
Jia Pingwa's "Remembering the Yellow River, Jinshan Grand Canyon" literary documentary was released on the whole network

author:Xi'an Net

On June 29, the release ceremony of the literary documentary filmed on the whole network based on Jia Pingwa's eponymous essay "Remembering the Yellow River and Jinshan Grand Canyon" was held in Xi'an Xiying Building.

Jia Pingwa's "Remembering the Yellow River, Jinshan Grand Canyon" literary documentary was released on the whole network

Jia Pingwa's "Remembering the Yellow River, Jinshan Grand Canyon" literary documentary was released on the whole network. Photo courtesy of the organizer

"Remembering the Yellow River Jinshan Grand Canyon" is a travelogue essay created by Jia Pingwa in 2023, which unfolds the writing of the Yellow River Jinshan Grand Canyon from the perspectives of writing scenes, objects, nostalgia, and speculation, not only the description of the great river civilization, historical allusions, mountains and rivers, but also the observation of folk snacks, music and opera, and geographical customs.

The documentary is jointly produced by Western Film Group Co., Ltd. and Jia Pingwa Literature and Art Museum of Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, with prose as the text, and narrated by Jia Pingwa in his hometown dialect, going deep into Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Inner Mongolia provinces and regions, after more than 8 months of shooting, it will be launched simultaneously on many domestic media platforms.

Jia Pingwa's "Remembering the Yellow River, Jinshan Grand Canyon" literary documentary was released on the whole network

Networking activities at the launch ceremony. Photo courtesy of the organizer

At the release ceremony, director Mu Nan said that <秦腔><古炉>after documentaries such as "Postscript", "Postscript" and "Waste Capital", he once again directed Jia Pingwa's literary documentary, which carried out humanistic visual expression of the Yellow River and had strong humanistic creation characteristics, "I believe that through this literary documentary, the audience can see the positive atmosphere of Jia Pingwa's literature and his literary self-confidence." ”

Based on an international perspective, Nie Xiaoyang, a senior media person, said that this documentary has rich humanistic, natural and historical connotations, and at the same time is full of the passion of the times. The more you are bound, the softest water is as hard as iron" will move and inspire many Chinese, and will also allow many international friends to better understand, see and believe in China.

Jia Pingwa's "Remembering the Yellow River, Jinshan Grand Canyon" literary documentary was released on the whole network

Jia Pingwa had a dialogue with the audience. Photo courtesy of the organizer

At the scene, the audience exchanged views with Jia Pingwa on the Yellow River and the similarities and similarities between film and television and literature. Jia Pingwa said, "This time I walked the entire Grand Canyon against the current, and the strength and indomitable spirit of the Yellow River's youth gave me a great shock and spiritual baptism, which is also the process of prose generation." The language of writing and the language of film and television are independent of each other and complement each other, the ancients said that "words are not exhaustive, songs are not exhaustive", documentaries shoot the best and most exciting parts of the article, adding sound and color to the text, which is more interesting than simply reading the text.

Source: Xinhuanet

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