
Tao Te Ching: After reading chapter 55, learn something from babies to make your career more successful and your life happier

author:Zhu Zhu believes in love

Hello! I am a working girl Zhuzhu, and I have a dream of using words to warm and inspire the weak heart, and I look forward to your "attention" and reward [heart]

Tao Te Ching: After reading chapter 55, learn something from babies to make your career more successful and your life happier
Tao Te Ching: After reading chapter 55, learn something from babies to make your career more successful and your life happier

Chapter 55 · Contains the thickness of virtue

[ Original ]

The thickness of virtue is better than that of a child.

Bees and snakes do not sting, and birds and beasts do not fight.

The bones are weak and the tendons are soft and firm.

The combination of unknown oysters is made of the finest.

All day long, and it is also.

And said often, known often said Ming.

Yisheng said auspicious.

The heart makes the spirit strong.

If things are strong, they are old, and they are not moral, and they are not moral.


A person with strong moral cultivation is like a newborn baby. Poisonous insects do not sting him, beasts of prey do not hurt him, and fierce birds do not fight him. His muscles were weak, but his fists were firm. Although he did not know about the intercourse of men and women, his little genitals were raised because of the abundance of energy. He cries all day long, but his voice is not hoarse, because of his pure temperament. Those who know the truth of harmony are called "Chang", and those who know "Chang" are called "Ming". Greed and indulgence will suffer, and lust will make the essence of the Lord called recklessness. If things are too strong, they will grow old, which is called not conforming to the "Tao", and if they do not follow the common way, they will die quickly.

Tao Te Ching: After reading chapter 55, learn something from babies to make your career more successful and your life happier

[ Zhuzhu Perception ]

In the current environment, I feel more and more stressed.

Especially in the face of possible existential crises, the anxiety of insomnia and the restless state of mind are the worries of many low-level workers like Zhuzhu.

Fortunately, reading the Tao Te Ching gave me a little inspiration and some reassurance in my thoughts.

Tao Te Ching: After reading chapter 55, learn something from babies to make your career more successful and your life happier

People should learn about the state of infancy, there is not so much consciousness and their own desires, you can reduce a lot of fear, worry, irritability and even hostility and other emotions, everything around you will become beautiful, be friendly to everything, and be liked by everyone.

There is no hostility and no fear.

Once you don't have a strong sense of self, you won't always be swayed by the external environment, and you will have fear, nervousness, and other emotions because of the external environment. A broad-minded and kind person will inevitably have a different pattern of life.

In reality, contrary to babies, adults tend to scatter their energy infinitely in endless thoughts and emotions, sometimes happy about what they have, and sometimes sad about what they have lost; Sometimes I envy others, and sometimes I secretly rejoice; Sometimes I'm angry about something, and sometimes I'm worried about what might happen in the future.

Because of this, we adults always feel that we are in a state of mental exhaustion, and even many of us are in a medical sub-health state.

Babies won't. Babies inspire us to learn to make the complex simple and the complex world simple.

The specific approach is to let go of disturbing thoughts and emotions, learn to look down on everything in life, and not take things as happy or sad as yourself. In this way, we will have no worries, we will have a more vigorous and focused spirit to do things, and at the same time, we will have a calmer mood and state of mind.

Naturally, our careers will be more successful and our lives will be happier.

Tao Te Ching: After reading chapter 55, learn something from babies to make your career more successful and your life happier

Author: @珠珠相信爱

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Tao Te Ching: After reading chapter 55, learn something from babies to make your career more successful and your life happier

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About the Author

Liu Zhuzhu, a young creator, dreams of becoming a poet and writer, has published more than 1,700 headline works, with more than 5 million reads on the whole network, and has published works "How to Get the Love of Your Life", "Write a Poem", "Longing for Marriage" in the collection "You Make a Question, I Create", "Zhuzhu Original Short Story Collection", "Reading the Tao Te Ching" and so on. Follow me, with you the collision of thoughts and thoughts, the soul affects the soul, and there may have been a you in my writings.

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