
Several doctors appealed: It's hot, it's better to lie at home in the morning, and don't go out to do 3 exercises

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Your relative has to recuperate, the weather has been around lately, and it's really not a good thing to toss."

This was one night, Zhang Wei was lying on the sofa watching TV, and suddenly received a phone call and heard the doctor's first words.

On the other end of the phone, his mother hurriedly told him that his aunt had suddenly fallen ill and had been sent to the hospital.

Zhang Wei hung up the phone and immediately called a taxi to rush to the hospital, full of worry.

Along the way, he began to reflect on his health. Some time ago, he just started running for fitness, but when it came to summer, this passion was consumed by the hot weather.

When he arrived at the hospital, he saw his aunt and saw her pale face and his heart was heavy.

Several doctors appealed: It's hot, it's better to lie at home in the morning, and don't go out to do 3 exercises

The doctor told him that his aunt had fainted suddenly because of heat stroke and weakness. This scene made Zhang Wei realize that health problems could not be ignored, and he decided to go for a comprehensive physical examination early the next morning.

The next day, Zhang Wei got up early and rushed to the physical examination center. After a series of tests, the doctor looked at the report, shook his head and said, "Young man, your blood pressure is a little high, have you been exercising too much lately?" ”

Zhang Wei recalled that he did go out for a run every morning recently, but the weather was getting hotter and hotter, and he felt more and more unbearable.

The doctor continued: "It's a hot day, so you have to be careful with exercise, especially in the morning. Many people think that the air in the morning is good and suitable for exercise, but in fact, the temperature in the morning in summer is not low, and the air quality is not ideal due to the heat dissipation in the city at night. ”

Zhang Wei was shocked when he heard it, isn't he talking about himself? He suddenly remembered that a few days ago, a friend told him that running in the morning had the best effect on weight loss, so he got up at 6 o'clock in the morning every morning and ran when he went out, but every time he finished running, he felt tired.

The doctor went on to explain: "Exercising in the morning may seem healthy, but in the summer, it is likely to backfire. This is especially true for those who are physically weak or have chronic diseases. ”

Several doctors appealed: It's hot, it's better to lie at home in the morning, and don't go out to do 3 exercises

After listening to the doctor's words, Zhang Wei felt that his previous efforts seemed to be in vain, but it also brought hidden health risks to himself. He decided to take a good look at why exercising in the morning in the summer isn't a good idea.

The doctor turned on the computer and showed Zhang Wei some research data: "There are data showing that the temperature in the morning in summer is much higher than in other seasons, and the humidity is also higher.

When people exercise in a high temperature and humidity environment, their body temperature will rise rapidly and they are prone to heat stroke. And the air quality in the morning is not as good as everyone thinks, and the quiet wind conditions at night will allow pollutants to be deposited, and the concentration of particulate matter in the air in the morning is high, and inhaling these pollutants is not beneficial to the body. ”

Next, the doctor recounted a few typical cases. "Not long ago, there was a middle-aged man who found that his blood pressure was high during a physical examination, and he often felt chest tightness.

He got up at half past five every morning to run, and for several months, he did not lose weight, but often became dizzy. Later we advised him to switch to evening or evening exercise, and his symptoms quickly eased. ”

Zhang Wei listened convincingly, and felt that he was really "ambitious but not wise" before, and he messed around without scientific basis. He couldn't help but ask, "What is the best time to exercise?" ”

Several doctors appealed: It's hot, it's better to lie at home in the morning, and don't go out to do 3 exercises

The doctor smiled and said, "Actually, it is a good choice to exercise in the evening or at night." In the summer evening, the sun has already set, the temperature gradually decreases, and the air circulation is much better than in the morning.

In addition, moderate exercise after dinner can also promote digestion and help with sleep. Of course, the most important thing is to arrange your exercise according to your physical condition and weather conditions, and avoid blindly following trends. ”

Zhang Wei nodded, and decided that from now on, he would no longer blindly pursue "early birds have worms", but should adjust his schedule and exercise plan according to the actual situation.

As soon as he got home, he turned on his computer and started looking up more information about exercise and health. A few days later, he returned to the hospital and talked to doctors about his recent research.

The doctor smiled with satisfaction: "Young man, health is a system project, and it cannot be solved overnight. As long as you arrange your life and exercise scientifically and reasonably, you will definitely be able to stay healthy. ”

In this way, Zhang Wei's life began to gradually become regular. He goes out for a walk or run between 6 and 7 p.m. every evening, trying to avoid exercising in the scorching sun.

Several doctors appealed: It's hot, it's better to lie at home in the morning, and don't go out to do 3 exercises

At the same time, he also pays more attention to his diet, reduces the intake of greasy and high-salt foods, and maintains a good attitude. A few months later, he went for a physical examination, his blood pressure returned to normal, and he felt much more relaxed.

However, the article doesn't end here. Zhang Wei has a question that has always plagued him: why do some people get up early every day to exercise, but their health is still unhealthy? He decided to ask his doctor about this question and discuss it in detail.

"Actually, exercise is not just a matter of time, but also a balance between the amount and intensity of exercise," the doctor explains.

Some people pursue the amount of exercise too much and ignore the body's ability to bear it, which is counterproductive. Especially in hot weather, excessive exercise can easily lead to a series of health problems, such as heart disease and high blood pressure. ”

He went on to add: "Another key factor is sleep. Many people reduce their sleep time in order to get up early to exercise, and in the long run, the damage to the body is great.

Good sleep quality is the foundation of good health, and without adequate rest, no amount of exercise can make up for the loss of the body. ”

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Zhang Wei suddenly realized. He realized that health is not only about exercising more, but also about arranging life scientifically and rationally to ensure adequate rest and nutrition.

Several doctors appealed: It's hot, it's better to lie at home in the morning, and don't go out to do 3 exercises

So, he began to adjust his routine to make sure he got enough sleep every day. At the same time, he learned to adjust his exercise plan according to the weather conditions and no longer blindly pursue the habit of "waking up early".

In the following days, Zhang Wei found that his body was getting healthier and his mental state was getting better and better. His friends saw the changes in him and asked him for tips on his health.

Zhang Wei always said with a smile: "Health is a science, you can't blindly follow the trend, you must make a reasonable plan according to your own physical condition and actual situation." ”

Everyone's physical condition is different, and the appropriate time and method of exercise will also vary from person to person. The key is to find what works for you and maintain good lifestyle habits to truly have a healthy body.

So, here comes the question: in daily life, how to arrange exercise and rest scientifically and reasonably in order to achieve the best state of health? The answer is actually not complicated, first of all, you should choose the appropriate exercise method and time according to your physical condition, and do not blindly follow the trend.

Secondly, ensure adequate sleep and good eating habits, and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude. The most important thing is to learn to listen to your body and adjust your lifestyle in time to truly achieve your health goals.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Wang Weiwei. Correlation between blood pressure, blood pressure variability and cognitive function in elderly patients with hypertension and lacunar cerebral infarction, Journal of Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, 2024-06-25

Several doctors appealed: It's hot, it's better to lie at home in the morning, and don't go out to do 3 exercises

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