
"Jewel on the Side" premiered, although the plot was vulgar, Xu Lu was really the female version of Guo Degang

author:Ma Qingyun

At noon on June 28, the TV series "Jewel in Front" was launched on Tencent Video in 6 episodes, officially opening the premiere mode. This TV series starring Xu Lu, Bi Wenjun and other actors, tells the story of the hero and heroine in the costume environment, while engaging in careers, while engaging in objects. The content of the plot is relatively vulgar, but Xu Lu's performance has some of the subtleties of the female version of Guo Degang.

"Jewel on the Side" premiered, although the plot was vulgar, Xu Lu was really the female version of Guo Degang

Let's talk about the vulgar plot first.

In the overhead costume environment, the witty heroine relies on her knowledge of jade pendants to assist the male protagonist in riding the wind and waves in the jade industry, and then, the two develop love together, which is the main story content of the play. Of course, the model of engaging in a career while engaging in an object is not new. Therefore, this TV series has also added some suspenseful content, especially the life experience of the hero and heroine. These contents are not new.

If the audience has watched a lot of similar sweet pet dramas, they will even be very familiar with the props, buildings, etc. in the play. Obviously, this TV series was filmed by assembly line operations, and there is nothing innovative about it. Saying it's vulgar, no audience should object.

"Jewel on the Side" premiered, although the plot was vulgar, Xu Lu was really the female version of Guo Degang

Let's talk about the important highlight of this TV series, Xu Lu.

If there is no Xu Lu's performance, then this drama can basically be buried. And after Xu Lu's performance, this TV series has achieved a lot of laughs because the heroine can't act. This is similar to the Xiangxing star Guo Degang. In many film and television dramas that Guo Degang has participated in, he has no acting skills, and he is easy to show timidity. Of course, Guo Degang is timid in comedy film and television dramas, which is really timid. The heroine Xu Lu is different.

In terms of comedy performances, it is easy to have a heroine effect. For example, like Xie Na, who acts in comedy hard, is easy for the audience to dislike, this is because she is exaggerated in many performance techniques. Xu Lu is different, she obviously does not have the technique of comedy performance, there is no such exaggeration, on the contrary, in the comedy performance, she seems very cramped. This crampedness suddenly gave rise to a lot of laughter. This is the heroine effect - she can't act in comedy, but she will become a heroine, and if she can act, she will be greasy.

In many episodes, although Xu Lu does not have comedy performance techniques, she will present the simplicity, kindness and ignorance of love of young women. Then, this play, because of these youthfulness, looks a lot better and is a lot funnier. The state of a young woman insisting on acting in a comedy is funny in itself.

"Jewel on the Side" premiered, although the plot was vulgar, Xu Lu was really the female version of Guo Degang

Finally, let's talk about Bi Wenjun.

This is really a young star who is not funny and has no acting skills. This TV series, as long as it comes to Bi Wenjun's side, it looks very dull. Maybe, for the current female audience, as long as the male protagonist is good-looking, everything else, especially acting, is not considered. This TV series, although the script is vulgar, but if you change a leading actor who can act, especially a comedy, the effect will definitely be different.

Based on the above, this TV series is more suitable for female viewers who have leisure time, and can watch it as a sweet pet comedy. Of course, some of the content in the play is too serious, and the sense of comedy is relatively insufficient. In particular, the content of those "conspiracy" is not necessary. This "Jewel on the Side" should not be too popular. (Text/Ma Qingyun)

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