
101 years old, 95 years old, 89 years old...... The old people who live in Yuhang's 100-year-old happy home

author:Yuhang Times

The subtleties of old-age care are related to the "great happiness" of thousands of households.

Centenarians live in a "happy home", and tailor-made embedded home care services are "embedded" into the hearts of the elderly; The elderly in mountainous areas eat hot meals at their doorsteps, do a good job of people's livelihood "food", and the meal assistance service becomes more intimate and comfortable......

In order to make happiness more palpable, knowable and accessible, in recent years, Yuhang District has explored the creation of the brand of "Five Hearts for the People, Happy Yuhang" around the construction of an important new center in Hangzhou, in-depth implementation of the "Five-Star Happiness Project", and made every effort to promote the integrated reform of home-based elderly care services, so that the dream of the elderly to "retire" at home and "enjoy old age" will become a reality.

Enjoy health and wellness, never leave the community

After the lunch break, 101-year-old Zhang Chunsheng, accompanied by his nursing aunt, came to the activity room of the 100-year-old happy home in Jingyuan, Cangqian Street, to watch the elderly in the community make wontons. He will also actively participate in activities such as rings and pot throwing.

101 years old, 95 years old, 89 years old...... The old people who live in Yuhang's 100-year-old happy home
101 years old, 95 years old, 89 years old...... The old people who live in Yuhang's 100-year-old happy home

"It's good to eat and live here, and the aunt service is also very good." In December last year, Zhang Chunsheng lived in Jingyuan's 100-year-old happy home. Compared with the previous at home, the meals are richer, and what makes him more comfortable is that the "bathing problem" has been solved.

101 years old, 95 years old, 89 years old...... The old people who live in Yuhang's 100-year-old happy home

Zhang Chunsheng used to be a primary school teacher, and he still reads books every day in his old age. On the bedroom table, from "Fruit Step-by-Step Explanation" to "Zizhi Tongjian", each book has a reading mark. After living in the house for half a year, he has formed a regular rhythm of life: get up at 3 o'clock in the morning and go to the rehabilitation area to practice aerobics and muscles; Put on reading glasses and read a book in the bedroom; After breakfast, go to the activity room to watch TV and chat; Take a nap after lunch and participate in activities in the activity room in the afternoon......

In the 100-year-old happy family, many elderly people come from the same village community and are neighbors or relatives, which makes the "happy home" feel more homely.

"Old people like to be lively, and sometimes they sit here and do nothing, and they are very happy." Hua Xiangyu, the person in charge of Jingyuan 100-year-old happy home, said that there are currently three elderly people living in Jingyuan 100-year-old happy home, who are 101 years old, 95 years old and 89 years old. Xingxingjia has a canteen for the elderly, a movie viewing area, a bathing room, a washing room, a barber room, a rehabilitation training room, an assistive device rental area, a psychological counseling room, etc., based on the needs of the elderly around the elderly and children who cannot take care of them wholeheartedly, Xingxingjia has launched a 24-hour short-term care and respite service.

When building a 100-year-old happy home, it is required to combine the construction of future communities and villages in the whole region, coordinate community pension, medical care, culture and other service resources, investigate the structure of the elderly group and the needs of the elderly in the jurisdiction, and "tailor-made" according to the actual situation, so that the embedded home care service of "leaving home and not leaving the community" is truly "embedded" in the hearts of the elderly.

The customized version of the "Happy Home" is distributed in the large and small towns and villages in Yuhang District: for example, the 100-year-old happy home of health and wellness sojourn set up relying on tourism resources such as Jingshan Flower Sea; Relying on cultural resources such as Xianlinbu Old Street to create a humanistic leisure 100-year-old happy home; A 100-year-old happy home built on digital resources; Relying on medical, childcare and other resources to set up a functional compound 100-year-old happy home.

Up to now, there are 165 centenarian happy homes in Yuhang District, including 12 at the town and street level and 153 at the village community level. The District Civil Affairs Bureau is focusing on 'building mechanisms, making up for shortcomings, expanding supply, strengthening quality, maintaining the bottom line, and ensuring the basics' in the way of policy co-ordination, digital promotion, and pilot first, so as to accelerate the construction of a fair and accessible 'comfortable pension' service system for everyone. Li Bin, head of the Social Welfare and Pension Service Section of the Yuhang District Civil Affairs Bureau, said.

Enjoy the "Yuhang model" of intelligent food and light, comfortable pension

Qianzhuang Village, Luniao Town, is located between the mountains, and the mountains and forests in the distance are even more verdant after the rain. At the foot of the mountain, in the Cormorant Hill Farm, there is the sound of birdsong and chatting.

101 years old, 95 years old, 89 years old...... The old people who live in Yuhang's 100-year-old happy home

"It's much easier to eat now, and the food tastes good." Near noon, 63-year-old Wang Sujuan rode a motorcycle to the elderly meal center in Luniao Mountain Farm on time for lunch. She used to have a 20-minute drive to get to the food center, but now she can get there in about 5 minutes.

A month ago, the Cormorant Hill Farm Elderly Meal Assistance Center was put into trial operation, and the delicious meals attracted the elderly in the surrounding area. You Shiping, the owner of the farm, said: "At the beginning, seven or eight old people came, and now twenty or thirty old people have come to eat. ”

Yuhang District has a high proportion of the elderly population in rural areas, and their residences are relatively scattered, and the base of special elderly groups such as lonely widows, living alone, empty nesters, and the elderly is relatively large, and the demand for meal assistance services is more urgent.

"In order to effectively solve the problem of difficulty for the elderly in rural areas to enjoy meal assistance services, Yuhang District has explored and formed a meal assistance model based on 'meal distribution center + elderly canteen + meal assistance service point', supplemented by 'food delivery to households', and at the same time integrates various resources such as farmhouses, wedding banquet centers, canteens of enterprises and institutions, etc., to provide dining services for the surrounding elderly." Li Bin said that 17 meal assistance institutions, such as the centralized meal distribution center in Luniao Town and Jingshan Town, combined with rich farmhouse resources, set up meal assistance points to ensure that the elderly can enjoy meal assistance services nearby, and protect the "happy taste" on the tip of the tongue.

101 years old, 95 years old, 89 years old...... The old people who live in Yuhang's 100-year-old happy home
101 years old, 95 years old, 89 years old...... The old people who live in Yuhang's 100-year-old happy home

There are differences in the meal assistance methods, policies, and settlement systems of each town and street, and the "meal card" in the hands of the elderly will fail when they leave the town street? With the empowerment of digitalization, cross-domain problems have been solved.

As a pilot area for the reform of the province's pension meal service, Yuhang District relies on the "comfortable pension" smart meal assistance system, innovates the way of "providing policies at the place of household registration and providing services at the place of residence", and takes the lead in realizing the "Yuhang model" of the elderly across towns and streets and systems in the whole province, with an average of more than 13,000 people per day.

Relying on smart applications, Yuhang District will also launch smart scenarios such as comfortable travel, comfortable shopping, comfortable place reservations, and comfortable cloud classrooms, create an "emergency + care" service circle, establish a 24-hour call center, and provide real-time services such as smart travel + escort, medicine delivery, and visit and care, and gradually form a new path of digital intelligence care with "online quick response, offline support, and zero distance service".

Let the elderly "enjoy the old age" at the door of their homes, and Yuhang is steadily moving towards a happy and recuperating city with more warmth and feelings.

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