
Khamenei speaks: Those who depend on the United States cannot run the country well. After 48 hours, Hashemi withdraws

author:Sister Zhang Finance

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Khamenei said that those who rely on the United States cannot run the country well, and Hashemi withdrew from the election 48 hours later

Today, let's talk about a big event that happened in Iran.

Khamenei speaks: Those who depend on the United States cannot run the country well. After 48 hours, Hashemi withdraws

Do you know? Iranian presidential candidate Hashemi announced his withdrawal from the election on June 26! And that's just 48 hours after a major speech by Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Ali Khamenei. In that speech, Khamenei made it clear that people who depend on the United States cannot run the country well.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused an uproar. Speculation has begun about whether Khamenei's speech was related to Hashemi's withdrawal from the election. And I, as a editor who likes to dig out the truth, naturally will not miss this opportunity.

First, let's take a look at Khamenei's speech. What he said seems simple, but in fact it means a lot. You know, the relationship between Iran and the United States has not been very good, and it can even be said that it is incompatible. Therefore, Khamenei's remark is undoubtedly a warning to those candidates who may have ties to the United States.

Khamenei speaks: Those who depend on the United States cannot run the country well. After 48 hours, Hashemi withdraws

And Hashemi, as a presidential candidate, his withdrawal has undoubtedly added a lot of variables to Iran's presidential election. According to the announcement of the Guardian Council of the Constitution of Iran, due to Hashemi's withdrawal from the election, his candidacy will be revoked and voters will not be able to see his name on the ballot.

Now, those who originally supported Hashemi will have a hard time. They either choose to support other candidates, or they have to abstain from voting. And whatever choice they make, it will have an impact on Iran's presidential election.

At this point, I would like to interject my personal opinion. I think Khamenei's speech did have a certain impact on Hashemi's withdrawal. Although we don't know exactly why, it's definitely not a coincidence in terms of timing.

Khamenei speaks: Those who depend on the United States cannot run the country well. After 48 hours, Hashemi withdraws

Moreover, as Iran's supreme leader, Khamenei's influence cannot be underestimated. One of his words could change the course of the entire election. So, I think Khamenei's speech was an important factor in Hashemi's withdrawal.

Of course, this is just my personal opinion and does not represent everyone's opinion. Some may believe that Hashemi's withdrawal was due to other reasons, such as political pressure, declining voter support, and so on. But in any case, Hashemi's withdrawal from the election will have far-reaching consequences for Iran's presidential election.

Speaking of which, I am reminded of a saying: "Every choice is a chance to be born again." Although this sentence is a bit of chicken soup, I think it is quite appropriate to use it on hashishmi. His withdrawal from the election, while he may have lost a chance to become president, also opened up other possibilities for him.

Khamenei speaks: Those who depend on the United States cannot run the country well. After 48 hours, Hashemi withdraws

And for those who support hashemit, their choices will also determine their future direction. Whether they choose to support other candidates or abstain from voting will have an impact on their lives.

In closing, I would like to say that whatever the reason for Hashemi's withdrawal, we should respect his decision. After all, everyone has their own choice and the right to pursue their own happiness.

So, let's bless Hashemi together and hope that he will find his own happiness no matter where his future path lies. At the same time, it is hoped that Iran's presidential election will go smoothly and that a leader who can lead Iran to prosperity will be elected.

That's all for today's article. If you like my articles, remember to like, comment, and retweet! See you next time! #头条创作挑战赛 ##头条首发必备指南#

Khamenei speaks: Those who depend on the United States cannot run the country well. After 48 hours, Hashemi withdraws

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