
Liu Jixiang Non-fiction Literature: The Golden Soul (31)

author:Exquisitely clear and purple
Liu Jixiang Non-fiction Literature: The Golden Soul (31)

Chapter IV

Charge with the people in mind

Fight to be the first to curse people

In accordance with the requirement of "breathing the same breath, sharing the same fate, and linking hearts with each other," the Golden Force has actively carried out the work of supporting the government and loving the people, and has successively dispatched more than 100,000 people and more than 10,000 vehicles to donate one million yuan to support local construction and emergency rescue and disaster relief. More than 50 units and individuals have been commended by the provincial, municipal, and county governments, making positive contributions to the building of the two civilizations.

30- Danqing is difficult to write is spiritual

16 detachment fighters Peng Gewen

A self-report on taking the path of Lei Feng

I am just a compulsory soldier with less than four years of military experience, and I have no earth-shattering feats, so I can only give you a brief introduction to the growth process of taking Comrade Lei Feng as an example and taking the road of Lei Feng and being a Lei Feng-style soldier in the past four years as a soldier.

When a soldier fulfills his duty, he cannot count the gains and losses

It has been my wish since I was a child to serve the motherland as a soldier. In 1986, when the tide of commodity economy was impacting the land of China and Lei Feng's hometown of Hunan, many people were busy with money and business to get rich, and the concept of fulfilling obligations and honors had been weakened. In this case, I stepped forward and resolutely found the head of the township armed forces, and was the first to sign up for the army.

But at this time, my mother was seriously ill and bedridden, and my sister came to visit me from thousands of miles away, and when she heard that I was going to sign up for the army, she was so anxious that she took my hand and cried and pleaded: "Brother, I beg you to listen to my sister once." It's not that my sister doesn't support you to be a soldier, you see that the two sisters are married, and the eldest sister and I are far away from my mother's side, but now my mother is sick all the year round, who will take care of me with medicine and injections? My sister has been disabled since she was a child and can't work, who will plant more than 5 acres of responsible land? Dad died of illness when you were less than ten years old, who will pay off the thousands of yuan in debt for treatment? This family doesn't have to rely on you to support it. As soon as you go to join the army, how will you live at home? As I spoke, my sister and my mother, who were lying on the hospital bed, and my sister, who had only one hand, began to cry sadly, and I didn't know what to do for a while.

Seriously, why wouldn't I want to honor my mother? When Dad died, we were all young. My mother raised our four children, and we had to go to school, and life was difficult enough. I graduated from junior high school and was admitted to high school, but in order to share a burden for my mother, so that my two sisters could go to school, I quit school and started carpentry, furniture, and farm tools, with an annual net income of 1,800 yuan, which finally made my mother breathe a sigh of relief. My family is counting on me to earn money to pay off my debts. Thinking about it, I'm a bit torn between that.

There is no one who is empathetic than the motherly heart of the world. My seriously ill mother wiped away her tears, took my hand with a smile and said, "Leatherman (nickname), although you are the 11th generation of the Peng family, and according to the rules of your ancestors, you cannot serve as a soldier, but when your father was the secretary of the village branch when he was alive, he often said to the villagers, 'Everyone has the responsibility to protect the family and defend the country; Just listen to your father's words, go ahead. Mother doesn't keep you. can still work for a few years after being cured. ”

"Who says grass heart, repays three springs"? My mother's words touched me deeply. I knelt in front of my mother's bed and cried, "Mom, I will definitely listen to you and my father and be a good soldier in the army." "That's how I signed up for the army. However, before I left, when I was taking the carpentry tools to the market to sell, I ran into an old classmate who was in the clothes business. When he heard that I was going to be a soldier, he persuaded me: "Old classmate, your skills are so good, I don't want to try to make more money, so I want to be a soldier!" You haven't looked, what age is this still a soldier, do you think it's glorious? Besides, you calculate an account, be a soldier for three years, and earn tens of thousands of yuan less, why bother? Besides, your family is so poor. I smiled and said, "People can't always follow money in life, and they have to look farther." Only when the country is strong can the people be safe. When you are a soldier, you can't care about personal gains and losses, and you have to talk about dedication when you fulfill your obligations. "In this way, I came to the army without hesitation.

