
Suing plagiarists but losing 2000 blood, short videos are proliferating, which is a shame for the content ecology!

author:Mu Qi said

Hello everyone, I'm Muqian, and today, I want to make an exception to speak up for myself.

For a long time, many readers have advised me to make short videos, thinking that the traffic is greater and good content should also be seen.

But I didn't do it either.

The main reason is that writing is already very exhausting for me, and it is difficult to have the time and interest to perform in front of the camera.

The second is my manuscript, there are a lot of deep meanings hidden between the sentences that are inconvenient to say, but it is still interesting to savor them carefully.

But now it seems that the world has changed.

It has become a clown, a wise man is nameless, pigs and dogs are jumping around, and demons are dancing.

Since the year before last, there have been feedback from readers that the content of many short videos has plagiarized my copywriting, allowing me to defend my rights.

Suing plagiarists but losing 2000 blood, short videos are proliferating, which is a shame for the content ecology!

If the circumstances are minor, I often just apply through the platform and ask the other party to take them off the shelves.

But that kind of serious, with a playback volume of 10w+, or even 100w+, stared at me many times to copy.

I would still choose to sue.

But in this land, the intellectual property rights of Internet content seem to have been neglected for a long time.

Last year, I sued a blogger in Hangzhou, whose main business is selling sex toys, copied at least 7 of my articles, and many of them had as many views as high as 10w+.

But in the end, the local court only upheld 6,000 yuan in compensation.

And the other party did not publicly record a video to apologize, and in the end, he just typed a letter of apology and put it on the homepage for a few days.

And today, I was directly shaken by the verdict of the Zhengzhou court.

In February, a Douyin blogger with 1.6 million followers copied one of my posts and then made a short video.

The number of comments is as high as thousands, the number of favorites is as high as more than 10,000, and the number of likes is as high as hundreds of thousands!

Millions of views!

Suing plagiarists but losing 2000 blood, short videos are proliferating, which is a shame for the content ecology!

And, plagiarizing this video of mine, is one of all his short video works-

One of the most viewed videos!

The number of powders and goods is countless.

Suing plagiarists but losing 2000 blood, short videos are proliferating, which is a shame for the content ecology!

But how much reading do I post on the WeChat public account?

More than 10,000.

Suing plagiarists but losing 2000 blood, short videos are proliferating, which is a shame for the content ecology!

There are many groups of people sinking in short videos, and the form is ingenious, I think.

I also recognize the ability to make my own content.

But the problem is that Ghost Li copied me, so that there are readers who regard me as Ghost Li himself, which I don't recognize.

Therefore, a complaint is filed with the court where the party is located.

Since it was a different place, I found a lawyer in Zhengzhou, Henan Province.

Lawyer's fee + notary fee + prosecution fee, reaching more than 7,000 yuan, all have invoice records.

As a result, the local court's judgment was:

Only the infringement fee of 4,500 yuan is supported, the prosecution fee is halved, and the lawyer's fee and notary fee are not supported.

The most important thing is: I do not support my request for a public apology!

The reason is: there is no infringement of my actual rights.

What else do I have to say?

Both of my lawyers were also speechless!

Suing plagiarists but losing 2000 blood, short videos are proliferating, which is a shame for the content ecology!

I asked my lawyer how the infringement was judged abroad.

At that time, the lawyer said: "In the United States, I can pay you a car, and in Japan, I can go to jail." “

As we all know, the rise of a blogger often depends on a few popular articles.

I have been deeply involved in graphic platforms such as official accounts for many years, not to make much money, but more importantly, to write something in-depth.

But now, the phenomenon of manuscript washing on short video platforms has reached the point of flooding!

I know a Douyin TOP10-level financial blogger who privately said that a lot of his content is washed.

The official account has been running for more than 10 years and has accumulated a lot of high-quality content.

But now, these contents have become a "manuscript washing library" for many short video bloggers.

They are nothing more than taking out the good articles of others in the past and changing them, reading them, and becoming their own, and grabbing huge ill-gotten gains from them, and harvesting batch after batch of vegetables.

Even, a special summary of plagiarism knowledge has been produced for these clowns on the Internet.

Suing plagiarists but losing 2000 blood, short videos are proliferating, which is a shame for the content ecology!

What's funny is that the million-dollar blogger lawyer who copied me also defended in court:

They just saw it on Baidu, and they didn't know that I wrote it, and there was no intention of infringement.

What else do I have to say?

At least, this verdict has left me with nothing to say.

As the infringed party, I sued in accordance with the law, and the final result was 2,000 yuan upside down.

And then the other party doesn't have to apologize!

I think this judgment is definitely not an isolated case, because when I looked through some cases, I found that some intellectual property courts only supported 200 yuan in compensation......

Is the threshold for plagiarism in short videos so low?

The most ironic thing is that even if I accuse plagiarists today, I have to mark the other party like the creator who was copied, which is also a sign of respect for the law.

Suing plagiarists but losing 2000 blood, short videos are proliferating, which is a shame for the content ecology!

It's no wonder that short video content is highly homogeneous now, and it's not a big deal to copy it anyway, isn't this a good copy?

The original creator worked hard, and the plagiarist was free in wealth.

This is a shame for China's Internet content ecology!

Doesn't this force good people to become prostitutes and force good content creators to sink?

Suing plagiarists but losing 2000 blood, short videos are proliferating, which is a shame for the content ecology!

The mood is very heavy, thinking about it, learning from the pain, I want to make a decision that goes against my original intention:

1 In the near future, I will prepare how to make short videos.

There's really no way, my content is about to be washed off, and if I don't end up, others will think I'm a Li ghost.

I also hope that all readers will leave more messages and give valuable comments and ideas.

2 If you encounter a blogger who plagiarizes me in the future, you will sue directly regardless of the severity of the plot, and you will also sue if you lose money.

Since the platform is not rectified and the ecology is not rectified, I will end up by myself and sue one by one.

Earnestly devote effort and money to make up for the grasshopper of the Internet content ecology.

Contribute to the protection of intellectual property rights and the construction of the rule of law ecology in China.

Above, thank you.


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