
Du Huiliang supervised the rectification of ecological and environmental problems in Hangjinqi and investigated flood control and garbage disposal and utilization

author:Warm news
Du Huiliang supervised the rectification of ecological and environmental problems in Hangjinqi and investigated flood control and garbage disposal and utilization

On June 29, Du Huiliang, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and mayor, supervised the rectification of ecological and environmental problems in Hangjinqi, and investigated flood control and garbage disposal and utilization. Deputy Mayor Ji Rimutu attended.

Du Huiliang supervised the rectification of ecological and environmental problems in Hangjinqi and investigated flood control and garbage disposal and utilization
Du Huiliang supervised the rectification of ecological and environmental problems in Hangjinqi and investigated flood control and garbage disposal and utilization

In Bayin Wendur Gacha, Hohemudu Town, Du Huiliang had a detailed understanding of the rectification of the disclosure of the national ecological environment warning film in the Yellow River Basin. He said that it is necessary to take the rectification of problems as a major political responsibility and an important political task, and take strong measures to promote the current reform and long-term establishment in a coordinated manner. It is necessary to strictly control the disclosure of problems and rectification requirements, promote rectification work in a checklist and closed-loop manner, draw inferences from one case to investigate and rectify similar problems, and ensure that the effectiveness of rectification can stand up to inspection. It is necessary to strengthen law enforcement and supervision, actively promote the application of satellite remote sensing and other technical means, and accelerate the construction of an intelligent supervision system with real-time monitoring and accurate early warning. It is necessary to implement the principle of "four waters and four determinations" in an all-round way, standardize water intake behavior in accordance with the law, rationally and effectively allocate water resources, and continue to improve the level of conservation and intensive utilization of water resources.

Du Huiliang supervised the rectification of ecological and environmental problems in Hangjinqi and investigated flood control and garbage disposal and utilization

In the Daotu Gacha section of Dugui Tara Town, Du Huiliang inspected the flood prevention and preparedness situation on the spot. He said: At present, flood prevention has entered a critical period, and all departments at all levels should attach great importance to it and do a solid job in prevention, response, and handling. It is necessary to pay close attention to changes in rain and water conditions, strengthen consultation, research and judgment, and information dissemination, and do a good job in taking the initiative in flood prevention and preparedness. It is necessary to comprehensively grasp the investigation and reinforcement of hidden dangers in key areas such as dangerous sections and reservoirs and dams, and earnestly improve the ability to resist natural disasters. It is necessary to strengthen patrols and inspections, pre-position flood control materials and rescue forces in advance, improve emergency response capabilities, and ensure safe and stable flooding.

Du Huiliang supervised the rectification of ecological and environmental problems in Hangjinqi and investigated flood control and garbage disposal and utilization

At the landfill in Sini Town and the food waste treatment demonstration site in Jinhua Market, Du Huiliang had a detailed understanding of the waste disposal and utilization. He said that it is necessary to continue to deepen the establishment of rules and regulations, accelerate the improvement and upgrading of infrastructure, actively explore market-oriented operation models, and coordinate the improvement of waste source reduction, harmless disposal and resource utilization.

Source: Warm News WeChat public account

Reporter of Ordos Rong Media Center: Hu Qun, Zhao Yuan

Editor: Li Rong

Proofreader: Wu Zhuoqun

Review: Yang Yang

Final review: Wang Hongmei

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