Liu Jixiang Non-fiction Literature: The Golden Soul (31)
If you want to be a qualified soldier, you have to be good at everything

I put on a military uniform and traveled from my hometown in Anhua County, Hunan Province to Lei Feng's hometown, the 16th Golden Detachment of the Armed Police in the suburbs of the Yangtze River. We happily arrived at the long-awaited police barracks. However, as soon as they got out of the car, they heard that it was a soldier who had gone up the mountain to look for mines, and many people felt cold in their hearts, and some soldiers privately discussed: "This soldier who digs a pit and digs a hole is also called an armed policeman?" You see how energetic and majestic the armed policemen who ride motorcycles, carry submachine guns, and wear white gloves to patrol in the city. It's really unlucky, the armed police entered the right gate, but the small door of the golden army entered the wrong one, and it was better to go home early after three years. ”

I heard all this gossip at the time, saying that I didn't have any idea at all, and that was unrealistic. The instructor of the recruit company saw through everyone's thoughts and organized us to visit the Lei Feng Memorial Hall to explain the moving deeds of Lei Feng who served the people wholeheartedly during his lifetime. Lei Feng's words and deeds have left a deep imprint on my soul. I think: Lei Feng became an excellent tractor driver as a member, an advanced worker as a worker, and an excellent soldier as a soldier. His trick to doing everything well is: do one line, love one line. We are golden warriors, although it is hard, but it is also glorious. To be a soldier is to be a good soldier like Lei Feng.

Recruit training is tiring and hard, and it is often necessary to practice repeatedly for several days in order to make a single soldier's movement meet the standard. In my spare time, I also find time to help cook in the cooking class, clean the pigsty, and flush the toilet. A comrade-in-arms from a fellow villager asked me puzzled: "Ge Wen, you usually endure hardships in training than others, and you have to learn from Lei Feng whenever you have time. I smiled and said, "How can anyone not be tired?" However, I did not feel tired by exchanging my tiredness for the rest of my comrades-in-arms. At this time, I received a letter from my sister who told me that "my mother was working in the field before she was well and accidentally broke her arm." "I was so sad that I lay under the covers at night and cried secretly. I want to go home and comfort my old and sick mother! But how can I leave training so intensely? I didn't report to the company, I quietly put the letter in my pocket, and endured the pain and threw myself into the intense training. Hard work pays off. I have achieved excellent results in all training courses and have been commended by my superiors. For the first time in my life, I tasted the relief and happiness of awards. I secretly made up my mind: no matter what work the organization assigns, I will be like Lei Feng, do a good job, and never disappoint the expectations of the organization.

After the training of recruits, I was assigned to the cooking class of the detachment organs. There, I humbly consulted the master for advice, and in less than half a year, I mastered common cooking techniques such as frying, stir-frying, smoking, and frying. Later, in accordance with the instructions of the higher authorities, the detachment wanted to send out a part of the outstanding fighters to enrich the production line at the grassroots level. I was transferred to work in the laboratory processing room. This work is dirty, tiring and cumbersome, and each sample has to go through five processes, such as coarse crushing, medium crushing, shrinking, fine crushing, and rod grinding. After a year of hard work, the pass rate of the samples I processed reached more than 98%, and I was praised by my superiors.

In order to shorten the cycle of picking, processing, chemicalization, and transportation, the detachment decided to set up a processing room in the No. 4 Company in Zhaoqing, Guangdong, to undertake the task of sample processing for the three companies in Guangdong and Hainan. The organization sent me to the fourth company to set up a processing room and serve as the team leader of the processing room. I thought: since it is the decision of the organization, no matter how difficult it is, I have to obey it happily. I packed up my backpack and rushed to the company to report for duty. After one to four companies, I realized that there was no ready-made machinery and equipment, and even the cement floor necessary for the processing room was not paved. Everything had to start from scratch. I immediately reported to the company my idea of preparing a processing room, which was quickly approved.

