
Beauty Cheats: 5 Steps to Get Your Face Back to Baby!

author:Rabbit Princess Nutrition
Beauty Cheats: 5 Steps to Get Your Face Back to Baby!

In this era of looking at faces, having a healthy and ruddy face is undoubtedly the best business card. However, the fast-paced life in the city, staying up late overtime, and eating irregularly often make our skin light up red. Don't worry, it's only a month away from our exclusive guide to giving your face a new lease of life and its former glory!

1️⃣ Less sweetness, more beauty

Do you know? Those desserts and milk tea that you can't put down are actually the enemies of your skin! Too much sugar will not only weaken collagen's ability to repair, but also lead to excessive oil production, triggering a breakout crisis. So, from today onwards, say goodbye to your sweet tooth and welcome clear and flawless skin!

Beauty Cheats: 5 Steps to Get Your Face Back to Baby!

2️⃣ Goodbye to moisture, beauty is always there

If you want your face to be delicate and smooth, you first have to drive away the moisture in your body. Exercising, soaking your feet, and steaming are all good ways to get rid of dampness. Of course, a bowl of warm red bean and barley porridge not only warms the stomach, but also beautifies the face. Stick to it, and you'll find that the little blemishes on your face are gone.

Beauty Cheats: 5 Steps to Get Your Face Back to Baby!

3️⃣ Nourishing the liver is nourishing the skin

Yellowing the complexion and frequent acne? It could be that the liver is sending you an SOS signal. Get enough sleep, stay away from alcohol, and eat more liver-friendly foods, such as black sesame seeds, dried mulberries, black goji berries, etc. Nourish your liver and glow naturally!

4️No way?

Many people don't know that certain ingredients in milk can exacerbate breakouts. Cut out milk, cut down on sugar, and instead eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, green tea and probiotics, so that your skin can say goodbye to inflammation and restore smoothness.

Beauty Cheats: 5 Steps to Get Your Face Back to Baby!

5️⃣ Good spleen and stomach, good complexion

According to traditional Chinese medicine, "the spleen is the main muscle", the spleen and stomach are healthy, and the skin is naturally firm and elastic. Choose easy-to-digest staple foods, keep your diet light, and avoid cold, spicy, so that your spleen and stomach can be nourished, and your complexion will be naturally rosy.

Through the above five steps, I believe you have mastered the secret to improving your complexion quickly. Remember, beauty doesn't happen overnight, it takes a lot of effort. From now on, let your face become the most beautiful landscape, no matter when and where, you can confidently bloom with charming brilliance!

Beauty Cheats: 5 Steps to Get Your Face Back to Baby!

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