
Pucheng held an exchange meeting on the collection of artworks of strange stone culture

author:New Fujian
Pucheng held an exchange meeting on the collection of artworks of strange stone culture

From June 28th to 29th, Pucheng County held an exchange meeting on the collection of artworks of Qishi culture. More than 100 collectors from all over the country gathered here for art display, appraisal and exchange.

Pucheng held an exchange meeting on the collection of artworks of strange stone culture
Pucheng held an exchange meeting on the collection of artworks of strange stone culture

Display, appraisal and communication of artworks

At the scene of the exchange meeting, the reporter saw that the Tibetan friends and merchants had set up stalls, strange stones, root carvings, Jianzhan, ancient jade, coins, wooden beads, old objects, etc., which were dazzling, attracting many cultural and toy lovers to come to "Taobao", and everyone stopped and appreciated in front of the stalls of various cultural and artistic works such as Jianzhan, ancient jade, coins, and wooden beads. Among them, the yellow wax stone is the protagonist, and the yellow wax stone carving works of various forms are finely crafted and colorful, which is amazing. Merchants and Tibetan friends communicate with each other, and the voices of people are full of people, and there is an endless stream.

Pucheng held an exchange meeting on the collection of artworks of strange stone culture
Pucheng held an exchange meeting on the collection of artworks of strange stone culture

Strange stones at the exchange meeting

A lover of foreign cultural toys said:

"The Strange Stone Cultural Collection Art Exchange Conference provides a good platform for communication and communication for cultural lovers. At the exchange meeting, you can not only exchange and learn from each other, but also appreciate the regional cultural characteristics of Pucheng. ”

It is understood that Pucheng is located at the junction of Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangxi provinces, with a long history and rich products, and is the hometown of Chinese Dangui. There has always been a style of collecting ancient and cherishing ancient times. Pucheng yellow wax stone has been mined for many years, and it has gradually become a climate in the local area, and at the same time, Pucheng has also established a number of industry associations such as Pucheng County Federation of Literary and Art Circles Collection Association and Pucheng County Collectors Association. Various exchange meetings will be held from time to time to promote the exchange and cooperation of cultural artworks in the collection of strange stones between regions.

Luo Xianfa, president of the County Federation of Literary and Art Circles Collection Association, said:

"This event attracted collectors from all over the world to come and exchange, and promoted the inheritance of culture."

(Huang Na)

The original work of Pucheng County Rong Media Center, the authorized media shall not modify the title and content, and the source "Pucheng News" and the author must be indicated when using it.

Director: Propaganda Department of Pucheng County Committee of the Communist Party of China

Producer: Pucheng County Rong Media Center

Producer: Wang Shuyu

Editor: Yuan Ye

Editor-in-charge: Liu Zhiyong, Zhang Yiting

Editor: Ma Qiyan

Submission email: [email protected]

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Source: Pucheng News

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