
Guo Degang, who couldn't balance the two bowls of water, has become the one he hates the most

author:Unheard of the Workshop
Guo Degang, who couldn't balance the two bowls of water, has become the one he hates the most
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Guo Degang, who couldn't balance the two bowls of water, has become the one he hates the most

On a cold and windy winter day, Guo Degang ignored the cold and personally served as the host of a show. His purpose is very simple: just to see his son Guo Qilin.

However, when Guo Degang dialed the phone, an unexpected scene happened.

Guo Qilin on the other end of the phone, holding a mobile phone that kept vibrating, but he didn't dare to answer. There was hesitation and fear in his eyes, as if the caller's name carried some invisible pressure.

It wasn't until the phone hung up automatically that Guo Qilin breathed a sigh of relief.

Guo Degang, who couldn't balance the two bowls of water, has become the one he hates the most

What happened between father and son? Why would a simple phone call make my son so scared? This seemingly ordinary scene, but it hides a deep estrangement in the relationship between father and son, which may be the inevitable result of Guo Degang's "two bowls of uneven" education method for many years.

Guo Qilin's childhood is like a painting that has been suddenly altered. Until he was six years old, the painting was full of the love and care of his grandparents. However, when he was six years old, an unfamiliar figure suddenly broke into the picture - a man who claimed to be his father.

From that moment on, the trajectory of Guo Qilin's life took a dramatic turn. Guo Degang took his "oppressive" education concept and broke into the world of this young mind.

"I'm going to tear his pride apart with my sharp minions!" Guo Degang once described his education policy as follows, "It must be hurt, and it must be completely hurt!" This almost cruel educational concept is vividly reflected in daily life.

Guo Degang, who couldn't balance the two bowls of water, has become the one he hates the most

In terms of diet, the most basic survival need, Guo Qilin is always ranked last. The food at home must wait until everyone, including Guo Degang's disciples, has eaten and drunk to his heart's content, and then it is his turn to taste it.

Even in his twenties, Kwok still needs his father's permission to enjoy his favorite food. This unequal treatment planted deep seeds of inferiority in his young mind.

However, there is nothing more poignant than the scene that took place on the staircase. One day, Guo Degang served Guo Qilin a bowl of rice with only green vegetables and asked him to squat on the stairs to eat alone.

Faced with this bowl of bland and tasteless meals, the young Guo Qilin couldn't help but burst into tears. However, Guo Degang's reaction was indifferent and indifferent: "Cry as much as you want, don't miss the meal time after crying."

Guo Degang, who couldn't balance the two bowls of water, has become the one he hates the most

This rigorous education method is like a double-edged sword, deeply engraved in Guo Qilin's heart. He gradually learns to hide his emotions and becomes more and more silent.

The carefree child who was once at the knees of his grandparents seems to have disappeared into the long river of time.

In this high-pressure environment, Guo Qilin's childhood was full of contradictions and struggles. On the one hand, he longs for his father's approval and love; On the other hand, he had to deal with suffocating rules and demands.

This contradiction planted a seed of uneasiness in his heart, affecting his future life and choices.

Guo Degang, who couldn't balance the two bowls of water, has become the one he hates the most

As he grew older, Guo Qilin gradually got rid of the haze of childhood and began to make his own choices. These choices are not only a silent rebellion against the past, but also an active control of the future.

First and foremost is the issue of housing. Guo Qilin chose to no longer live with Guo Degang, but had his own independent space. This decision was like a silent declaration: he was no longer the little boy who needed to be attached to his father.

At home, Guo Qilin does not have a fixed toothbrush, towel, or even a bed and room of his own. Every time he returned home, he was more like a visitor who came and left in a hurry.

This sense of alienation may be a continuation of those unpleasant childhood experiences.

Guo Degang, who couldn't balance the two bowls of water, has become the one he hates the most

In his career, Guo Qilin has also shown surprising independence. As Guo Degang's eldest son and the young class leader of Deyun Club, the outside world generally believes that he will inherit his father's mantle.

However, Guo Qilin chose a different path. He publicly stated: "I have no burden on the banner of Deyun Club, and I am unable to take on this heavy responsibility."

These words not only show his humility, but also show his clear sense of self-worth.

What's even more surprising is that when there was an opportunity to receive the equity of Deyun Club, Guo Qilin resolutely chose to refuse. This decision may seem incomprehensible to outsiders, but for Guo Qilin, it is a kind of insistence on himself.

Guo Degang, who couldn't balance the two bowls of water, has become the one he hates the most

He is unwilling to get something that does not belong to him because of his identity, and this attitude has won the appreciation of many netizens.

Compared with the estrangement from his father, the relationship between Guo Qilin and Yu Qian is particularly close. In a show, when other guests chose to write letters to their parents, Guo Qilin wrote a letter full of feelings to Yu Qian.

This scene can't help but be reminiscent of the relationship between him and Guo Degang.

This difference is even more evident in telephone conversations. When talking to Yu Qian on the phone, Guo Qilin seemed relaxed and happy, talking and laughing; In the face of Guo Degang's call, he seemed restrained and nervous, and he didn't even dare to answer.

Guo Degang, who couldn't balance the two bowls of water, has become the one he hates the most

Guo Qilin's choices are undoubtedly a silent feedback on Guo Degang's education methods. In his own way, he proved that even when he grew up with a rigorous education, he could still be an independent, assertive person.

