
District leaders investigated the construction of the rule of law in Jiangning

author:Jiangning release

On June 27, Lin Tao, Secretary of the District Party Committee, investigated the construction of Jiangning under the rule of law, emphasizing that it is necessary to deeply practice Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of the Plenary Session of the Provincial and Municipal Party Committees, and promote the construction of a rule of law government in depth around the rule of law, administration and governance according to law, fully escort high-quality development, strive to create a new situation in the construction of Jiangning under the rule of law, and provide a strong legal guarantee for promoting the new practice of Chinese-style modernization in Jiangning. District leaders Pang Zhigui and Mei Zhongya participated.

District leaders investigated the construction of the rule of law in Jiangning

On the same day, Lin Tao came to the Legal Service Industrial Park, and successively went to Jiangsu Shicheng Law Firm and Enterprise Legal Service Center to investigate lawyer practice, legal services, and "one-stop" comprehensive legal services. Lin Tao talked with the relevant person in charge to understand the party building guidance, professional fields, business development, and characteristic work of the two units, and emphasized that Jiangsu Shicheng Law Firm and Enterprise Legal Service Center should be integrated into the economic and social development of Jiangning, pay close attention to the legal needs of the masses and enterprises in production and life, integrate legal service resources, provide more convenient and efficient legal services, and empower the high-quality economic and social development of Jiangning.

District leaders investigated the construction of the rule of law in Jiangning

At the subsequent symposium on the construction of the rule of law in Jiangning, the "Notice on the Appointment of Legal Advisers of the District Party Committee and District Government" was read out, and letters of appointment were issued to the appointed legal advisers of the district party committee and the district government. The District Bureau of Justice reported on the construction of the rule of law in Jiangning and the drafting of relevant documents. Representatives of political and legal cadres and police officers of district courts, procuratorates, and public security bureaus, representatives of public officials and gold medal mediators of grassroots judicial offices, and representatives of law enforcement personnel of the Street Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau participated in the meeting, and exchanged speeches and made suggestions on "improving the ability to administer and govern according to law, and promoting the construction of Jiangning under the rule of law".

District leaders investigated the construction of the rule of law in Jiangning

Lin Tao pointed out that Jiangning's large economy, many market players, high economic activity, both urban and rural areas in the region, and a large number of foreign populations have brought great challenges to social governance. While promoting high-quality economic development, Jiangning should continuously improve the ability and level of social governance, coordinate various tasks such as environmental protection, safe production, people's livelihood and social undertakings, and continuously improve the people's sense of gain, happiness and security. It is necessary to improve the political position, deepen the ideological understanding, firmly establish and practice the correct view of political achievements, enhance the awareness of the rule of law, enhance the ability to think about the rule of law, persist in handling matters in accordance with the law, and promote the construction of the rule of law in Jiangning to a new level.

District leaders investigated the construction of the rule of law in Jiangning

Lin Tao asked

It is necessary to comprehensively strengthen the construction of a government under the rule of law, deepen the reform of the administrative law enforcement system, strengthen the standardization of law enforcement, use the rule of law to clarify government boundaries and standardize administrative behavior, especially to strengthen the review of the legality of major decisions, normative documents, and government contracts, and comprehensively improve the ability and level of administration according to law.

It is necessary to give full play to the role of the district committee in comprehensively administering the district in accordance with the law in taking the lead in grasping the general situation and checking the orientation, and coordinate the resolution of major problems in the construction of the rule of law, and the legal advisers of the district party committee and the district government should truly play the role of a "legal think tank".

It is necessary to make every effort to promote the rule of law in social governance, focus on areas where mass complaints are concentrated, effectively integrate the power of legal resources, improve the mechanism for preventing and resolving risks throughout the chain, and promote the resolution of the source of contradictions in all fields, to ensure that contradictions are discovered as early as possible and resolved in accordance with the law.

It is necessary to thoroughly implement the "Eighth Five-Year Plan" for popularizing the law, vigorously carry out publicity and education on the rule of law, promote the integration of popular legal education and governance in accordance with law, promote the comprehensive improvement of the quality and efficiency of popular legal education work, continuously improve the legal literacy of the whole people, and guide the broad masses to consciously abide by the law, find the law when encountering problems, and rely on the law to solve problems, and jointly build a society under the rule of law.

District leaders investigated the construction of the rule of law in Jiangning
District leaders investigated the construction of the rule of law in Jiangning

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District leaders investigated the construction of the rule of law in Jiangning

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District leaders investigated the construction of the rule of law in Jiangning
District leaders investigated the construction of the rule of law in Jiangning

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