
Khamenei bluntly said: Those who depend on the United States cannot manage the country well 48 hours after Hashemi withdrew

author:Aunt Mao looks at the world

Iran's political problems have attracted the attention of many people, and candidate Hashemi is a popular candidate, and he withdrew from the election so quickly, so that everyone can't help but think, what is hidden behind it? In fact, in the 48 hours since he withdrew from the election, Iran's Khamenei has really magnified his moves, and if he regards the United States as a person to rely on, he will definitely not be able to manage the country well. In his speech, he satirized Iran's authorities for not managing the country well, and when he heard this, will anyone continue to rely on the United States next? It's happening so fast, what's hidden inside?

Khamenei bluntly said: Those who depend on the United States cannot manage the country well 48 hours after Hashemi withdrew

Looking at Khamenei's speech, many people may have gained something, in which he bluntly said that people who rely on the United States have no way to manage their own country well, and his approach is particularly straightforward. In fact, his statement is reasonable, after all, it is definitely inappropriate to rely too much on other countries, and all things of the country must obey the words of others, and there is no independence at all, so how can there be sovereignty at all?

Khamenei bluntly said: Those who depend on the United States cannot manage the country well 48 hours after Hashemi withdrew

His speech has caused controversy among many people, and people from all walks of life have already fried the pot. Only 48 hours later, something happened. Hashemi withdrew from the election, this wave of operations is really unexpected, originally Hashemi's hopes for the next president are quite large, such a popular candidate actually withdrew, is there something boring?

Khamenei bluntly said: Those who depend on the United States cannot manage the country well 48 hours after Hashemi withdrew

Could it be such a coincidence? Hashemi has just been elected, and now he has withdrawn, is there something in the political arena? Netizens are complaining one after another, thinking about the reason, why? Some people even speculate that there is something unknown in it?

Khamenei bluntly said: Those who depend on the United States cannot manage the country well 48 hours after Hashemi withdrew

Is it that Hashemi offended a big man, otherwise it would be impossible to quit just by saying quit. Everyone set the target on Khamenei, and many thought that the leader criticized his subordinates, and the subordinates felt that the pressure was too great, so they quit one after another, after all, no one can beat the most powerful person.

Khamenei bluntly said: Those who depend on the United States cannot manage the country well 48 hours after Hashemi withdrew

Some people have different opinions, they think that Hashemi's withdrawal has something to do with him, and I guess he has other plans in mind? Opting out may be a curve to save yourself from the route. Maybe he can play a more important role, but what is hidden behind the scenes, everyone has no way of knowing, after all, they don't know what is behind the political arena.

Khamenei bluntly said: Those who depend on the United States cannot manage the country well 48 hours after Hashemi withdrew

Whatever Iran's leaders decide, it is everyone's business, and now we need to look at it from a different perspective. The sovereignty of a country is particularly important, and once it is controlled by other countries, the impact will certainly be considerable, after all, each country must have its own independence if it wants to manage all its people well.

Khamenei bluntly said: Those who depend on the United States cannot manage the country well 48 hours after Hashemi withdrew
Khamenei bluntly said: Those who depend on the United States cannot manage the country well 48 hours after Hashemi withdrew

While assigning its own interests, countries must also think about how to act and think independently, rather than relying on other countries. Of course, not only Iran, but also many countries are also facing the same problem, the problem of the big countries is quite serious, if you want to change the dependence, you must understand whether you will lose something.

Khamenei bluntly said: Those who depend on the United States cannot manage the country well 48 hours after Hashemi withdrew

Hearing Khamenei's words, everyone understood what Iran wants, and it is not easy to manage the country, especially with the big countries. If a country is controlled by other countries, it will have no status in the international community in the future, and will eventually be at the mercy of other countries, with no autonomy and no ability to do things in accordance with its own interests.

Khamenei bluntly said: Those who depend on the United States cannot manage the country well 48 hours after Hashemi withdrew

The affairs of the country are the same as those of individuals, and a unit likes to stand in line, and smart people know that if they do not stand in line, otherwise they will be easily used by others. Being overly dependent on others may lead to a disadvantage. The words of the Iranian leader make us understand that blindly following others will always be bound by many things, and it is not possible to manage a country at all.

Khamenei bluntly said: Those who depend on the United States cannot manage the country well 48 hours after Hashemi withdrew

Summary: It seems to be a simple thing, but the things behind it are very complex and represent different meanings. Whether it is an individual or a country, over-reliance on others can only end up in a bad situation, it is better to remain independent from the beginning, so that you have your own thinking, and will not be bound by others all the time, so that there is no way to maintain independent thinking.

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