Guo Qilin's growth trajectory is like a mirror, reflecting the consequences of the "two bowls of uneven" education method. It not only shows Guo Qilin's tenacity and independence, but also reflects the rift in the father-son relationship that is difficult to bridge.

Guo Degang's educational philosophy, like a sharp double-edged sword, left a completely different mark on his two sons. For the eldest son, Guo Qilin, he pursued an almost harsh "oppressive" education; For the youngest son, he showed rare tolerance and doting.

In Guo Degang's eyes, sternness is a necessary means to shape Guo Qilin's character. He once said an impressive sentence to Guo Qilin: "Always remember that only when outsiders finish eating our things can you have a chance to taste them!" This sentence is not only a restriction on diet, but also an inculcation of a philosophy of life.

Guo Degang, who couldn't balance the two bowls of water, has become the one he hates the most

Guo Degang hopes that in this way, Guo Qilin's endurance and humility will be cultivated.

However, when we turn our attention to Guo Degang's youngest son, we see a completely different picture. After a special performance by Guo Degang, the young son rushed to the stage unscrupulously, gave the fruit to his father to taste, and then ran freely on the stage.

Faced with this scene, Guo Degang not only did not show the slightest displeasure, but took the child into his arms with a smile on his face and let him play on the stage. This reaction contrasts sharply with his harsh attitude towards Guo Qilin.

What's even more surprising is that in order to make it convenient for his youngest son to go to school, Guo Degang spared no expense to buy real estate in Tianjin. Every morning, he personally drives his children to school and picks them up in the evening.

Guo Degang, who couldn't balance the two bowls of water, has become the one he hates the most

This kind of meticulous care is in strong contrast to his requirement of Guo Qilin to be "self-reliant and self-reliant".

This very different way of raising not only affected the growth trajectory of the two children, but also invisibly shaped their relationship with their father. Guo Degang may be seeking a balance between the individual's positive and the individual's responsibility, but this attempt seems to have brought unexpected results.

His educational philosophy has become a social topic worth pondering, which has triggered a wide discussion about family education methods.

In the eyes of the public, Guo Qilin shows a humble, educated, and low-key image. His words and deeds have not only won the love of many fans, but also won unanimous praise from industry insiders.

Guo Degang, who couldn't balance the two bowls of water, has become the one he hates the most

Even in the face of his father's strictness, he always maintained an attitude of understanding and respect, and this mature attitude is admirable.

Guo Qilin once said an intriguing sentence: "Without me, his educational philosophy would not have been realized." This sentence reflects both his deep understanding of his father's education style and his ability to introspect.

Rather than portraying himself as a victim of his father's education, he chose to look at the experience from a more positive perspective.

In his career, Guo Qilin also showed an independent side. He did not rely on his father's fame, but relied on his own efforts to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry.

Guo Degang, who couldn't balance the two bowls of water, has become the one he hates the most

His acting talent and hardworking attitude have been recognized by audiences and peers, which is undoubtedly the best testament to his personal ability.

What is even more commendable is that despite the harsh family education, Guo Qilin did not become a rebellious or hostile person. Instead, he showed tolerance, understanding, and empathy.

He was able to look at his father's education method objectively, neither blindly denying nor accepting it all, but interpreting what real growth is in his own way.

Guo Qilin's growth process undoubtedly gave us a lot to think about. He proved with practical actions that even in the face of adversity, one can grow into an excellent person. His experience has taught us that the outcome of education is not always predictable, and that everyone has their own unique growth trajectory.

Guo Degang, who couldn't balance the two bowls of water, has become the one he hates the most

Guo Qilin's story may be regarded as an alternative success. He found his balance in a rigorous upbringing, maintaining both respect for his father and his independence.

This balance is undoubtedly the embodiment of his personal wisdom and the best proof that he bloomed in the face of adversity.

The passage of time seems to have made Guo Degang begin to realize the inappropriateness of his education methods. He made several attempts to mend his relationship with Guo Qilin, but these efforts often ended in failure, and Guo Qilin politely rejected him in an empathetic but determined manner.

In one show, Guo Degang tried to invite Guo Qilin to go home for a while. Behind this seemingly simple invitation lies the ardent expectation of a father who wants to repair the relationship.

Guo Degang, who couldn't balance the two bowls of water, has become the one he hates the most

However, Guo Qilin's reaction was poignant. He cautiously asks how the rent is calculated, a seemingly polite response that is actually a tactful rejection of his father's invitation.

This scene can't help but make people sigh at the depth of the estrangement between father and son.

The relationship between Guo Qilin and Guo Degang is like a mirror, reflecting the consequences of the "two bowls of uneven water" education method. In the past, Guo Degang hated the father image who treated his children unfairly, but ironically, now he has become the kind of father he once opposed the most.

The story of this father and son left us with deep thoughts: in the process of educating children, how should the balance between fairness and love be grasped? How can we make up for the gaps that have been created? The answers to these questions may take time, and more importantly, the understanding and efforts of both sides.

Guo Degang, who couldn't balance the two bowls of water, has become the one he hates the most

However, the reality is often more brutal than ideal. Even though Guo Degang realized his mistake and wanted to repair the relationship, the estrangement and misunderstanding accumulated over the years have built an invisible wall between father and son.

This wall cannot be easily broken down by a simple apology or invitation.

In the future, how will the relationship between Guo Degang and Guo Qilin develop? The answer to this question may only be given by time. But in any case, this story teaches us a profound lesson in homeschooling, and makes us rethink the construction and maintenance of parent-child relationships.

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