
The bold words written by the weak woman: heroic, genius pen, drifting body. An incredible literary spectacle

author:Foolish Poetry Lesson
This is all Wu's own thoughts, and there is nothing in Wu's own minds. This "Golden Wisp Song" is certainly not the most classic bold words, but it has written the most classic way of bold words. Why are you so arrogant? The road is right, why should heroes be big? Why should I be small? Such a small she, heroic, genius pen - obviously and enriches the extremely narrow "weak woman's bold words" type, leaving posterity such as a spectacle in an astonishing literary spectacle.

There are far fewer bold words in traditional literature than there are euphemistic words. On the one hand, grace is something in the stylistic genes of words, and those who are "poetic" also say this, and those who "poetry and poetry" also say this; On the other hand, doesn't this have to be a heroic person to write a bold word? How few such people are? Heroism is precious. However, in the forest of words, there are even more rare types than bold words. Which type? The bold words of the female lyricist. The category of bold words is already rare; And women who were well-educated in ancient times and possessed such literary genius are needless to say rare. I have to say it, extraordinary literary style meets extraordinary people, and heroines meet talented people - even though there are countless miracles in the history of mainland literature, it is still too incredible to see it.

- Actually, there is something more incredible, what? Bold words written by a weak woman. Heroic, genius pen, drifting body...... A drop in the sea, but the sea is too small.

The bold words written by the weak woman: heroic, genius pen, drifting body. An incredible literary spectacle

In this way, Li Qingzhao should be respectfully invited to open - his life is not easy, but after all, he was born in a famous family, after all, he was already famous in Beijing when he was young; And the vibrating pen wrote, "The old country is vast, what is the flat boat?" The sunset is a river flowing away", waiting for the beautiful sentence of Xu Can Xu Xiangping, it is a pity that I also want to open it - the Humble Administrator's Garden, a world cultural heritage, is her home; Not to mention Mrs. Xu Mu in the pre-Qin era, the queen of one of his countries was also ...... They are all strange women without doubt, but they are not weak women. So, which weak women created such a literary spectacle? When the first to recommend the Qing Dynasty's Wu Zao Wu Xiang. Her life is not very clear, and there are many legends, and she is generally close to the pipa girl in Bai Shi - "the boss married a merchant woman"; And her husband's family probably copied the style of "businessmen value profit over separation...... In short, it is the low social class on the outside and the destruction of dignity on the inside.

- so that she had to draw her life like this: "A volume of divorce and a volume of scriptures, ten years of heart and ten years of lights." The sound of autumn ...... on the banana leaves" ("Huanxi Sand")

The bold words written by the weak woman: heroic, genius pen, drifting body. An incredible literary spectacle

This...... Can this write any bold words? With such a sad and sad life, what is there to send? Here's where the wonder comes in:

Sullen said. (Paraphrased from "Historical Records")

Ask the firmament, the living in the world,

Shinobi Bias?

It is difficult to eliminate pride from ancient times,

It's also just empty and aggressive. (Pawn Yin Hao)

I am self-examining, and I am reading poems from the intestines. (Pawn Zhu Shuzhen)

Seeing sadness and laughter,

Laughing openly and sorrowfully is my thing!

are all incorporated,

Pencil end knots.

There is no difference between the sons and daughters of heroes.

Sigh for a thousand years, the end of an example,

Tears and blood.

To put down the tenderness,

Don't sing the willow wind and moon; (Pawn out of Yanagaga)

And straighten, copper and iron dials. (Pawn Su Shi)

After reading "Lisao" and drinking,

Go to the east of the great river and sing the remnants.

sound early stopping,

The clouds are cracked.

How do you feel when you read it? It can only be read in amazement. Reading this "Golden Wisp Song", Xin Jiaxuan was resurrected in a trance. In terms of technique, the Wu family is also a slave to the history of the canon, and the canon is dense without traces. "I want to call the sky and say", I split my head and slapped "Historical Records: The Biography of Qu Yuan and Jia Sheng", which means: Why should Qu and Jia be big? Why should you be small? I have a word to listen to heaven and earth, and to the kings, and to hear quietly. With just one sentence, the weak woman who "has been thinking for ten years and ten years of lights" has completely disappeared. Next, "it is difficult to eliminate the arrogance from ancient times, and only the book is empty and aggressive", and the Eastern Jin Dynasty Yin Hao's "aggressive and strange things" ("The World Says New Words, Dethroned and Exempt") wrote a complex sense of suspicion - where are the heroes of ancient times? Have heroes always been like this? Are there any real heroes? Is it the people who are out of place, or is it the "timely"? ……

- wrote, turned, turned to himself: Seeing that there are only doubts in the cloudy day of his history, why not polish a sunny day for himself alone, the answer may be in my heart?

The bold words written by the weak woman: heroic, genius pen, drifting body. An incredible literary spectacle

However, flipping through my own poems and turning over my heart ("self-examination, broken intestine poems"), the sorrow in it is even heavier and more tortuous than the broken intestines of countless people over the past thousands of years - "Laughing openly and sorrowfully is my family thing", I can't help laughing, and the small sky that laughs at me is the real gloomy cloudy sky...... At this point, the weak woman who traveled far away came back for a moment, but it was by no means a quiet, timid return, but a return of thousands of miles of dragon and clouds - the self that was so small that even the neighbors would ignore it openly connected the ancient and the modern. Although the body is a drop in the sea, it stands proudly in the sea, and the angry waves are caused by it, and the heart rises and falls. As for the next film, it is also an intensive use of allusions, and it is also a pull of ancient and modern heroes to sort out all kinds of complex thoughts - epilogue: wine! Kill the long sigh together.

——The second sentence of "The sound is stopped early, and the blue clouds are cracked", the wine game came to an abrupt end, and it seemed that such a wine game would never disperse. After the eyes are hot, the Dongpo Jiaxuan is all in it.

The bold words written by the weak woman: heroic, genius pen, drifting body. An incredible literary spectacle

What exactly does this word say? In short, one question and one answer, the question is "the living are in the world, and the patience is worn out", and the answer is "there is no difference between the heroes and the daughters" - heaven is unfair and fair, and there is actually not so much difference between people. In this regard, what is the benefit of "chewing one's own joys and sorrows for the whole world"? Wake up! "Willow Wind and Moon", "Copper Arpeggio and Iron Dial", they should be put down; It's better to face such a heavenly way and spread your iron hooves through it...... In other words, this is all Wu's own thoughts, and there is nothing in Wu's own minds. This "Golden Wisp Song" is certainly not the most classic bold words, but it has written the most classic way of bold words. Why are you so arrogant? The road is right, why should heroes be big? Why should I be small? Such a small she, heroic, genius pen - obviously and enriches the extremely narrow "weak woman's bold words" type, leaving posterity such as a spectacle in an astonishing literary spectacle.

- At this point, I have to express my deep regret. Unfortunately, we still know too little today; There are even more people like this, such spectacles, which have long been annihilated without a trace.

Written on a business trip to Shandong

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

【Main References】Chen Tingzhuo's "Baiyuzhai Words", Huang Yanli's "Qing Female Lyricist Wu Zaojiaoyou Examination", Zhang Yi's "Cilin Guanzhi" quoted Huang Yunfu, Chen Wenshu, etc.


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