
Tongjiang Academy: A thousand-year-old cultural institution with vicissitudes of history

author:The voice of Peiqiao's public welfare

Tongjiang Academy, an institution with a thousand-year-old cultural heritage, stands quietly between the foothills of Potan Township, Xianju County, Zhejiang Province, like an ancient wise man, silently telling the vicissitudes of history. The academy is located in the verdant valley between Yamashita Village and Banqiao Village, surrounded by mountains and babbling streams, like a flowing landscape painting.

Tongjiang Academy: A thousand-year-old cultural institution with vicissitudes of history

The history of the academy can be traced back to the distant Song Dynasty, when it was founded by a wise man named Fang Zhu. With a thirst for knowledge and the expectation of posterity, he turned this land into a temple of learning. Every brick and tile, every wood and stone in the academy carries the wisdom and hard work of Fang Zhu, and also witnesses the path of generations of students.

Tongjiang Academy: A thousand-year-old cultural institution with vicissitudes of history

Walking into the academy, it is as if you have traveled through time and space, back to the era when the literary style was at its peak. The quaint architectural style and exquisite carving art all reveal a quiet and solemn beauty. The bamboo forest in the courtyard is swaying, as if telling the changes of the years, and the sound of reading is even more reverberating between the valleys, which is refreshing.

Tongjiang Academy: A thousand-year-old cultural institution with vicissitudes of history

Tongjiang Academy is not only a temple of knowledge, but also a place of cultural inheritance. It has witnessed the footprints of countless literati and artists, and has also given birth to generations of outstanding students. Here, they have absorbed the sweet spring of knowledge and the wisdom of life. Today, the academy still stands there, waiting for more people with lofty ideals to come and explore the mysteries of knowledge.

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