
"The Hidden Corner" 18-year-old child star college entrance examination: Rong Zishan scored 417 points and did not pass the line! Shi Pengyuan was lucky

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"The Hidden Corner" 18-year-old child star college entrance examination: Rong Zishan scored 417 points and did not pass the line! Shi Pengyuan was lucky

Rong Zishan, as the first child star in the Nortel and Chinese opera art examinations, should have entered the palace of art, but this year's college entrance examination regulations have made him face huge challenges. Although the score of 417 points in cultural courses is considered high among art students, it fails to reach the ordinary undergraduate line in Sichuan. In the past, artists could still enter Nortel with low scores in cultural classes, but this year's new policy requirements are stricter, emphasizing the importance of cultural class results, which casts a shadow on Rong Zishan's admission prospects.

Rong Zishan's acting skills are born with the sensitivity and explosiveness of an actor. Unlike his comfortable performance in front of the camera, in real life, he appears slow and calm, maintaining a cautious attitude towards strangers. However, in the web series "The Hidden Corner", Rong Zishan's acting skills have improved significantly. He no longer just speaks lines mechanically, but is able to react naturally and improvisably according to the mood of his opponent's performance. Especially in the interpretation of the scene where he pretends not to see the voice recorder in his father's bag, he shows the complex layers of performance, and successfully captures the inner contradictions and struggles of the characters.

"The Hidden Corner" 18-year-old child star college entrance examination: Rong Zishan scored 417 points and did not pass the line! Shi Pengyuan was lucky

Regarding Rong Zishan's performance progress, netizens have different opinions. Some people praise his natural acting style, believing that he has significantly improved in character switching and emotional expression, and is able to better integrate into the psychological state of the character. A netizen wrote on social media: "After watching "The Hidden Corner", I think Rong Zishan's performance is good, especially the scene where the contradictions within the family are exposed, his expression and eyes are in place. ”

However, some netizens questioned Rong Zishan's performance. They believe that in some cases, his performances still seem a little stiff and unnatural, especially in the complex emotional transitions and dramatic climaxes, and the expressiveness needs to be strengthened. One reviewer commented: "Rong Zishan's performance has improved, but at some critical moments, his expression is not deep enough and a little weak. ”

In addition to his performance in the play, Rong Zishan's performance in media interviews has also attracted much attention. He shows an authentic and natural side that is not overshadowed by onerous accolades. The media has positively commented on his acting style and acting progress, believing that he has the potential to become a rising acting star in the future. Zhang Songwen commented in an interview: "Rong Zishan's performance is getting more and more in-depth, and he can find resonance in the role, which is an important trait of a young actor." ”

"The Hidden Corner" 18-year-old child star college entrance examination: Rong Zishan scored 417 points and did not pass the line! Shi Pengyuan was lucky

Rong Zishan has emerged in the film and television industry since he was a child, and has won many praises for his outstanding acting experience. His wonderful performances were especially shown in "The Old Man of Mountains and Rivers" and "The Hidden Corner", which quickly made him a high-profile rookie in the industry. These roles not only showcased the depth of his acting skills, but also won unanimous recognition from the audience and the director.

This year, Rong Zishan, with her enthusiasm for acting, hopes to be able to enter the Beijing Film Academy or the Communication University of China to study acting on this basis. However, the reality is harsh. He scored an impressive 417 points in the Sichuan college entrance examination, which is not a low score among art students, but it did not reach the local ordinary undergraduate line. This means that he may be at risk of being turned away from both schools.

On the Internet, there are many discussions about Rong Zishan's college entrance examination. Some netizens said that Rong Zishan's acting strength is undoubted, his outstanding performance in film and television works is impressive, and he should have more opportunities to receive professional acting training. However, there are also concerns that his cultural class scores could become a stumbling block to his artistic career, arguing that the policy is too harsh for young artists.

"The Hidden Corner" 18-year-old child star college entrance examination: Rong Zishan scored 417 points and did not pass the line! Shi Pengyuan was lucky

Some netizens commented: "Rong Zishan's situation is emotional, his acting talent is obvious, why do you have to use the results of cultural classes to measure his ability?" Another replied: "Now that the competition in society is so fierce, the results of cultural courses are a basic filtering criterion, but I think he should have the opportunity to make up the record, after all, his professional ability cannot be ignored." ”

Rong Zishan's plight has sparked a wide discussion about the art examination system. It has been argued that more attention should be paid to the professional ability and practical performance of art students, rather than overemphasizing the achievement of cultural courses. A netizen wrote on social media: "Although cultural classes are important, if a person has talent and potential in acting, they should also be given more opportunities and should not be bound by a score card." ”

"The Hidden Corner" 18-year-old child star college entrance examination: Rong Zishan scored 417 points and did not pass the line! Shi Pengyuan was lucky

At the same time, the fate of another child star, Shi Pengyuan, is very different. Also widely noticed for his role in "The Hidden Corner", although Shi Pengyuan's score in cultural classes is not high, he will be successfully admitted to the performance major of Communication University of China in 2023. Although he has obvious scars on his body and does not meet the physical conditions of Nortel and Chinese opera, he has found a safe harbor in Zhongchuan and realized his academic and acting dreams.

This year's changes in the college entrance examination and art examination policies have put forward higher requirements for child stars and young actors. These changes not only affect their access to school, but also profoundly reveal the delicate balance between the star's pursuit of academics and his acting career.

On the international stage, some stars such as Natalie Portman have shown the possibility of excelling academically outside of acting. Their success reflects the different attitudes towards celebrity education in different cultural contexts. In contrast, the domestic art examination system pays more attention to the results of cultural classes, which is in stark contrast to the situation of international stars.

"The Hidden Corner" 18-year-old child star college entrance examination: Rong Zishan scored 417 points and did not pass the line! Shi Pengyuan was lucky

For child stars and young actors, this year's policy changes mean that they must not only make breakthroughs in artistic expression, but also achieve enough results in traditional disciplines. This requirement puts them under double pressure in the college entrance examination, on the one hand, they need to maintain excellent performance ability, and on the other hand, they must work hard to improve their performance in cultural courses in order to get the opportunity to enter the school.

Domestic netizens also have different views and discussions on this policy change and the plight of child stars. It was argued that policy changes could help improve the quality and level of arts education, emphasizing the importance of cultural literacy in the performing arts. But there are also concerns that excessively high cultural requirements may weaken the space for young artists to develop in the arts profession, making it more difficult for them to balance their studies and acting careers.

"The Hidden Corner" 18-year-old child star college entrance examination: Rong Zishan scored 417 points and did not pass the line! Shi Pengyuan was lucky

In contrast, the case of international stars such as Natalie Portman shows a more relaxed and flexible educational environment. These stars are not only outstanding in the field of acting, but also able to achieve academic success, and this balance reflects the support and recognition of the all-round development of stars.

In this context, the adjustment of the domestic art examination system and the comparison of international stars have triggered a discussion on how to better balance artistic talent and academic ability. This is not only a challenge to the education system, but also a reflection on the growth and development of stars. How to cultivate and develop artistic talents on the basis of ensuring academic ability is a topic that needs to be discussed by all walks of life.

These different fates and challenges highlight the hardships and choices faced by child stars on the road to pursue their dreams, and also reflect the far-reaching impact of the changes in the art examination policy on the future development of young actors. The story of Rong Zishan and Shi Pengyuan not only makes people marvel at their efforts and talents, but also provokes people to think deeply and discuss the relationship between education and art.

"The Hidden Corner" 18-year-old child star college entrance examination: Rong Zishan scored 417 points and did not pass the line! Shi Pengyuan was lucky

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