
Writers such as Liang Xiaosheng believe that many literary works are being misunderstood, and suggest that readers enhance their reading perception

author:Art Bloom

On June 29th, the sharing session of the literary salon "Reconstructing the World in Literature, Discussing One Hundred Lives with Writers" was held at Beijing City Library. About 500 readers listened to Liang Xiaosheng, Zhou Xiaofeng and other literary masters talk about their works and lives.

Writers such as Liang Xiaosheng believe that many literary works are being misunderstood, and suggest that readers enhance their reading perception

The sharing session was jointly organized by Shoutu, the National Reading Promotion Office of the China Writers Association, and Yuanyue Technology. Li Xiaodong, director of the Social Liaison Department of the Chinese Writers Association, served as the moderator, Liang Xiaosheng, winner of the Mao Dun Literature Award, Zhou Xiaofeng, vice chairman of the Beijing Writers Association, Jiang Jianwei, a famous writer and songwriter, Sun Xiaoya, a professor at Capital Normal University, Chen Hong, director of the Seventh Editorial Center of the People's Daily Publishing House, and Xu Bo, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Capital Library, jointly discussed the personal experience of writers and literary creation, the film and television adaptation of literary works, writing in the context of globalization, and the contemporary significance of classic reading. Share your thoughts with your readers.

Writers such as Liang Xiaosheng believe that many literary works are being misunderstood, and suggest that readers enhance their reading perception

"There are some books that we are misreading or not fully understanding what the author meant." Liang Xiaosheng said, "For example, people overemphasize the struggle between the old man and the sea in "The Old Man and the Sea", and ignore the warm side between the old man and the child in the text. "If the reader can capture a lot of the nuanced descriptions and reinterpret the work, they will discover a different life for the characters in the work. Sun Xiaoya, who is known for her poetry, believes that the reason for the current misreading problem lies in whether contemporary readers still have the ability to "perceive happiness" from literary works. "Reading allows us to live with light," she said. Reading is an endogenous motivation. The perception of reading is particularly important, and today's readers should understand the details of the text and open up the richness of literature. ”

Writers such as Liang Xiaosheng believe that many literary works are being misunderstood, and suggest that readers enhance their reading perception

Writer Zhou Xiaofeng believes that "good writing can have multiple interpretations, just as there is no standard answer to good writing." Writer Jiang Jianwei said: "Today we focus more on happy and pleasant experiences, and forget to focus on pain. He believes that in fact, life is a mixture of joy and sorrow, and reading is more important for us to learn to "turn suffering into happiness".

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