
Opening today! Let's see how to go shopping and eating in the Hero Mountain 1992 Cultural Industry Park




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On June 29th, the Hero Mountain 1992 Industrial Park will open its doors to welcome guests, and at that time, wonderful cultural performances such as folk songs and dances, opera performances, and opening rewards will be held on the spot. What are the delicious and fun things in the industrial park?

Opening today! Let's see how to go shopping and eating in the Hero Mountain 1992 Cultural Industry Park
Opening today! Let's see how to go shopping and eating in the Hero Mountain 1992 Cultural Industry Park

The reporter learned from the Hero Mountain Cultural Market that the Hero Mountain 1992 Cultural Industrial Park is located on the north side of the square in the Hero Mountain Cultural Market, and is the first old street complex independently operated by the Hero Mountain Cultural Market.

Opening today! Let's see how to go shopping and eating in the Hero Mountain 1992 Cultural Industry Park
Opening today! Let's see how to go shopping and eating in the Hero Mountain 1992 Cultural Industry Park

The reporter saw at the scene that the industrial park has been well arranged, with brand-new scene facilities, immersive cultural experience, integrating cultural and creative boutiques, intangible cultural heritage handicrafts, and traditional research, highlighting the full Jinan elements, Jinan charm and Jinan characteristics, and showing the Jinan style.

Opening today! Let's see how to go shopping and eating in the Hero Mountain 1992 Cultural Industry Park
Opening today! Let's see how to go shopping and eating in the Hero Mountain 1992 Cultural Industry Park
Opening today! Let's see how to go shopping and eating in the Hero Mountain 1992 Cultural Industry Park

The industrial park brings together a wide variety of cultural and creative products of national style and national tide, as well as artistic boutiques made by the inheritors of intangible cultural heritage and folk handicrafts in the market. Such as the artistic atmosphere of Chinese wind fans, national style bookmarks, national tide canvas bags, thangkas, as well as exquisite Chinese style ornaments, umbrellas, silk scarves, mugs, etc.

Chinese tea shops, which are popular among young people, have also settled in the industrial park with brands such as Xijian Tea Mountain and Lao Jinan Acid Dipping Er and so on.

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