On the one hand, I organized personnel to carry the waste equipment left over from the processing room at the entrance of the original 15th detachment; On the other hand, he single-handedly went to Wuchang, Guangzhou, and Guiyang to purchase machinery and equipment. I remember one day, I arrived in Guiyang City by train at more than 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and the city is still more than 10 kilometers away from Guiyang Prospecting Machinery Factory. I also had a lot of cash with me. The kind people in the same car advised me to stay in the city for one night and come back to see the goods the next day. I think the construction period is getting closer and closer, and we should seize the time to see the sample and order the goods to ensure that the production starts on schedule. So, I packed the money in a plastic bag and hid it in a sock tube, and walked for more than three hours in the rain overnight to the machine factory.

As soon as I got to work the next day, I went to see the machine model. What we need to order is a roll type medium and rough machine, but the plant only has a jaw crusher. "It's even better than roll-on, and if you order it, you can also get a handsome personal rebate," they said. I said, "Whether you recognize the goods or not, it depends on the test machine." So I picked up a few rocks to test the machine, but it didn't meet the requirement of 1 centimeter. I declined the order. They scolded me: "Stupid soldiers, don't guard the golden doll." "I think that as long as the interests of the collective are not infringed upon, and these people who abuse power for personal gain are not allowed to take advantage of loopholes, it would be stupid to say that I am stupid.

I once went to Guangzhou to buy a motor wire, the price in the market is very chaotic, the elasticity is amazing, the same type of product produced by the same manufacturer, some of the price is 70 yuan, and some are as high as 130 yuan. I went to more than a dozen Wujinjiaodian stores in Guangzhou, and finally chose the same kind of products with the lowest price and better quality.

I was both a squad leader and a purchaser, running around, and finally bought all the machinery and equipment. But at this time, there were only more than ten days before the detachment required the start of work on June 1, so I had to lead the whole class of soldiers to work overtime, from 6 o'clock in the morning to more than 10 o'clock in the evening every day. After the processing room was put into operation, due to the backlog of samples, new manpower, and weak technical force, we had to take turns in three shifts. I insisted on taking two shifts a day, working for more than 10 hours at a time, and often worked until 4 o'clock the next morning. Seriously, I didn't have any energy at all, and I didn't even bother to go to bed. Anyway, it's hot in Guangdong, so I often lie on the cement floor of the processing room after work, fall asleep to the sound of rumbling machines, and get up after a few hours of sleep to nibble on two cold steamed buns and continue to dry.

As the saying goes, "It's hard to start a business, but it's even harder to keep a business." That's true. When the machine sounds, we are not afraid of being bitter and tired, but what we are afraid of is that the machine has a problem. Because we don't have electricians, fitters, repairmen, we have to do everything ourselves. Once, when a new soldier Xiao Cai had just taken up his post, due to his unfamiliar technology, he first fed the material and then opened the gate, which broke the roof in the crusher and caught up with the lack of spare parts. What to do? I hurriedly took a bus to Wuhan to buy it. When I arrived in Wuhan the next day, I hurriedly bought it, but I didn't even bother to eat a meal, so I bought a bag of bread and got into the train, and it was already more than 10 o'clock in the evening when I rushed back to the company. I didn't care about the fatigue and led everyone to unload the machine and repair it. Several people were busy in the middle of the night, and they couldn't install it, so they had to invite the master to install it the next day, and then they started work normally.

This incident taught me that as a qualified class leader, it is not enough to have management skills, but also to have excellent technical skills. Therefore, I used the stipend money I saved to buy books and materials in Guangzhou, such as "Electrical Technology," "Fitter Knowledge," "Electrical Maintenance," and "Prospecting Machinery Repair," and organized the whole class to study. Now all the soldiers in the class can overhaul and eliminate general mechanical failures, so that minor repairs are not invited, and medium repairs are not allowed to go out. However, I didn't have the time to read the mathematics, science, and chemistry textbooks and review materials that I was preparing to study, so I had to look at the books and sigh. However, one thing that I am gratifying about is that I have fulfilled my promise of "being a good soldier when you are a soldier".

Liu Jixiang Non-fiction Literature: The Golden Soul (31)
The people's soldiers should be for the people everywhere

We are the people's soldiers, and we must not only do what we do, love what we do, and be qualified fighters, but also always keep in mind the purpose of our army, think about the people everywhere and serve the people wholeheartedly, like Lei Feng, and especially dare to stand up and even sacrifice our own lives at the grim moment when the lives and property of the people are threatened. However, it was not easy to learn from Lei Feng to do good deeds in the past few years, and it was even sometimes misunderstood. Even so, we should not shake our conviction in doing good deeds for the people like Lei Feng.

