yueguang Lin Ze can be chosen, this is also one of the most popular choices, and then I prefer the brainless selection of the royal sister style, which is cool!) Finally, those who prefer gorgeous long hair can choose the sun god, which is really amazing in every set, it's too difficult)

I've never seen so many games to celebrate anniversaries, is this the strength of the second open beta?

In addition to 288 optional, there are also free pick-up of linkage fashions. This time it is linked with the classic in the classic - the cartoon "Journey to the West", and the linkage fashion [Walker Wukong] can also be directly received online! The main feature of this fashion is a restoration, which is really exactly the same as the monkey brother in everyone's mind! This sentiment is priceless!

I've never seen so many games to celebrate anniversaries, is this the strength of the second open beta?
I've never seen so many games to celebrate anniversaries, is this the strength of the second open beta?

In addition, there are a lot of new costumes that will appear in the New Year dungeons, and you will have a chance to prostitute them if you clear the customs. Fashion, accessories, wings, you name it. Including the newly debuted workshop, there will also be a gift of fashion! These will have to wait until they are actually launched, and everyone will slowly explore them!

I've never seen so many games to celebrate anniversaries, is this the strength of the second open beta?
I've never seen so many games to celebrate anniversaries, is this the strength of the second open beta?
I've never seen so many games to celebrate anniversaries, is this the strength of the second open beta?

In addition to all kinds of new fashions, there are also masters. As the first year's anniversary, the rebel plans to be full in all aspects, and 288 are all sent, so let's send a boutique red hair, the red hair is there, then it's in the whole cape! From head to toe, everyone can change all sets, and it only takes one operation to become handsome and beautiful, that is, "online"!

I've never seen so many games to celebrate anniversaries, is this the strength of the second open beta?
I've never seen so many games to celebrate anniversaries, is this the strength of the second open beta?

It is worthy of being the top name in the current MMO, and the level of benefits against the water is really fierce! No wonder everyone thinks it's the second open beta~ The new year is about to start, are you ready!

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