
Control the "three highs" of natural food, you must eat more! You can buy them all in the supermarket~

author:Health care of the great country

With the improvement of living standards, "wealth disease" is becoming more and more common, especially for patients with high blood pressure.

The health report released in 2023 pointed out that the number of hypertensive patients in mainland China is close to 300 million, and the number of hyperlipidemia patients has exceeded 100 million.

These "three high" diseases are prone to cause serious complications such as stroke, cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, myocarditis, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, etc., and the number of deaths due to these complications exceeds 20,000 every year, accounting for more than 70% of the total deaths.

Control the "three highs" of natural food, you must eat more! You can buy them all in the supermarket~

In the face of this life-threatening "number one killer", how should we respond?

In fact, some whole foods can help us control blood pressure, blood lipids, and blood sugar.

01 chili pepper

As the "guest of honor" in daily diet, chili pepper is loved by many people, especially those who are not spicy or happy.

Control the "three highs" of natural food, you must eat more! You can buy them all in the supermarket~

However, for people with high blood pressure, they have a love-hate relationship with chili peppers. There are rumors on the Internet that chili pepper can help control blood pressure and blood lipids, but some people believe that chili pepper can cause the body to heat up and increase the heart rate, which may raise blood pressure.

So, what are the facts?

According to authoritative reports, low doses of capsaicin do have the effect of lowering blood pressure.

Studies have shown that moderate amounts of capsaicin can activate a receptor called vanillin, which improves the dilatory function of blood vessels and enhances acetylcholine-induced antihypertensive effects. At the same time, capsaicin can also effectively inhibit fat synthesis, prevent obesity, and ultimately achieve the effect of lowering blood pressure.

Moderate consumption of chili pepper is beneficial for patients with high blood pressure, but it is best to avoid it if blood pressure control is unstable or high blood pressure.

Control the "three highs" of natural food, you must eat more! You can buy them all in the supermarket~

The irritation of chili pepper is strong, and people with gastritis, gastric ulcer, and duodenal ulcer should eat less; At the same time, patients with fever, constipation, nosebleeds, dry mouth, sore throat and other fevers, as well as patients with hemorrhoids, eye diseases, kidney diseases and other diseases should avoid eating.

In addition to fresh chili peppers, pickled pepper sauce is also a good choice, as it is low-fat and fermented to help reduce salt intake while providing probiotics for gut health.

02 nuts

Although nuts are high in oil, nearly 90% of the fat is unsaturated fatty acids, which are structurally unstable, circulate more smoothly in the body, and are not easy to be deposited in blood vessels.

Control the "three highs" of natural food, you must eat more! You can buy them all in the supermarket~

Studies have shown that unsaturated fatty acids are effective in lowering cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels. Moderate consumption of nuts can help control blood lipids and maintain the health of blood vessels.

The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents suggest that you can consume 10 grams of nuts per day, and 50-70 grams per week. For example, about 20-25 grams of shelled sunflower seeds (about a handful and a half), 15-20 grams of peanuts, or two or three walnuts per day. Plain nuts are preferred.

03 okra

For people with diabetes, there is no food that can directly lower blood sugar. Some foods are better for diabetics because they have less of an impact on fluctuations in blood sugar levels after consumption, while still providing a feeling of fullness for a longer period of time.

Control the "three highs" of natural food, you must eat more! You can buy them all in the supermarket~

Okra contains pectin and mucin, which help to slow down the absorption of sugar, which helps to reduce the dependence on insulin, thereby reducing the rise in blood sugar after meals, and has a certain sugar control effect.

In addition, vegetables that contain mucus such as yam, kelp, and white fungus are also good choices for diabetics.

04 Maimo

Konjac is also one of the ideal foods for diabetics, and its rich glucomannan is a high-molecular weight polysaccharide with the properties of water-soluble dietary fiber.

Control the "three highs" of natural food, you must eat more! You can buy them all in the supermarket~

After entering the digestive system, it is able to absorb some of the sugar, interfering with the body's absorption of glucose. The gelatinous substance formed when konjac dissolves can also form a protective layer on the intestinal wall, slowing down the movement of food in the digestive tract and prolonging the residence time of food in the stomach and intestines, which in turn helps to control the rise in blood sugar levels.

Studies have pointed out that konjac can also promote the emptying of bile acids in the liver and promote the secretion of neobile acids, which may increase the secretion of insulin, thereby improving the symptoms related to diabetes to a certain extent.


"Descending Three Highs" Healthy Goods

For people with high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high blood lipids, drinks such as carbonated drinks and milk tea should be avoided. Instead, try some healthy drinks that will satisfy the taste and be good for your health.

01 watermelon and celery drink

Control the "three highs" of natural food, you must eat more! You can buy them all in the supermarket~

Watermelon and celery are a good choice. Celery leaves help control blood pressure, watermelon is rich in citrulline, which helps lower blood pressure and improve blood viscosity, and ginger, which can neutralize the coldness of celery leaves and watermelon skin, which is beneficial to the body.

Method: Cut 200 grams of watermelon into strips, put it in a pot with an appropriate amount of celery leaves and ginger and boil for 15 minutes.

02 lotus leaf winter melon tea

The combination of lotus leaves and winter melon brings you a tea that is beneficial to controlling blood lipids.

Control the "three highs" of natural food, you must eat more! You can buy them all in the supermarket~

Winter melon contains a lot of water and potassium, which can effectively diuretic and replenish electrolytes, and its unique saponin composition helps to reduce blood lipids. The flavonoids and lotus leaf in lotus leaf can reduce the intestinal absorption rate of fat.

Add hawthorn, which helps to reduce the viscosity of the blood.

Method: Cut 200 grams of winter melon with skin into small pieces and put them in a pot with 50 grams of lotus leaves and 5 hawthorns; Pour in 1000ml of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to low heat and simmer for 15 minutes. This cooking method allows the active ingredients in the ingredients to be fully extracted.

03Barley and mung bean soup

Control the "three highs" of natural food, you must eat more! You can buy them all in the supermarket~

The outer skin of mung beans, that is, mung bean coating, has a good heat-clearing and detoxification effect, which can alleviate the indigestion problem of diabetics. Barley has the effect of clearing away heat and dampness, strengthening the spleen, and helps the body to excrete uric acid.

Method: This soup is made of 6-10 grams of mung beans and 10-15 grams of coix seeds, and can be drunk by simply boiling water.

Tips: Dietary therapy is not a complete substitute for medication. For people with high blood pressure, high blood lipids, and high blood sugar, they should take drugs regularly under the professional guidance of doctors, and at the same time cooperate with reasonable diet.

Source: Health Talk

Control the "three highs" of natural food, you must eat more! You can buy them all in the supermarket~

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