Once when I went to Guangzhou to run errands, I saw an old lady on the bus carrying four or five bags to catch the train, which was very inconvenient. I wanted to help her get out of the car out of kindness, but she scolded her for a while: "Hmph, you soldiers, go and go, the weasel gives the chicken a New Year's greeting, and wants to beat the old lady's idea." Several young people also took the opportunity to make a fuss, which made me very embarrassed. When I got out of the car and found that the young people were snatching the old lady's bag, I rushed forward without hesitation to stop it and snatched it back. In front of the facts, the eldest lady said embarrassedly: "Child, I misunderstood you just now. "I was very impressed by this incident. I think: In real life, as long as I persistently help others and help others for pleasure, like Lei Feng, I will definitely be able to arouse the resonance and response of more people around me, and the bad social atmosphere will improve, so that I will strengthen my belief and determination to take the road of Lei Feng.

I remember once helping the resident villager Huang Wofang's family to transport timber across the river, he and I sat on a truck full of timber, the river rose and flooded the highway bridge, the car failed due to brake failure when crossing the bridge, and the car and people overturned into the river. Lao Huang jumped from the car to the shore, broke his leg and couldn't move, and his wife Liu Andi and I were washed out more than ten feet away by the flood. His wife couldn't swim, and she was so anxious that Lao Huang hugged her injured leg on the shore and shouted, "Help!" Help me! "My head was also struck by the log that was hit by the waves.

Hearing the shouting, I struggled to swim towards Liu Andi, and finally caught her. Maybe it was the instinct to survive that supported her, and she grabbed me by the hair so hard that I couldn't hold it anymore in the water. At that time, I had a hunch that this was over, and I was really dead. Fortunately, at this time, another big wave hit a piece of wood, I grabbed it, and quickly pushed her to the top of the wood, so that she quickly grabbed the wood, because the physical exertion was too great, there was no strength to swim to the river, so the two of them grabbed the wood and went down the water, until they rushed to the bend more than two miles away, and finally let us survive. Afterwards, the couple was so grateful that they had to ask their three children to kneel down and call me "father-in-law." In fact, I don't want to repay others for doing good deeds, but I just do my duty as a soldier of the people.

Last summer, a catastrophic flood occurred in the Zhaoqing area of Guangdong Province. A road bridge on the outskirts of the city was clogged by obstacles washed down by floodwaters. I saw that the flood water rose sharply, directly endangering the lives and property of dozens of surrounding villagers and the safety of the main road leading to the city. If the risk is not eliminated in time, the consequences are unimaginable. The water under the bridge is deep and rapid, and the whirlpool formed by the vicious waves is in danger of rolling people into it at any time, which brings great difficulties to the evacuation of danger. None of the people dared to go down, so the village chief was so anxious that the village chief turned around. When the company commander heard the news, he led us to rush to the village, and the soldiers were divided into two routes, and a group of soldiers, under the leadership of the village chief, quickly moved the women and children in the village to safety.

I was ordered to lead the whole squad to rush to the top of the bridge to clear the danger. When I was about to dive, I heard a few women on the other side of the bridge shouting, "Soldiers, don't die, don't jump!" At this time, I saw that the flood water was rising higher and higher, and I didn't think about it so much, so I jumped down with a "plop." Several soldiers behind me saw me jump off the river. One by one, we tied up the trees between the piers with ropes and dragged them ashore. Due to the high tide of the water, I was almost swept into it several times. Through the joint efforts of the comrades-in-arms, the obstacles were finally removed, the lives and property of the people were protected, the bridge was saved, and the flood waters receded. The old village chief took the company commander's hand and said: "It's really a Lei Feng-style unit that has returned, and in the most dangerous time, you have to rely on being a soldier!" "

Someone made fun of me and said, "Ge Wen, you kid, why did you get this kind of thing happening?" "Yes, that's what must be in chance. It is impossible to encounter such a thing often, but once it does, whether or not he can stand up and put life and death aside is a severe test for every revolutionary soldier.

