
Himalaya uses AI to reconstruct the content ecology and enhance competitiveness, Shanghai, Shanghai News, June 27 (Xiaodong Yu Jun) Himalaya reconstructs the content ecology with the help of AI, and uses "robots" to broadcast audiobooks and radio dramas with emotion, and the platform's own content production, organizational efficiency and operational efficiency have also been greatly improved.

AI injects new levels of productivity into audio

Himalaya has the most comprehensive audio content ecosystem in China, including the largest content library and content creators. As of December 2023, it has approximately 490 million pieces of audio content with a total content duration of 3.6 billion minutes. This enables it to easily access massive and diverse online audio content in the AI era to continuously evolve its AI capabilities and gain a competitive advantage in the AI era.

Himalaya uses AI to reconstruct the content ecology and enhance competitiveness

High-quality datasets are the training fuel that shapes AI into a reliable interpreter, exploring from massive data sets and gaining meaningful insights to drive AI progress. Speech data is relatively easy to collect and annotate, and it is also easier to process, so the application of AI in the audio track has become more rapid.

Himalaya's "Everest Lab" has developed the "Everest Audio AI Model", introducing an AI-driven, user-oriented paradigm of "new quality productivity". Using AI technology to drive the production of audiobooks, Himalaya has built a timbre library of 535 synthesized voices to show human feelings and emotions in different contexts. AI runs through the whole process of pre-recording, recording, and post-production of audiobooks, and the efficiency of AI is more than 50 times higher than that of manual creation. The precision production produced by AI with limited human participation is more than 3 times more efficient than manual creation.

Content creators use AI to reduce costs and increase efficiency. When most of the live anchors make an album, the cost of outsourcing to an external studio is at least 1,000 yuan, from the album cover picture, the introduction picture, to the promotion material picture. By training AI to help anchors produce pictures needed in each link of an album, the design cost is reduced from thousands of yuan to a few corners, and the efficiency is extremely high, and the picture generation can be completed in a few minutes.

Himalaya uses AI to reconstruct the content ecology and enhance competitiveness

After using the Himalayan intelligent creation tool "sound cut", podcast host Xiaoxiao said: "The 100-minute audio, which is super difficult to edit, was processed in less than 10 minutes, and all the places in our mouths were deleted. ”

AI reshapes the content ecosystem

As a leader in the audio industry, Ximalaya has not only deeply applied AI technology to the whole process of PGC, PUGC, and UGC creation, but also AIGC itself has become a major content production method. At present, the platform's AIGC content exceeds 240 million minutes, accounting for 6.6% of the platform's audio content.

Himalaya uses AI to reconstruct the content ecology and enhance competitiveness

In the content ecosystem, Himalaya empowers creators and platforms through AI to improve the speed and quality of content production, forming human-machine collaboration like "AI producers". In the past, it took as little as ten days to a few months to make an audiobook, but now it can be completed in as little as ten hours.

Jiang Han, a senior researcher at Pangu Think Tank, believes that AI technology has a far-reaching impact on audio companies represented by Himalayas, and from the content production side, AI can improve the efficiency and quality of content production, realize the rapid generation and optimization of audio content, reduce content costs and enhance content attractiveness. On the content consumption side, with the help of AI, Ximalaya can achieve more accurate user recommendations and personalized services, and improve user experience and stickiness. In terms of commercialization, AI also helps Himalaya develop new business models and profit margins, and achieve healthier business monetization through intelligent voice advertising and other forms.

AI helps organizations move up to the next level

The in-depth impact of AI on Himalaya is not limited to the content ecosystem, it can also comprehensively improve organizational effectiveness and operational efficiency.

After collaborating with different business teams to achieve AI batch generation, compared with the initial manual + AI generation, the efficiency was increased by 4.5 times, and the playback time and retention of the corresponding album were also improved. In the form of intelligent assistants, the "digital employees" under the blessing of AI have quietly taken up posts in dozens of positions in Himalaya's R&D, operation, audit, recruitment, design, and legal affairs, becoming a powerful assistant for improving the efficiency of enterprise employees.

Himalaya uses AI to reconstruct the content ecology and enhance competitiveness

According to public data, Himalaya realizes content moderation through AI, and the average coverage rate of AI-enabled automatic content filtering has increased from 25.7% in 2022 to 41.8% in 2023, and to 72.2% by the end of 2023. Himalaya also uses AI to respond to user needs, and in 2023, 88.7% of user inquiries are handled by AI-driven intelligent customer service. AI capabilities have greatly improved the operational efficiency of Himalaya.

At the same time, as a powerful assistant to enterprise employees, AI can assist in completing boring and repetitive procedural work, so that more employees can focus on more valuable and imaginative things in their limited time, and platform organizations can also achieve upgrading under the empowerment of AI. (ENDS)

Editor: Yu Jun

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