
It is rumored on the Internet that some teams of Bohai Bank enforce the 896 work system, and they will ask for leave if they don't come on Saturday?

author:Idle drunken mountain people

Recently, some netizens broke the news on social platforms that some teams of Bohai Bank Information Technology began to enforce the 896 work system (work at 8 o'clock in the morning, get off work at 9 o'clock in the evening, and work 6 days a week), although there is no explicit notice, but if you don't come on Saturday, you need to ask for leave.

It is rumored on the Internet that some teams of Bohai Bank enforce the 896 work system, and they will ask for leave if they don't come on Saturday?

The 896 work system has always been controversial. Proponents believe that the 896 work system can improve work efficiency and create more value; Opponents argue that the 896 work system violates workers' right to rest and is not conducive to physical and mental health.

In recent years, with the increasing attention to the rights and interests of workers, the 896 work system has encountered more and more resistance in China. Many enterprises have abolished the 896 work system and replaced it with a more humane work system.

It is rumored on the Internet that some teams of Bohai Bank enforce the 896 work system, and they will ask for leave if they don't come on Saturday?

As a state-owned bank, Bohai Bank has always been favored by job seekers for its stability and good welfare. However, the revelation that the 896 work system was enforced this time has undoubtedly caused serious damage to the image of Bohai Bank. Many netizens said that they couldn't understand why Bohai Bank wanted to implement the 896 work system. Some netizens commented: "Is Bohai Bank going to force out employees? Some netizens also said, "I'd rather go to a small company than go to a company like Bohai Bank, where the overtime culture is prevalent." ”

It is rumored on the Internet that some teams of Bohai Bank enforce the 896 work system, and they will ask for leave if they don't come on Saturday?

In recent years, with the economic transformation and upgrading, the traditional "iron rice bowl" industry has also begun to face increasing challenges. Many state-owned enterprises and central enterprises have also begun to implement reforms, breaking the tenure system and introducing a competition mechanism. In this context, employees of some state-owned enterprises and central enterprises have also begun to feel the pressure of employment. They are no longer as comfortable as they used to be, but are more focused on their career development and personal worth.

At the end of 2023, some netizens broke the news one after another: in the Science and Technology Department of the head office of Bohai Bank, many people did not renew their first three-year contracts when they expired, and were compensated for 3+1 months' wages in accordance with the Labor Contract Law, and the number of workers in the large group decreased significantly; Bohai Bank extended the starting point of overtime hours to 6:30 p.m., canceled meal allowances, and stipulated that leaving the building without permission would be considered off-duty.

It is rumored on the Internet that some teams of Bohai Bank enforce the 896 work system, and they will ask for leave if they don't come on Saturday?

This time, Bohai Bank's enforcement of the 896 work system has once again aroused social concern for the rights and interests of workers. Enterprises should respect workers' right to rest and create a more humane working environment in order to retain talents and win social respect. At the same time, the "iron rice bowl" is not unbreakable. Employees should continue to improve their abilities and adapt to the changes of the times in order to gain a foothold in the highly competitive workplace.

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