Liu Jixiang Non-fiction Literature: The Golden Soul (31)

It was February 26 last year, and I was going home to visit my family, and I was sleeping soundly late at night when I was suddenly awakened by a rapid shout of "firefighting." I hurriedly put on my clothes and rushed out of the house, only to see that it was located in the center of the township government's residence. A wooden house only about ten feet away from his home was full of smoke and flames. The lives and property of the neighboring township government offices, the warehouse of the supply and marketing cooperative, the warehouse of the supply and marketing cooperative, the gasoline depot that exploded as soon as it ignited, and the lives and property of dozens of surrounding residents, including my own family and my sister's family, were all in danger. Risking my own life, I plunged into the fire three times to help the crowd grab two bicycles and a sewing machine. At this time, the fire and wind were burning more and more, and I only heard the sound of the door frame "one by one", which fell down and cut off my back road. At this time, I realized that it is not a way to just help the villagers to grab things, once the oil depot not far away explodes, the consequences are unimaginable, and we must organize the masses to cut off the fire road as soon as possible and keep the oil depot!

Even though my clothes were on fire, I rushed out regardless of life or death, organized the masses to install firefighting equipment, and directed the firefighting battle. Because most of the people at that time only cared about rescuing their own things, there were too few people, and the water source was urgent, and the first time the fire was extinguished failed. The fire frantically struck in the direction of the oil depot. At this moment, my heart became even more nervous, and I couldn't think so much at that time (Later, a reporter interviewed me and asked me if I thought of heroes at that time?). To be honest, the fire burns the eyebrows, Then there is still time to think about heroes, and I am not allowed to think about it. At that time, I had only one thought in my mind: to cut off the fire road at all costs and save the oil depot! I had already put my life on the line, climbed onto the crumbling roof, and organized a second firefight.

I shouted to the crowd: "Cut off the fire and prevent the oil depot from exploding!" While struggling to uncover the tiles and lift the wood. My hands and face were blistered with blood from the fire, and I was still desperate to direct everyone to cut off the fire. Due to the disrepair of the house, one of the beams under my feet broke, which knocked me off the four or five meters high beam, and broke one of my lumbar vertebrae, causing me to faint on the spot. The crowd rushed me out of the rubble and let me rest. When I woke up, I yelled: "Rest, rest, wait for the oil depot to explode, everyone will die!" I pushed them away, clutched my aching waist with one hand, staggered to the roof, and continued to fight the fire.

Led by me, many people who were eager to save their property rushed over one after another to fight the fire, and more and more of them soon built a "human wall" to protect the oil depot. After seven hours of hard fighting, the fire was finally extinguished. The township government, supply and marketing cooperatives, oil depots, and the property of dozens of residents were finally out of danger. However, my sister's house was in ruins; I myself was scarred, passed out on the fire that was extinguished, and was taken to the hospital by the villagers. When I was hospitalized, the leaders of the township government, the armed forces department, and many people came to visit me with their belongings. An old man said: "You deserve to be a real soldier of the people." When I heard this, my heart was satisfied. For this reason, the party committee of the army gave me a third-class meritorious service.

In the past few years as a soldier, I have always taken the spirit of Lei Feng as the driving force for progress, always used Lei Feng's words and deeds to set strict demands on myself, and led the soldiers of the whole class to successfully complete all the tasks assigned to us by my superiors. The squad I led was commended by the detachment's general order; The soldiers in the squad were also commended by their superiors; I myself have been rated as an outstanding Communist Youth League member and a model squad leader by the corps, and I have been commended four times and awarded third-class meritorious service twice. The achievements and honors I have achieved are inseparable from the support and organizational concern of my comrades-in-arms. If compared with Lei Feng and other heroic models, it is even more insignificant.

As long as the organization needs me, I will be unconditionally and absolutely obedient, diligently contribute my youth to the cause of gold geology, and devote my limited life to unlimited service to the people like Comrade Lei Feng, and be a good soldier like Lei Feng.

1991. 7
Liu Jixiang Non-fiction Literature: The Golden Soul (31)
Liu Jixiang Non-fiction Literature: The Golden Soul (31)
Liu Jixiang Non-fiction Literature: The Golden Soul (31)


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